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Kan relationer fördjupas genom bemötandeträning? En utvärdering av en helgkurs i autentiskt relaterande

Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilken påverkan en helgkurs i autentiskt relaterande hade på kvaliteten i deltagarnas relationer. Relationskvalitet mättes i två kontexter: Mellan kursdeltagarna respektive i deras befintliga relationer utanför kurskontexten. Syftet var att undersöka om kursen påverkade relationskvaliteten mellan deltagarna och om deltagarna kunde dra nytta av nya färdigheter fThe purpose of this study was to investigate the impact a weekend course in authentic relating had on different aspects of the quality of the participants' relationships. The relationship quality was measured in two contexts: Between the course participants and in their existing relationships outside the course context. The aim was to investigate whether the course affected the quality of rela

Transferring cleaner production to Eastern Europe: experiences from Cleaner Production Training Programme in Roslavl, Russia, 1998

Environmental issues still have low priority within industries and universities in countries from the former Soviet Union. There is a weak link between academic R&D and industrial application, which leads to innovative retardation and economic backwardness. A short course conducted by IIIEE in Russia introduced Cleaner Production (CP) to both audiences and helped to gain some valuable insight

An environmental justice perspective on ecosystem services

Mainstreaming of ecosystem service approaches has been proposed as one path toward sustainable development. Meanwhile, critics of ecosystem services question if the approach can account for the multiple values of ecosystems to diverse groups of people, or for aspects of inter- and intra-generational justice. In particular, an ecosystem service approach often overlooks power dimensions and capabili

Odesa in Diachronic and Synchronic Studies of Urban Linguistic Landscapes of Ukraine Conducted between 2015 and 2019

Diachronic and synchronic studies of linguistic landscapes of central streets and markets were conducted in five cities in Ukraine with different language use preferences in 2015 and 2017–19. The relationship between a monolingual state language policy and the reality of language use in public spaces was investigated. This study focuses on the dynamics of the linguistic landscape of Odesa, a Russi

Kan yrkesfisket locka turister? En analys av hamnarna i Skillinge och Träslövsläge.

Den svenska fiskeflottan har krympt under lång tid och idag har mångafiskelägen endast ett fåtal fiskefartyg kvar. Även om yrkesfisket är enliten näring kan förlusten av fisket innebära att viktiga värden för lokalsamhället går förlorade. Ett sådant är att fisket lockar turister till hamnen. I den här rapporten analyseras fiskets betydelse för turismen isvenska fiskesamhällen. Detta görs genom två

Introduction to Biostatistics

Knowledge in statistics is essential to draw solid conclusions from data. This chapter covers the basic concepts needed to navigate in the world of biostatistics, with the aim that the reader should know what to search for when encountering new situations. First, the chapter introduces basic concepts such as scales of measurement, relation between sample and population, and features of stochastic

Principles of Radiological Protection in Healthcare

The use of ionizing radiation and radioactive substances for diagnostic, interventional and therapeutic procedures in health care provides benefits to millions of people each year. Since ionizing radiation also has harmful effects, a radiation protection approach is needed. The International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) has formulated the primary aim of radiation protection in gene

Notes on Hlog : structural properties, dyadic variants, and bilinear H1-BMO mappings

This article is devoted to a study of the Hardy space Hlog(Rd) introduced by Bonami, Grellier, and Ky. We present an alternative approach to their result relating the product of a function in the real Hardy space H1 and a function in BMO to distributions that belong to Hlog based on dyadic paraproducts. We also point out analogues of classical results of Hardy-Littlewood, Zygmund, and Stein for Hl

Acute unilateral vestibulopathy/vestibular neuritis : Diagnostic criteria

This paper describes the diagnostic criteria for Acute Unilateral Vestibulopathy (AUVP), a synonym for vestibular neuritis, as defined by the Committee for the Classification of Vestibular Disorders of the Bárány Society. AUVP manifests as an acute vestibular syndrome due to an acute unilateral loss of peripheral vestibular function without evidence for acute central or acute audiological symptoms

Search for events with a pair of displaced vertices from long-lived neutral particles decaying into hadronic jets in the ATLAS muon spectrometer in pp collisions at s =13 TeV

A search for events with two displaced vertices from long-lived particle (LLP) pairs using data collected by the ATLAS detector at the LHC is presented. This analysis uses 139 fb-1 of proton-proton collision data at s=13 TeV recorded in 2015-2018. The search employs techniques for reconstructing vertices of LLPs decaying to jets in the muon spectrometer displaced between 3 and 14 m with respect to

A five-year follow-up of ABCA4 carriers showing deterioration of retinal function and increased structural changes

Purpose: To investigate whether the reduced retinal function and morphological retinal changes previously demonstrated in ABCA4 carriers had remained stationary or had deteriorated over time at 5-year follow-up to further explore if carriers of an autosomal recessive trait also express a weak phenotype, although this is not expected for an autosomal recessive disorder. Methods: Thirteen ABCA4 carr

Confounding factors of Alzheimer's disease plasma biomarkers and their impact on clinical performance

Introduction: Plasma biomarkers will likely revolutionize the diagnostic work-up of Alzheimer's disease (AD) globally. Before widespread use, we need to determine if confounding factors affect the levels of these biomarkers, and their clinical utility. Methods: Participants with plasma and CSF biomarkers, creatinine, body mass index (BMI), and medical history data were included (BioFINDER-1: n = 7

Production Strategies of Vocal Attitudes

Humans have an impressive ability to communicate precise social intentions and desires with their voice - through vocal attitudes. Previous studies have shown how isolated acoustic features such as pitch can convey social attitudes, but have mostly worked with single attitudes and have not controlled for inter-speaker variability. Thus, the vocal behaviours used to produce social attitudes remain

Measurements of jet observables sensitive to b -quark fragmentation in t t ¯ events at the LHC with the ATLAS detector

Several observables sensitive to the fragmentation of b quarks into b hadrons are measured using 36 fb-1 of s=13 TeV proton-proton collision data collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. Jets containing b hadrons are obtained from a sample of dileptonic tt¯ events, and the associated set of charged-particle tracks is separated into those from the primary pp interaction vertex and those from t

Fluorescence-free quantitative measurements of nitric oxide and major species in an ammonia/air flame with Raman spectroscopy

Raman spectroscopy is a powerful technique that allows for simultaneous measurements of multiple species; however, it suffers from low signal intensity and, in diagnostics of ammonia (NH3) combustion, strong flame fluorescence. The current work re-introduces a multipass setup to perform enhanced quantitative Raman spectroscopy measurements of major species and nitric oxide (NO) in a premixed lamin

Airbnb and the sharing economy

A large share of growth in the sharing or platform economy is driven by peer-to-peer (P2P) accommodation providers such as Airbnb. The literature argues for both positive and negative socio-cultural, economic and environmental impacts emanating from the tourism and hospitality businesses and value chains that are dependent on AirBnB and other online platforms. These impacts are felt in terms of co