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The common range of co-analytic Toeplitz operators on the Drury-Arveson space

We characterize the common range of the adjoints of cyclic multiplication operators on the Drury-Arveson space. We show that a function belongs to this common range if and only if its Taylor coefficients satisfy a simple decay condition. To achieve this, we introduce the uniform Smirnov class on the ball and determine its dual space. We show that the dual space of the uniform Smirnov class equals

Who provides the conditions for human life? : Sanctuary movements in Sweden as both contesting and working with state agencies

This article analyses sanctuary initiatives intended to change the situation of ‘irregularised residents’. Through fieldwork, three main activities are identified: assistance for welfare services, alternatives to inaccessible services, and inventing new ways of organising togetherness in the city. The role of activists in the initiatives links to discussions within Critical Human Rights literature


Mangroves provide numerous environmental benefits, such as carbon sequestration, water purification, climate change mitigation, and flood and Tsunami impact reduction. Despite these unique advantages, mangroves are threatened by the combined adverse impacts of human activities and climate change. Therefore, it is essential to implement reasonable practices to avoid further degradation of mangroves

Early assessment of the vibroacoustic performance of large lightweight buildings

As part of the green transition, a current trend in the construction sector is to utilize more wood and lightweight composites, aiming at a reduction of the embodied energy in buildings. At the same time, with a focus on circularity and reuse, large-span structures are preferable, since they provide more flexibility for future uses of the building. The mix of large spans and lightweight structures

The Mantis network : A standard grid of templates and masks for cross-correlation analyses of ultra-hot Jupiter transmission spectra

The atmospheres of ultra-hot Jupiters are highly interesting and unique chemical laboratories. Due to the very high atmospheric temperatures, their chemical composition is dominated by atoms and ions instead of molecules, and the formation of aerosols on their day-sides is unlikely. Thus, for these planets detailed chemical characterisations via the direct detection of elements through high-resolu

A Methodology for Monitoring Rail Punctuality Improvements

Punctuality is an important aspect of train operations, highly valued by passengers. Both Swedish and Norwegian railways have introduced frameworks to systematically improve punctuality in their systems, inspired by an extensive literature on Total Quality Management. After about a decade with these frameworks, we can see that punctuality has risen by about 2-3 percentage points. However, this pac

Kommunikation i samband med sanering efter radioaktivt nedfall

Denna vägledning har som syfte att bidra till vägledning kring kommunikation i samband med sanering efter kärnteknisk olycka med nedfall. Fokus är inriktat på kommunikation med allmänheten. Vägledningen består av resonemang, principer att beakta, frågor att reflektera över och några konkreta råd.

The Swedish medical birth register during five decades : documentation of the content and quality of the register

Pregnancy-related factors are important for short- and long-term health in mothers and offspring. The nationwide population-based Swedish Medical Birth Register (MBR) was established in 1973. The present study describes the content and quality of the MBR, using original MBR data, Swedish-language and international publications based on the MBR. The MBR includes around 98% of all births in Sweden.

Digital Transformation of the Automotive Industry : An Integrating Framework to Analyse Technological Novelty and Breadth

Research demonstrates that digital technologies stimulate industrial transformation by enabling new interdependencies with firms outside and across firm and industry boundaries. However, we know little about the degree of novelty and breadth of digital technologies that have the potential to transform industries. Understanding the degree of novelty (spanning from radical to incremental) and breadt

Healing below the ankle is possible in patients with diabetes mellitus and a forefoot gangrene

BACKGROUND: Forefoot gangrene in patients with diabetes is a severe form of foot ulcers with risk of progress and major amputation. No large cohort studies have examined clinical characteristics and outcome of forefoot gangrene in patients with diabetes. The aim was to examine clinical characteristics and outcome of forefoot gangrene in patients with diabetes admitted to a diabetic foot centre.MET

Shear bond and compressive strength of clay stabilised with lime/cement jet grouting and deep mixing : A case of Norvik, Nynäshamn

The strength of soil can significantly increase by stabilisation with binders. Adding binders in correct proportions to improve soil parameters is of paramount importance for earthworks. In this article, we presented a framework to explore strength characteristics of soil stabilised by several binders and evaluated using applied geophysical methods by estimated P-wave velocities. The core of our w

A Social Sciences and Humanities research agenda for transport and mobility in Europe : key themes and 100 research questions

Transport and mobility systems need to be transformed to meet climate change goals and reduce negative environmental and social effects. Despite EU policies having targeted such problems for more than three decades, transitions have been slow and geographically uneven. For effective change to happen, transport and mobility research needs fresh perspectives and better integration of knowledge from

Leaching of Heavy Metals from Contaminated Soil Stabilised by Portland Cement and Slag Bremen

Leaching behaviour is an important evidence of soil quality. The assessment of leaching of heavy metals from the contaminated soil is vital for environmental applications. However, leaching may differ in soil stabilised by various ratios of binders. In this study we measured leaching behaviour of soil contaminated by As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, V, Zn, methyl Hg, aliphatic compounds of hydrocar

Design of an Application-specific VLIW Vector Processor for ORB Feature Extraction

In computer-vision feature extraction algorithms, compressing the image into a sparse set of trackable keypoints, empowers navigation-critical systems such as Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) in autonomous robots, and also other applications such as augmented reality and 3D reconstruction. Most of those applications are performed in battery-powered gadgets featuring in common a very st

Initial symptoms and three months follow-up after acute COVID-19 in outpatients : An international prospective cohort study

Background: Most studies on long-term follow-up of patients with COVID-19 focused on hospitalised patients. No prospective study with structured follow-up has been performed in non-hospitalised patients with COVID-19. Objectives: To assess long-COVID and post-COVID (WHO definition: symptomatic at least 12 weeks), describe lingering symptoms, their impact on daily activities, and general practice v

”Kan du inte ta ett skämt?” Sydost- och ostasiaters erfarenheter av rasism, stereotyper och exotism i det svenska samhället

Denna uppsats ämnar representera och utforska de erfarenheterna ost -och sydostasiater haft när de vuxit upp och levt i Sverige. Mot bakgrund av att det finns en brist av representation samt forskning av den diskriminering denna folkgrupp upplever i Sverige, är uppsatsens huvudsakliga syfte att fylla det gapet i det mån det är möjligt. Diverse teorier som undersöker diskriminering på olika sätt ha

Customizable 3D printed perfusion bioreactor for the engineering of stem cell microenvironments

Faithful modeling of tissues and organs requires the development of systems reflecting their dynamic 3D cellular architecture and organization. Current technologies suffer from a lack of design flexibility and complex prototyping, preventing their broad adoption by the scientific community. To make 3D cell culture more available and adaptable we here describe the use of the fused deposition modeli