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Regeringsformen och förvaltningen - styrning och rättslig reglering

Artikeln utgör en presentation av forskningsprojektet Regeringsformen och förvaltningen – styrning och rättslig reglering, för vilket Vetenskapsrådet har beviljat medel. Projektet syftar till att undersöka styrningen av den svenska förvaltningen ur ett rättsligt perspektiv. Huvudfokus är styrningen och den rättsliga regleringen idag, men för att förstå den, studeras den ur ett utvecklingsperspekti

Collaboration between relatives of elderly patients and nurses and its relation to satisfaction with the hospital care trajectory.

BACKGROUND: Relatives are often involved in the care of frail elderly patients prior to admission and are thus important collaborative partners for nurses. They hold valuable knowledge, which may improve care planning for the benefit of the patient and the hospital care trajectory. Satisfaction among relatives may be an indicator of this. Aim: To investigate collaboration between relatives and nur

On some Nonlinear Aspects of Wave Motion

In the first part of this thesis we consider the governing equations for capillary water waves given by the Euler equations with a free surface under the influence of surface tension over a flat bottom. We look for two-dimensional steady periodic waves. The problem is first transformed to a nonlinear elliptic equation in a rectangle. Using bifurcation and degree theory we then prove the existence

Impact of Human Papillomavirus (HPV)-6/11/16/18 Vaccine on All HPV-Associated Genital Diseases in Young Women.

Background The impact of the prophylactic vaccine against human papillomavirus (HPV) types 6, 11, 16, and 18 (HPV6/11/16/18) on all HPV-associated genital disease was investigated in a population that approximates sexually naive women in that they were "negative to 14 HPV types" and in a mixed population of HPV-exposed and -unexposed women (intention-to-treat group). Methods This analysis studied

Objectively measured daily physical activity related to cardiac size in young children.

Training studies in children have suggested that endurance training can give enlargement of cardiac dimensions. This relationship has not been studied on a population-based level in young children with objective methods. A cross-sectional study was made of 248 children (140 boys and 108 girls), aged 8-11 years, from a population-based cohort. Left ventricular end-diastolic diameter (LVDD) and left

A Profession in Change : A Development Ecology Perspective

Popular Abstract in French Un Etat-providence se compose d’une variété d’organisations clientes dans lequel, parmi d’autres professions, les universitaires et les travailleurs sociaux sont actifs. Le travail social comme une profession s’est développé dans un contexte de bien-être où les changements à différents niveaux de l’individu, de l’organisation et la société pose de nouveaux défis pour la A welfare state consists of a variety of client organisations withinwhich, among other professions, academics and social workers areactive. Social work as a profession has developed in a welfare contextwhere changes at the different levels of the individual, organisationand society constantly pose new challenges to the profession.When a society undergoes a total transformation, this also affectshi