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Abstract in German Die Verdichtung internationalen und häufig auch interkulturellen Kontaktes und Austausches in ganz unterschiedlichen Bereichen menschlicher Tätigkeit haben eine Welt geschaffen, in welcher der Zugang zu anderen, alternativen Wissensdomänen leichter denn je erscheint. Vor allem die Wissenschaft wird im allgemeinen als die Gewinnerin dieser globalen Vernetzung angesehen. Gleichzei

A Model for the Analysis of Sick Leave in Sweden

This paper addresses the question of how to model individual behavior in the face of changes in the set of rules that govern the social welfare system in Sweden. To this end, the Swedish sickness insurance provides an excellent study object, since the system has often been changed during the past decade. The question of employee compensation for sick leave is one the more widely discussed aspects

Bound to be Modern : Cloth Bindings and Literature as Thing

Paper presented at the seminar "Reading Things" at CRAASH, Cambridge University. With industrialization in the 19th century, book culture went through a number of changes. Like many other goods, literature began to be sold in retail packages – readymade bookbindings that conveyed the character of the literary content of the book. Objects such as packages and bookbindings took on an increasingly im

The multicultural turn

Teaching history in multicultural societies – Case study Malmo (Sweden) German Minister of Education and Research, Annette Schavan recently presented a proposal concerning a common European History Book. According to Deutsche Welle she underlined that “education is essential for shaping identity and for social cohesion in Europe”. Therefore it is possible to conclude that the content of history a

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Abstract in German Die Untersuchungen von mechanisch-biologisch vorbehandelten Restabfällen haben gezeigt, dass im Rahmen einer 9 wöchigen Rotte im Containersystem die organikreiche Fraktion stabilisiert - und das Emissionspotentials um ca. 95 % verringert werden kann. Darüber hinaus erfolgt durch biologische Abbau- und Umbauprozesse der Aufbau einer Huminstoffmatrix, die einerseits im Feststoff aThe research study on mechanical-biological pre-treated wastes has shown, that the emission potential can be reduced of appr. 95% while the aerobic treatment in a con-tainer system of a large-scale treatment plant. Humification processes can be detected, Humic substances are build up while the aerobic processes and can be analyzed in the organic matter and in the eluate. The humic substances are p