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Construction law, A comparison between selected topics in AB 04 and in FIDIC - Short Form of Contract and CONS
Irregular Migration and Human Rights: Tajik Irregular Migrant Workers in Russia
This thesis deals with irregular labour migration and human rights and analysis this issue in the case of Tajik irregular migrant workers in Russian Federation. The focus is on the examination of the human rights protection offered to regular and irregular migrant workers at international, national and regional levels. The case of Tajik irregular migrant workers in Russia is examined in order to r
Sri Lanka is a small island in the Indian Ocean with a population of 19.5 million. UN (2005), <&semic>&semic, visited on 13th December 2005. History witnesseth of the Yakka &&semic Naga tribes ('Gothras') and the Nittevo The Nittevo are said to have been a dwarfish race of men who lived in the
Is European Union’s social security model compatible with human rights?
Air Passenger Rights in the European Community
The travel industry has seen an overwhelming growth concerning air passenger numbers in recent decades. In the same period of time the European Community passed a series of legislative measures to provide air passengers with essential rights. In this thesis those different sets of rules accompanied by case law and literature shall be examined. The first step taken was the Package Travel Directive
The Impact of European Immigration Law on the Free Movement of Persons Area
The European Internal Market is one of the major achievements of the European integration, and as stipulated in Article 14 ECT it consist of ''an area without internal frontiers in which the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital is ensured in accordance with the provisions in the treaty''. The free movement of persons is one of the four freedoms guaranteed by the Co
Parallel Trade in Trademarked Pharmaceuticals in Europe, Finding a solution for China
Parallel trade in the pharmaceutical industry is a complicated issue because it has connections with competition law, trade law, and intellectual property law. International exhaustion benefits consumers by promoting price competition. This is an extremely attractive argument. For several years, the parallel trade in pharmaceutical products has been an important issue for the European pharmaceutic
Corporate Board Authority in Takeover Bids: A Comparative Analysis of the EU and US Approaches
Global Merger and Acquisition activity reached record levels in 2006, with the US and EU playing a large role in this activity. This paper examines the duties of a board which is subject to a takeover bid and any defensive moves the board may take to protect its company from acquisition. The US law in this field requires the boards to actively participate in any bid offers and grants these boards
"Private Enforcement of Competition Law from a Corporate Social Responsibility Perspective; Too much of a good thing?"
At the beginning of this century, the EU set itself the ambitious goal of becoming the most competitive, sustainable and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world. In this context, the concept of corporate social responsibility is gradually presenting itself as the hidden key to success. This means that companies should not just aim at financial gain, but should also take up societal and enviro
The effectiveness of non-discrimination and equality protections in Canada and in Europe: combating racism and guaranteeing substantive equality
Proposal for a Directive on criminal measures aimed at ensuring the enforcement of intellectual property rights: efficient instrument or inadequate mechanism?
Due to the development of technology, the value of the IP protected goods increases, and so does the harm done by the infringers. The TRIPS Agreement expressly provides for criminal sanctions for the serious cases of trademark counterfeiting and copyright piracy where the offences are committed willfully and on commercial scale. The TRIPS Agreement also reserves a possibility for introduction of m
Unpatentable Exceptions to the EPC. The rationale and understanding of Article 53(b) - A historical analysis.
This thesis investigates Article 53(b) of the European Patent Convention and has at its core, the reasoning for this Article. It establishes and explains the ideological beginnings of these exceptions to patenting. By focusing primarily on the two landmark cases on the Article, I have tried to draw out where the reasoning for this exclusion has come from and where the exclusion may potentially lea
A quest for opening up borders Do human rights enhance a form of international membership?
This thesis touches upon and considers the relation between a person, state, and access to rights, with international freedom of movement as a vanguard. As movement is inherent in humans and allows us to search for other standards of living it is somehow central in this thesis. In relation to access to rights moving, across borders touches upon several issues, for example what is required of a per