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Your search for "*" yielded 531663 hits

Plant-insect interactions in grassland ecosystems : Assessing consequences of landscape change and environmental stressors

Plant-insect interactions are crucial for sustaining biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in grassland ecosystems. Mutualistic pollination and antagonistic herbivory drive ecological processes such as nutrient cycling, community assembly, and food web stability. However, anthropogenic pressures, including land-use change, agricultural intensification, and environmental stressors like drought and

Successful prevention of organic solvent induced disorders : history and lessons

In this discussion paper, we describe the history of the science and societal action resulting in the mitigation of neurotoxic disorders from exposure to organic solvents at the workplaces in Sweden. When alkyd paints were introduced in large scale in construction painting in the 1960s and 1970s, Scandinavian unions voiced increasing concern as members reported symptoms like headache and vertigo,

Cystektomi för blåscancer – har utfallet förbättrats?

Radical cystectomy (RC) for bladder cancer is a complex procedure with an inherent risk of complications and even postoperative mortality. Historically, RC was performed in 44 hospitals in Sweden, which gradually decreased over time, and since a formal regional centralisation of these operations in 2017, cystectomy care is currently provided by nine hospitals. In the Swedish national urinary bladd

Chemogenetics with PSAM4-GlyR decreases excitability and epileptiform activity in epileptic hippocampus

Despite the availability of new drugs on the clinics in recent years, drug-resistant epilepsy remains an unresolved challenge for healthcare, and one-third of epilepsy patients remain refractory to anti-seizure medications. Gene therapy in experimental models has emerged as effective treatment targeting specific neuronal populations in the epileptogenic focus. When combined with an external chemic

Unveiling of UV intrinsic luminescence in (Lu,Y)2SiO5:Ce3+ single crystals

Intrinsic luminescence in Ce-doped (Lu,Y)2SiO5 (or LYSO:Ce) single crystals have been studied by means of excitation luminescence spectroscopy in the vacuum ultraviolet energy range under synchrotron radiation. A previously unreported luminescence band with emission at 250 nm has been discovered as well as its thermal behavior was described in the temperature range 10–120 K. The excitation spectra

The Association between Untreated and Treated Hearing Loss and Cognitive Performance in Men and Women Aged 60–96 Years : Data from the Swedish “Good Aging in Skåne” Population Study

Background/Objectives: Recent decades have witnessed a sharp increase in research investigating the association between hearing loss and cognitive impairment. Few previous studies have stratified for sex when investigating this issue, where results were inconsistent and require further clarification. Thus, the objective was to investigate the association between self-reported hearing loss and leve

A burden of rare copy number variants in obsessive-compulsive disorder

Current genetic research on obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) supports contributions to risk specifically from common single nucleotide variants (SNVs), along with rare coding SNVs and small insertion-deletions (indels). The contribution to OCD risk from rare copy number variants (CNVs), however, has not been formally assessed at a similar scale. Here we describe an analysis of rare CNVs called

Unveiling the internal structure and formation history of the three planets transiting HIP 29442 (TOI-469) with CHEOPS

Multiplanetary systems spanning the radius valley are ideal testing grounds for exploring the different proposed explanations for the observed bimodality in the radius distribution of close-in exoplanets. One such system is HIP 29442 (TOI-469), an evolved K0V star hosting two super-Earths and one sub-Neptune. We observed HIP 29442 with CHEOPS for a total of 9.6 days, which we modelled jointly with

Survey among experts on the future role of tau-PET in clinical practice and trials

BACKGROUND: Recent advancements in Alzheimer's disease (AD) biomarker research and clinical trials prompt reflection on the value and consequently appropriate use of tau positron emission tomography (tau-PET) in the future. METHODS: We conducted an online survey among dementia and PET experts worldwide to investigate the anticipated future role of tau-PET in clinical practice and trials. RESULTS:

Habitatanalys av förekomster av högnordisk blåvinge, dvärgpärlemorfjäril, fjällsilversmygare och tajgafjällfly inom biogeografisk uppföljning

EU:s art- och habitatdirektiv listar arter och naturtyper som ska bevaras och vars bevarandestatus ska övervakas. Rapporten analyserar förekomsten i Sverige av fyra av de fjärilsarter som omfattas av Naturvårdsverkets Biogeografiska uppföljning. Analysen fokuserar på habitat och miljöparameterar i relation till svenska fynd av högnordisk blåvinge (Agriades aquilo), dvärgpärlemorfjäril (Boloria imp

Breaking Vaccination Barriers among Migrants? Human Rights and Crisis Preparedness

Vaccination hesitancy is one of the critical threats to public health. The coronavirus disease pandemic reconfirmed that certain groups of populations are more reluctant to vaccinate than others, particularly migrants. This article examines legal obligations related to protecting the right to health in addressing vaccination barriers among newly arrived adult migrants, taking Ukrainians granted te

Core Loss Tracking of Stator Core Testing via Inverse Jiles-Atherton Hysteresis Model

This paper presents a novel optimization strategy for fitting the Jiles-Atherton (JA) hysteresis model to experimental stator yoke core loss measurements and locked-rotor IPMSM calculations. The first study aims to identify a single set of JA model parameters that track sample core losses at different magnetization levels at a given frequency: the analytical model is compared with finite element m

Catalytic Redundancies and Conformational Plasticity Drives Selectivity and Promiscuity in Quorum Quenching Lactonases

Several enzymes from the metallo-β-lactamase-like family of lactonases (MLLs) degrade N-acyl L-homoserine lactones (AHLs). They play a role in a microbial communication system known as quorum sensing, which contributes to pathogenicity and biofilm formation. Designing quorum quenching (QQ) enzymes that can interfere with this communication allows them to be used in a range of industrial and biomed

What’s the deal with digitalization? A critique of technosolutionism in higher education policy.

In the face of contemporary challenges such as globalization, climate crisis and a shifting labour market, digital technology is often presented as a solution and enabler for innovation. This is the case also within the area of higher education (HE), as universities are expected to adjust to societal trends framed as the knowledge-intensive economy, increased individualization, life-long learning In the face of contemporary challenges such as globalization, climate crisis and a shifting labour market, digital technology is often presented as a solution and enabler for innovation. This is the case also within the area of higher education (HE), as universities are expected to adjust to societal trends framed as the knowledge-intensive economy, increased individualization, life-long learning

Photo-dynamical characterisation of the TOI-178 resonant chain: Exploring the robustness of transit-timing variations and radial velocity mass characterisations

Context. The TOI-178 system consists of a nearby, late-K-dwarf with six transiting planets in the super-Earth to mini-Neptune regime, with radii ranging from ∼1.1 to 2.9 R⊕ and orbital periods between 1.9 and 20.7 days. All the planets, but the innermost one, form a chain of Laplace resonances. The fine-tuning and fragility of such orbital configurations ensure that no significant scattering or co

Att bygga på åkermark – ett hot mot framtida livsmedelsförsörjning?

Kommuner har bestämmanderätt över planprocesser och det finns idag en diskussion om huruvida det byggs för mycket på värdefull åkermark. Överexploatering av jordbruksmark kan bero på att kommuner saknar tillräckliga incitament att beakta markens värde för en tryggad nationell livsmedelsförsörjning i sina beslutsprocesser. För att införliva detta värde i beslutsprocessen kan dagens skydd i miljöbal