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Differential expression of the inflammatory ciita gene may be accompanied by altered bone properties in intact sex steroid-deficient female rats

Objective: The class II transactivator (CIITA), encoded by the CIITA gene, controls expression of immune response regulators, which affect bone homeostasis. Previously, we investigated a functional CIITA polymorphism in elderly women. Women carrying the allele associated with lower CIITA levels displayed higher bone mineral density (BMD), but also higher bone loss. The present exploratory study in

The Effect of Targeted Temperature Management on the Metabolome Following Out-of-Hospital Cardiac Arrest

Targeted temperature management (TTM) may moderate the injury from out-of-hospital cardiac arrest. Slowing the metabolism has been a suggested effect. Nevertheless, studies have found higher lactate levels in patients cooled to 33°C compared with 36°C even days from TTM cessation. Larger studies have not been performed on the TTM's effect on the metabolome. Accordingly, to explore the effect of TT

Models and software for corrugated board and box design

To design and develop boxes which protect, and at the same time utilize fiber material efficiently, models and software for predicting corrugated board and box properties are needed. The purpose of this research is to provide propositions toward improving the use and development of models and software for corrugated board and box design. By using an abductive approach, 18 models and four software

Results of the first nationwide cohort study of outcomes in dialysis and kidney transplant patients before and after vaccination for COVID-19

Background. Patients on kidney replacement therapy (KRT) have been identified as a vulnerable group during the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. This study reports the outcomes of COVID-19 in KRT patients in Sweden, a country where patients on KRT were prioritized early in the vaccination campaign. Methods. Patients on KRT between January 2019 and December 2021 in the Swedish Renal Reg

Characterisation of functional deficits induced by AAV overexpression of alpha-synuclein in rats

Background: In the last decades different preclinical animal models of Parkinson's disease (PD) have been generated, aiming to mimic the progressive neuronal loss of midbrain dopaminergic (DA) cells as well as motor and non-motor impairment. Among all the available models, AAV-based models of human alpha-synuclein (h-aSYN) overexpression are promising tools for investigation of disease progression

Four-view Geometry with Unknown Radial Distortion

We present novel solutions to previously unsolved prob-lems of relative pose estimation from images whose calibration parameters, namely focal lengths and radial distortion, are unknown. Our approach enables metric reconstruction without modeling these parameters. The minimal case for reconstruction requires 13 points in 4 views for both the calibrated and uncalibrated cameras. We describe and imp

DeepLSD : Line Segment Detection and Refinement with Deep Image Gradients

Line segments are ubiquitous in our human-made world and are increasingly used in vision tasks. They are complementary to feature points thanks to their spatial extent and the structural information they provide. Traditional line detectors based on the image gradient are extremely fast and accurate, but lack robustness in noisy images and challenging conditions. Their learned counterparts are more

Multiconfigurational Pair-Density Functional Theory Is More Complex than You May Think

Multiconfigurational pair-density functional theory (MC-PDFT) is a promising way to describe both strong and dynamic correlations in an inexpensive way. The functionals in MC-PDFT are often “translated” from standard spin density functionals. However, these translated functionals can in principle lead to “translated spin densities” with a nonzero imaginary component. Current developments so far ne

Protein Delivery by Engineering of the Adeno-Associated Virus Serotype 6 Capsid

Virus agerar fartyg till förankrade protein Alla som har fått en förkylning har upplevt hur ett virus har tagit sig in i kroppen. Vi behöver bara befinna oss i närheten av någon som är infekterad, och sedan löser viruset resten av sig själv. Den här förmågan är inte endast användbar för virus, utan kan även utnyttjas som ett redskap för att leverera användbar last såsom något som istället botar

Complete Reduction of Leg Lymphedema after Liposuction : A 5-Year Prospective Study in 67 Patients without Recurrence

Background: Lymphedema leads to adipose tissue deposition that cannot be removed using conservative methods. Previous studies have shown a complete reduction in excess volume in limbs with lymphedema when treated with liposuction and controlled compression therapy (CCT). We present the long-term outcomes of all patients treated with liposuction and CCT for lower extremity lymphedema (LEL) who were

Commercial Potential of Battery Energy Storage Systems to Charge the Electric Vehicle Market

Denna masteruppsats undersöker den snabbt växande europeiska marknaden för laddning av elbilar, med fokus på integrationen av batterienergilagringssystem vid laddningsstationer, särskilt för snabbladdning med likström. Genom intervjuer med branschintressenter och experter, samt en omfattande litteraturgenomgång, identifierar studien en eskalerande efterfrågan på batterisystemlösningar. Denna efterThe surge in electric vehicle (EV) popularity is reshaping the automotive landscape, steering us towards a greener energy future. However, this transformation is not without its hurdles. A significant challenge lies in developing efficient EV charging infrastructure. Faced with limited grid capacity and extended lead times for grid connections, the rapid expansion of this infrastructure demands in

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À la veille de la conférence de révision du Traité de non-prolifération nucléaire (TNP) en avril 2020, la question nucléaire au Moyen-Orient reste un défi à relever. Les discussions qui ont eu lieu lors des réunions préparatoires traduisent des tensions continues concernant la clause adoptée en 1995 qui prévoit l’établissement d’une zone exempte d’armes nucléaires au Moyen-Orient. Cette clause con

Entropy based approach for precipitation monitoring network in Bihar, India

Study region: Bihar State, located in India's eastern region, displays significant spatial and temporal variation in rainfall during the Indian Summer Monsoon period with subsequent flooding problems. Study focus: Recent severe flooding problems highlight the need for improved spatial precipitation monitoring to enable effective flood management and reduce water-related disasters. To address this

Did Algae Eat All the Silica in the World’s Oceans?

Silicon is a crucial nutrient that can join with the element oxygen to form a substance commonly called silica. Silica, commonly known as glass, is found in rocks in the Earth’s crust and dissolves into the oceans, where organisms like algae and sponges use it to build their glassy skeletons. This process, called biosilicification, is extremely important in the silica cycle. Over time, organisms h

The association of copeptin with metabolic risk markers is modified by region of origin

Iraqi born immigrants in Sweden have higher prevalence of metabolic diseases compared to native Swedes. Copeptin, a marker for vasopressin, is associated with increased risk of metabolic disease. In this cross-sectional population study based on the MEDIM cohort we investigated differences in copeptin levels between Iraqi and Swedish born individuals and if the association between copeptin and car

Health and work-related factors as predictors of still being active in working life at age 66 and 72 in a Swedish population : A longitudinal study

BACKGROUND: Health and work environment are known factors in being active in working life beyond legal retirement. OBJECTIVE: To investigate sociodemographic, health and work environment factors as possible predictors of being active in working life at ages 66 and 72. Secondly, investigate eventual changes over time, shortly after a major reform in the Swedish pension system, and predictors of sti