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Dendrokronologisk analys av Norra Mellby kyrka
Deep eutectic solvents—The vital link between ionic liquids and ionic solutions
When selecting a solvent for a given solute, the strongly held idiom “like dissolves like”, meaning that polar solvents are used for polar solutes, is often used. This idea has resulted from the concept that most molecular solvents are homogeneous. In a deep eutectic solvent (DES), however, both components can be ionic or non-ionic, polar or non-polar. By tuning the components, DESs can solubilize
Dendrokronologisk och C14-analys av virke från en stockkista funnen under en arkeologisk utredning längs väg 1064, Linghem, Linköpings kommun
Dendrokronologisk analys av Ryds herrgård, Linköping
Dendrokronologisk analys av Gribshunden vid stora Ekö, Saxemara i Blekinge skärgård
Dendrokronologisk analys av prover från arkeologiska utgrävningar vid Mariankatu 11, Helsingfors & Jokikatu 18, Borgå
Introduction: State-of-the-Art Upcycling Research and Practice
Mass production and consumption based on virgin materials have been the mainstream practice for decades across industrialised nations. Resource consumption has reached an unsustainable level, leading to devastating environmental impacts. For a more sustainable future, not only environmentally but economically and socially, material cycles need to be slowed down and, if possible, closed. Upcycling
Dendrokronologisk analys av ett remstycke i koret på Västra Eds kyrkoruin, Västerviks kommun
Dendrokronologisk analys av "fähus", byggnad 186 på ryttartorpet Linköpings kommun, Östergötland
Transformative Climate Policy Mainstreaming : Engaging the Political and the Personal
Non-technical summary Mainstreaming climate objectives into sectoral work and policies is widely advocated as the way forward for sustainable public-private action. However, current knowledge on effective climate mainstreaming has rarely translated into policy outcomes and radical, transformational change. This 'implementation gap' relates to the limitations of current approaches, which do not ade
Livelihoods matter – A comparative political ecology of forest use on Hispaniola
Forests provide grounds for human well-being through direct material, indirect environmental, and immaterial contributions. Here, we analyze the example of Hispaniola to understand reasons for (un)sustainable forest use. We pursue a dynamic comparative case study of the island's two countries from a political ecology perspective. From the literature, we derive a set of socio-economic hypotheses fo
Dendrokronologisk analys av tre byggnadsobjekt på Karlshamns museum
Dendrokronologisk analys av Vä kyrka
The changing faces of the modern state
This paper describes the changing nature of the English and Swedish states between 1800 and 2020 from the perspective of ordinary citizens. We identify 13 typical life situations and then describe the types of citizens who interacted with the state, the number and types of public officials with whom they interacted, and where those interactions took place. We distinguish among three typical social
Defect-driven antiferromagnetic domain walls in CuMnAs films
Efficient manipulation of antiferromagnetic (AF) domains and domain walls has opened up new avenues of research towards ultrafast, high-density spintronic devices. AF domain structures are known to be sensitive to magnetoelastic effects, but the microscopic interplay of crystalline defects, strain and magnetic ordering remains largely unknown. Here, we reveal, using photoemission electron microsco
Polygenic Resilience Modulates the Penetrance of Parkinson Disease Genetic Risk Factors
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the current study is to understand why some individuals avoid developing Parkinson disease (PD) despite being at relatively high genetic risk, using the largest datasets of individual-level genetic data available.METHODS: We calculated polygenic risk score to identify controls and matched PD cases with the highest burden of genetic risk for PD in the discovery cohort (Interna
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Dendrokronologisk analys av prover från egnahemsvillan på Beckombergavägen 139, Bromma
Dynamics of wilful ignorance in organizations
Contemporary society is obsessed with knowledge, leaving its less seductive counterpart, ignorance, in the shadows. However, as an expanding literature suggests, it is equally important to understand ignorance and consider its varieties. This study specifies the nature of wilful ignorance in organizations. It does so by (a) making a distinction between the will of an actor and the epistemic proper