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Om livet i Pompeji med särskild betoning på kvinnors liv i den romerska stade.

Social‐class segregation in Landskrona

This chapter examines the evolution of social class segregation in the city of Landskrona during the twentieth century. The city’s population was initially spatially mixed with regards to social class but became more segregated with industrialization. The study reveals that the segregation of higher white-collar workers increased drastically from 1940 to 1960, with a concentration of this group in

Will brands without a purpose cease to exist?

Purpose: This paper aims to explore the concept of brand purpose and examine how corporate brands across different industries (B2C versus B2B) communicate and integrate it into their marketing and operational strategies. Design/Methodology: The research was conducted using a qualitative approach through three semi-structured interviews with marketing professionals with experience from four compani

Altered function of arcuate leptin receptor expressing neuropeptide Y neurons depending on energy balance

OBJECTIVE: One of leptin's main targets in the hypothalamus are neuropeptide Y (NPY) neurons, with selective deletion of leptin receptors (Lepr) specifically in Npy neurons resulting in major alterations of energy partitioning between fat and bone mass. However, the specific action of these Npy+/Lepr+ neurons compared to Npy-negative Lepr (Npy-/Lepr+) neurons in regard to energy homeostasis regula

The safety of cell saver washing all shed mediastinal blood before re-transfusing it to the patient

Introduction: Cardiotomy suction blood is used in cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) surgery to maintain blood volume in the CPB system, although it is known to contain micro emboli, cytokines and free plasma hemoglobin. Our aim was to investigate whether cell saver washing the cardiotomy suction blood before re-transfusing it is safe. Methods: This is a retrospective study of 1671 elective coronary art

Radiant Exposures : Facts Run on Light Beams These Days

In the Vault, CvsD is thrilled to present Radiant Exposures—Facts Run on Light Beams These Days, which returns to Italian-born, Berlin-based artist Rosa Barba's longstanding motifs of the desert and exploration of modern archives as manifestation of human desire for progress. The central image of the film is the human-made landscape with large expanses of rectangular panels reflecting the sunlight

In silico identification of Theileria parva surface proteins

East Coast Fever is a devastating African cattle disease caused by the apicomplexan parasite, Theileria parva. Little is known about the cell surface, and few proteins have been identified. Here, we take an in silico approach to identify novel cell surface proteins, and predict the structure of four key proteins.

Femoral Neck Hounsfield Units as an Adjunct for Bone Mineral Density After Combat-Related Lower Extremity Amputation

OBJECTIVES: To correlate femoral neck Hounsfield units (HUs) measured on a computed tomography (CT) scan to dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) T-scores allowing evaluation of bone mineral density (BMD) over time after lower extremity trauma-related amputation.DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study.SETTING: United States military trauma referral center.PATIENTS: Military combat-related lower extre

Sex-Differences in Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Deficiency : Data From the EARCO Registry

Background: Sex and gender influence many aspects of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Limited data are available on this topic in alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD). We therefore aimed to investigate sex issues in the EARCO registry, a prospective, international, observational cohort study. Methods: Baseline data from PiZZ individuals, enrolled in the registry with complete data on

Machine learning for ranking f-wave extraction methods in single-lead ECGs

Introduction: The presence of fibrillatory waves (f-waves) is important in the diagnosis of atrial fibrillation (AF), which has motivated the development of methods for f-wave extraction. We propose a novel approach to benchmarking methods designed for single-lead ECG analysis, building on the hypothesis that better-performing AF classification using features computed from the extracted f-waves im

A language of movements : grammar learning in a serial reaction time test

Implicit sequence learning (ISL) has been studied using a variety of tasks two of which have been particularly influential: the serial reaction time task (SRTT) and the artificial grammar learning (AGL) task, stemming from the motor learning domain and psycholinguistics, respectively. SRTTs measure the difference in response times between a repeatedly presented and random sequences of keyboard pre

Lewy body pathology exacerbates brain hypometabolism and cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease

Identifying concomitant Lewy body (LB) pathology through seed amplification assays (SAA) might enhance the diagnostic and prognostic work-up of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in clinical practice and trials. This study examined whether LB pathology exacerbates AD-related disease progression in 795 cognitively impaired individuals (Mild Cognitive Impairment and dementia) from the longitudinal multi-cente

Photoinduced charge transfer assisted through external electric field and ternary hydrogen bonding strategies

Understanding the mechanisms governing interfacial charge transfer in photoactive layer is crucial for optimizing photogenerated charge separation efficiency. In this study, the interfacial charge transfer process is regulated by applying external electric field (Fext) and ternary hydrogen bonding strategies. We observe significant changes in the excited state properties and charge transfer parame

Should end-users take their clothes off inside on a cold winter's day? Sustainability pressures on district heating professionals in Denmark

This research explores how district heating (DH) sector professionals /employees experience the low-carbon energy transitions-related change processes in the Danish heat supply sector. Enquiry draws upon mixed data collected among DH employees from 148 utilities. Geels’ triple embeddedness framework conceptualizes the connections between regime-level actor experiences of niche- and landscape-level

Sequence variants influencing the regulation of serum IgG subclass levels

Immunoglobulin G (IgG) is the main isotype of antibody in human blood. IgG consists of four subclasses (IgG1 to IgG4), encoded by separate constant region genes within the Ig heavy chain locus (IGH). Here, we report a genome-wide association study on blood IgG subclass levels. Across 4334 adults and 4571 individuals under 18 years, we discover ten new and identify four known variants at five loci