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Characterization of defect microstructure in MgRE (RE=Ce, Nd) alloys after processing by high-pressure torsion using positron annihilation spectroscopy and a high resolution X-ray diffraction

Two MgRE (RE = Ce, Nd) alloys with ultrafine-grain (UFG) microstructures were prepared by high-pressure torsion (HPT) at room temperature. The in-depth distribution of defects was characterized by Doppler broadening –variable energy positron annihilation spectroscopy (DB-VEPAS). The characteristic S parameter increases in bulk after HPT processing relative to an as-received sample and shows a rela

Sensing seaweed settings : Making sense of a mixed-method design for sensory analysis

The focus of this paper is an interdisciplinary approach towards the consumption of novel seaweed foods. Combining social science, food science, and a chemical and biotechnological perspective, we ask the following questions: How do we gain knowledge about the consumer's approach to new marine products on the market? What kinds of methods are suitable and possible to use? In what way can we combin

An automated, geometry-based method for hippocampal shape and thickness analysis

The hippocampus is one of the most studied neuroanatomical structures due to its involvement in attention, learning, and memory as well as its atrophy in ageing, neurological, and psychiatric diseases. Hippocampal shape changes, however, are complex and cannot be fully characterized by a single summary metric such as hippocampal volume as determined from MR images. In this work, we propose an auto

Medborgarmedverkan i myndigheters sociala arbete : En hybridkonstruktion i gränslandet mellan institutionella logiker

I denna rapport redovisar Kerstin Svensson och Monica Larsson (Socialhögskolan, Lunds universitet) ett projekt som tar upp civilsamhällets medverkan i myndigheters arbete då privatpersoner engageras som socialt stöd för medmänniskor. Syftet med projektet är att förstå tanken bakom medborgarmedverkan i myndigheters lagreglerade sociala insatser, hur den har utvecklats och vilka tendenser som finns

Essays on currency markets

This doctoral dissertation comprises three independent essays which cover different aspects of the currency market.The first paper, Long-run and short-run risk premium in currency market, investigates the risk premium of the long-run and short-run volatility component of exchange rate returns in the currency market. The results indicate that the risk price of long-run volatility innovation is sign

Alkali-stable polybenzimidazole anion exchange membranes tethered with N,N-dimethylpiperidinium cations for dilute aqueous KOH fed water electrolyzers

Polybenzimidazole (PBI) is currently considered as a membrane material for alkaline water electrolyzers (AWEs), and has to be fed with highly concentrated aqueous KOH electrolytes in order to ensure sufficient electrolyte uptake and conductivity. However, the harsh operating conditions significantly limit the lifetime of PBI membranes. In response, we here report on the synthesis and performance o

Barefooting: A Tool for Environmental Consciousness

Modern human animals’ relationship with Nature is damaged and damaging. An emotional and physical separation is at play in this broken bond, with footwear literally and metaphorically embodying the disunion between spirit and body. This research explores how North Atlantic populations can use barefooting to support the healing of human animal connection with Nature, leading to pro-environmental be

Microstructure in SOFC: electrochemical simulations and experiments

Solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) are highly efficient and environmentally friendly power sources that convert chemical energy directly into electricity and heat, without the need for combustion. Despite their many benefits, the performance and durability of SOFCs heavily depend on the quality of their porous anode and cathode components. There are significant challenges with regard to their commerci

Pedagogisk verksamhet - ett verktyg för framtida kompetensförsörjning?

Kan pedagogiska verksamheter i samhället skapa intresse hos ungdomar så att de väljer att arbeta med vattenfrågor i framtiden? Projektet undersökte utställningen Den hållbara staden på Kretseum i Malmö och Sydvattens kurs Tänk H2O! vid sjön Bolmen i Småland. Bland de positiva effekterna hos eleverna fanns ökad tilltro till den egna kompetensen på området, ökad känsla av att passa in socialt på omr

Regional variation in climate change alters the range-wide distribution of colour polymorphism in a wild bird

According to Gloger's rule, animal colouration is expected to be darker in wetter and warmer climates. Such environmental clines are predicted to occur in colour polymorphic species and to be shaped by selection if colour morphs represent adaptations to different environments. We studied if the distribution of the colour polymorphic tawny owl (Strix aluco) morphs (a pheomelanic brown and a pale gr

Turning the tanker? Exploring the preconditions for change in the global petrochemical industry

Meeting the goals set out in the Paris Agreement will require rapid and deep reductions of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) across all sectors of the global economy. Like all major societal transformations, this climate transition will impact both social and technical aspects of society and, depending on how it evolves, will reallocate social and economic benefits and costs differently. Recognising

The Role of National Law and Policy in Addressing Displacement in the Context of Disasters and Climate Change in Asia and the Pacific

This chapter introduces the analytical framework for the research initiative as a whole. It begins with an overview of what the Guiding Principles offer, and where there are limitations when it comes to addressing displacement in the context of disasters and climate change. The chapter highlights the critical role of national law and policy in addressing internal displacement in the context of dis

Waste Minimization by Inventory Management in High-Volume High-Complexity Manufacturing Organizations

Organizations that manufacture high volumes of complex products (e.g., pharmaceutical, automotive, food) require specific strategies to ensure efficient processing of parts and a sustainable level of inventory by waste minimization. A review of literature sources revealed how inventory is classified and managed amongst organizations and industries and key challenges that current organizations face

The polarized attitudes of offshore wind - The social acceptance of planned offshore wind farm Västvind among Öckerö municipality residents

Klimatförändringarna, energikrisen och en ökande efterfrågan på el har uppmärksammat behovet av en hållbar omställning av energisystemet. Havsbaserad vindkraft spelar en viktig roll i denna omställning och förväntas expandera kraftigt globalt, i EU och i Sverige. Samtidigt möter projekt stort lokalt motstånd. Trots att svenskar generellt visar högt stöd för vindkraft så har en majoritet av de senaClimate change, the energy crisis of 2022-2023, and estimations of future electricity demands have stressed the necessity for a rapid transition of the energy system. Offshore wind energy plays an important role in this transition, and is expected to expand considerably on a global level, in the EU and in Sweden. While Swedes show high support of wind energy, a majority of recent projects have bee

Att hitta min inre Nimrud - mitt liv som ADHD-musiker

Det här är ett masterarbete kring relationen mellan ADHD och musik, inte inom medicin. Med arbetet vill jag lyfta upp fördelar, hyperförmågor och den stora kreativa potential som ADHD ger mig som musiker. Jag fick ADHD-diagnosen först efter flera års studier på Musikhögskolan, och hade innan dess levt 30 år med bara nackdelar med ADHD. Eftersom jag var missnöjd med medicinen tänkte jag “out of theFinding my inner Nimrud - my life as an ADHD musician This is a master's thesis on the relationship between ADHD and music, not in medicine. With this work, I aim to highlight the advantages, hyper-abilities and great creative potential that ADHD give me as a musician. I got the ADHD diagnosis after 4 years of study at the Academy of Music. Before that I lived 30 years with only the disadvanta

Teaching and learning Italian word-formation patterns

A knowledge of word-formation patterns can have considerable benefits on competence in a second language. A dynamic view of the lexicon can reveal recurring patterns in the vocabulary of a language, representing a useful tool to improve receptive fluency. Unfortunately, reflections on wordformation are not often considered an essential part of second language teaching, and grammar books often tend