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Your search for "*" yielded 508210 hits

From State Terror to International Conflict : A place of memory: Katyn as a foreign policy tool of Putin's Russia

This text discusses the transformations of the Katyn memorial site near Smolensk in western Russia, where, in 1940, the mass murder of more than 4,000 Polish military officers who were prisoners of war occurred. After the Soviet Union’s admission of guilt in 1990, it seemed for two decades that Katyn could also serve as a place for mutual reconciliation between post-communist Poland and post-Sovie

Partial characterization of a thyroid‐stimulating hormone‐like peptide in neuroendocrine cells of the human prostate gland

Immunohistochemical identification of the most prevalent type of neuroendocrine (NE) cells in the human prostate gland can be made with polyclonal antisera against human thyroid‐stimulating hormone (TSH). A TSH‐like peptide was characterized by analysis of prostatic tissue homogenates with sodium dodecyl sulfate‐polyacrylamide gel (SDS‐PAGE) electrophoresis followed by immunoblotting. A single pro

Patterns of mortality risk among patients with substance use disorder: an opportunity for proactive patient safety?

BackgroundPatients with substance use disorder (SUD) suffer from excess mortality compared to the overall population. This study aims to identify patterns in death rates among patients with SUD visiting a SUD emergency ward and to explore whether this knowledge can be used as input to identify patients at risk and increase patient safety.MethodsHospital visit data to a SUD emergency ward were coll

Systematic review of statistical methods used in molecular marker studies in cancer

BACKGROUND. There is wide interest in the use of molecular markers for the early detection of cancer, the prediction of disease outcome, and the selection of patients for chemotherapy. Despite significant and increasing research activity, to the authors' knowledge only a small number of molecular markers have been successfully integrated into clinical practice. In the current study, the experiment

Synthetic protease inhibitors and post-ejaculatory degradation of human semen proteins

Normal post-ejaculatory proteolytic changes in human seminal plasma rapidly distort its electrophoretic protein pattern. This invalidates the electrophoretic evaluation of the content in the secretion from the accessory sex glands. Both agarose and sodium dodecylsulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) were used to study the proteolytic changes and how they could be modified by vario

Liquefaction of coagulated human semen

Liquefaction of coagulated human semen was inhibited by o-phenanthroline; subsequent addition of Zn2+ reversed this inhibition, but not if the coagulum was repeatedly washed before Zn2+ was added. No liquefaction of the coagulum occurred when Fe2 was added (in a 1:3 molar ratio to o-phenanthroline), and the gel repeatedly washed. This o-phenanthroline-depleted coagulum was liquefied by resuspended

Phenol-Protein Solution Stability

Phenol is a commonly used preservative in pharmaceutical protein solutions. It is compatible with most proteins but can cause aggregation and denaturation at higher concentrations or in more sensitive proteins. By titrating phenol in 12 different protein solutions with PS80 (Lysozyme, β -lactoglobulin, SOBI Lipase, GA-Z, Palifermin and Trastuzumab, all with and without NaCl) the phenol concentrati

Allmänhetens medvetenhet av ID-kapningar vid olika social engineering attacker: En enkätstudie utförd på privatpersoner

I vårt samhälle används idag tekniker för att kunna göra flera vardagliga funktioner. Det finns dock risker med detta då det kan ge tillgång till mycket känslig information. ID-kapning är en risk som innebär att din identitet används av obehöriga på ett olagligt sätt och detta kan ske via social engineering attacker. Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka svenska internetanvändarna medvetenhet till I

Examining the protective services of mangroves at a regional scale in Indonesia

The purpose of this thesis is to examine how the exposure of the coastal population of Kalimantan, Indonesia changed as a result of coastal mangrove loss and population growth. The change of exposure has therefore been calculated through the loss of mangrove biomass, through deforestation and degradation, over time, as well the increase in population living within 10km2 of disturbed mangroves. TheMangrove ecosystems have the potential to provide a host of ecosystem services to the communities surrounding them. Dense, healthy, networks of mangroves are able to provide a buffer to coastlines against the increasingly frequent and intense storms, expected under the influence of climate change. Additionally, healthy, mangrove ecosystem provide coastal communities with other benefits such as mor

Cirkulär materialanvänding av återvunna polymera material inom additivt tillverkade produkter -Design av möbler och återanvändning med ny design

I den här rapporten designas två möbelserier innehållande fåtölj, soffa och soffbord i varje samt väggmoduler som kan byggas samman. Dessa möbelserier samt väggmoduler skall tillverkas genom additiv tillverkning, även kallad 3Dutskrivning. Möblerna görs i termoplaster för att materialet skall enkelt kunna återanvändas till att skriva ut nya möbler i ny eller samma design då användaren vill byta ut

Predicting Neighborhood Attachment in Germany

Neighborhood attachment is an important and influential concept in environmental psychology. Yet, there is a lack of quantitative research that allows predictions to be made. Additionally, whereas neighborhood attachment is influenced by various variables, most studies only have assessed a few predictors. A quantitative study with cross-sectional design was conducted in order to create a comprehen

Mellanstadielärares integrering av fysisk aktivitet i klassrummet - en enkätstudie

Bakgrund: Fysisk aktivitet i klassrummet har visat sig ge ökat fokus och förbättrar skolresultat bland elever. Att ägna en kort stund av lektionstiden åt fysisk aktivitet minskar också stillasittandet och dess negativa effekter, där så lite som två minuter är tillräckligt. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att kartlägga integreringen av fysisk aktivitet under lektionstid för att minska stillasitt

Stability of serum prostate-specific antigen determination across laboratory, assay, and storage time

Objectives: To understand the comparability of serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) determinations across assays and storage time. Methods: Serum PSA levels were determined for men aged 40 to 79 years from the clinical subset of the Olmsted County Study of Urinary Symptoms and Health Status Among Men on fresh samples and after a median of 32 months on banked samples, frozen at -70 °C. Baseline se

Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell Populations Correlate with Outcome in Patients with Metastatic Breast Cancer

Local tumor-associated immune cells hold prognostic and predictive value in various forms of malignancy. The role of systemic, circulating leukocytes is, however, not well-characterized. In this prospective and explorative study, we aim to delineate the clinical relevance of a broad panel of circulating immune cells in 32 patients with newly diagnosed metastatic breast cancer (MBC) before the star

Orthostatic blood pressure adaptations, aortic stiffness, and central hemodynamics in the general population: insights from the Malmö Offspring Study (MOS)

PurposeArterial stiffness is independently associated with orthostatic hypotension in older individuals. The relationship between orthostatic blood pressure adaptation and aortic stiffness has not been thoroughly examined in a younger population. We investigated the relationship between orthostatic blood pressure adaptations, central aortic hemodynamics, and aortic stiffness in a cohort of predomi

Prostate specific antigen predominantly forms a complex with alpha1‐antichymotrypsin in blood. Implications for procedures to measure prostate specific antigen in serum

Background. Prostate specific antigen (PSA) is a zymogen of a 33‐kilodalton (kD) serine proteinase with extensive similarity to glandular kallikreins. The mechanism responsible for converting the zymogen into active proteinase has not been defined, but active PSA may be irreversibly inactivated in vitro by two of the major proteinase inhibitors in blood: alpha1‐antichymotrypsin and alpha2‐macroglo

Evaluation of serum γ-glutamyltransferase by electrofocusing, and variations in isoform patterns

Serum γ-glutamyltransferase (EC showed microheterogeneity on electrofocusing, owing to variations in sialic acid content. We investigated the isoform patterns of papain-treated serum samples on agarose gels containing nonionic detergent and ampholytes in the low pH range. Serum from cases of cholestasis show seven bands with γ-glutamyltransferase activity. These same bands were also found

(No) room for time-shifting energy use: Reviewing and reconceptualizing flexibility capital

Decarbonizing society will require a shift toward renewable electricity production. However, the temporal configuration of renewables requires that demand adapt accordingly. Introducing intermittent electricity production will thus require end users to be more flexible in their use of electricity. Flexibility capital has been promoted as a concept for analyzing material preconditions in order to u