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The strategic significance of the CICPA in the making of a Chinese home-grown public accounting profession

This paper provides a detailed, longitudinal study of the role and strategies of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants (CICPA) in building a Chinese home-grown public accounting profession since the late 1980s. Drawing on previously unaccessed archive materials and a series of interviews with senior representatives of the Chinese public accounting profession, this paper reveals a m

Tillit i den datadrivna handeln

Detta är slutrapporten för forskningsprojektet DATA/TRUST: Tillitsbaserad personuppgiftshantering i den digitala ekonomin som letts av Stefan Larsson, lektor och docent vid institutionen för teknik och samhälle, LTH, Lunds universitet.Projektets syfte har varit att bättre förstå vilka utmaningar och vilka möjligheter handeln står inför när det gäller insamling och användning av individers data uti

Exposure to artificial light at night alters innate immune response in wild great tit nestlings

The large-scale impact of urbanization on wildlife is rather well documented; however, the mechanisms underlying the effects of urban environments on animal physiology and behaviour are still poorly understood. Here, we focused on one major urban pollutant – artificial light at night (ALAN) – and its effects on the capacity to mount an innate immune response in wild great tit (Parus major) nestlin

Heparin-binding protein in lower airway samples as a biomarker for pneumonia

Objectives: Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is difficult to diagnose using clinical criteria and no biomarkers have yet been proved to be sufficiently accurate. The use of the neutrophil-derived Heparin-binding protein (HBP) as a biomarker for pneumonia was investigated in this exploratory case–control study in two intensive care units at a tertiary referral hospital. Methods: Patients with

Combination treatment with U0126 and rt-PA prevents adverse effects of the delayed rt-PA treatment after acute ischemic stroke

In acute ischemic stroke, the only FDA-approved drug; recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) is limited by restricted time-window due to an enhanced risk of hemorrhagic transformation which is thought to be caused by metalloproteinase (MMP). In experimental stroke inhibitors of the mitogen–activated protein kinase kinase extracellular signal–regulated kinase kinase (MEK) 1/2 pathways red

A comprehensive review on the application of hybrid nanofluids in solar energy collectors

Over the years, nanofluids have proved to be beneficial in various heat transfer applications, particularly in solar energy collectors. Hybrid nanofluids have also shown promise in such applications due to their enhanced thermal conductivity relative to mono-nanofluids and to pure fluids. The aim of this review paper is to scrutinize recent research in this topic in order to identify the key advan

Understanding coordination by means of Prolog

Coordinated structures are very frequent in texts, but generally grammatical theories have little to say on the subject. This paper describes the different types of coordination and shows how they can be analyzed - and understood - using Prolog. The work has been carried out within the automatic translation project SWETRA (Sigurd & Gawroriska-Wemgren 1988).

Watching the brain build memories across eye movements: an EEG - eye-tracking coregistration study

Introduction Episodic memory allows us to revisit our past and recollect inter-related elements that characterize life events (Tulving, 1983). When forming such relational memories, we only apprehend a small part of our visual field in full acuity at a time. This limitation is overcome by shifting visual attention over a sequence of eye movements. We bind these visual “samples” of the world into

Cultivation of the gut bacterium Prevotella copri DSM 18205T using glucose and xylose as carbon sources

Prevotella copri DSM18205T is a human gut bacterium, suggested as a next-generation probiotic. To utilize it as such, it is, however, necessary to grow the species in a reproducible manner. Prevotella copri has previously been reported to be highly sensitive to oxygen, and hence difficult to isolate and cultivate. This study presents successful batch cultivation strategies for viable strain inocul

Novel xylan-degrading enzymes from polysaccharide utilizing loci of Prevotella copri DSM18205

Prevotella copri is a bacterium that can be found in the human gastrointestinal tract (GIT). The role of P. copri in the GIT is unclear, and elevated numbers of the microbe have been reported both in dietary fiber-induced improvement in glucose metabolism but also in conjunction with certain inflammatory conditions. These findings raised our interest in investigating the possibility of P. copri to

Climate Change and Subsistence Exchange in Southern California : Was Western Sea-Purslane a Channel Island Trade Good?

A popular model for social evolution in the Santa Barbara Channel region holds that, during times of resource stress, islanders would trade with mainlanders for plant foods in order to supplement island diets. Recently, western sea-purslane (Sesuvium verrucosum) has been suggested as a primary food product involved in this exchange. This report presents new caloric values for Sesuvium verrucosum a

Bearing the brunt of warming: Interactions between carbon and hydrology in northern Sweden

Climate modelling studies indicate that subarctic ecosystems are predicted to show some of the earliest responses to climate change. The predicted temperature and precipitation changes have implications for the carbon biogeochemical cycle with ancillary effects in permafrost soils, vegetation, and stream networks. Browning, a result of changes in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) export to river syst

Evolutionary and ecological processes influencing chemical defense variation in an aposematic and mimetic Heliconius butterfly

Chemical defences against predators underlie the evolution of aposematic coloration and mimicry, which are classic examples of adaptive evolution. Surprisingly little is known about the roles of ecological and evolutionary processes maintaining defence variation, and how they may feedback to shape the evolutionary dynamics of species. Cyanogenic Heliconius butterflies exhibit diverse warning color