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Skärvor av Glimmingehus sociala status. Glasfynden berättar.

A part of the project of transforming the worn down medieval fortress Glimmingehus into a tourist attraction for the people of the 20th century, was to dig out the once filled in moat surrounding it. This very labour intensive project did not only result in a nostalgic atmosphere but also a large amount of fairly well preserved finds, since the moat had once been used as a rubbish dump. A part of

Sjuksköterskans roll i nutritionsarbetet hos äldre på sjukhus. En litteraturstudie.

Bakgrund: Undernäring är ett mycket vanligt problem bland äldre på sjukhus som ger förlängda vårdtider, ökade vårdkostnader och ökad vårdkonsumtion. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa hur sjuksköterskor kan motverka undernäring hos äldre patienter på sjukhus. Metod: Litteraturstudie av nio vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: Sjuksköterskan kan motverka undernäring hos äldre patienter på sjukhus genom att

Are parents more likely to be unemployed? A study of nine western democracies

The relation between parenthood and market work is an established field of study in demography. This thesis specifically focuses on the relation between parenthood and unemployment, the involuntary absence of work, in a cross sectional study of nine western democracies. The studied countries are Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. A sig

The Importance of Strategic Communication for Online Fundraising Efforts in charitable Non-Profit Organisations in Germany

With increasing competition and noise level in the third sector, Germany’s non-profit organisations have to start considering alternative ways of how to be heard by their target audiences and how to raise funds for their projects. Additionally, with technological developments and the rise of Web 2.0 this becomes particularly challenging. Strategic planning of communication and public relations act

Understanding The Drone Campaign in FATA, Pakistan : An investigation of Pre-emptive and Preventive warfare

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the difference between Pre-emptive and the Preventive use of force in a low-intensity conflict to which the drone campaign is a critical part of. Northern Pakistan has borne the brunt of the U.S. led drone campaign, and the Obama administration has exponentially increased the number of strikes that continues to target armed non-state entities in the tr

A Simulation Study comparing MCMC, QML and GMM Estimation of the Stochastic Volatility Model

The stochastic volatility (SV) model is an alternative to GARCH models to model time varying volatility. In this thesis the basic stochastic volatility model and three different estimation methods are described---namely, Bayesian Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, quasi maximum-likelihood (QML) and generalized method of moments (GMM). To compare these estimation methods a large scale simul

The Effect of Food Shortage on Marital Fertility in Malawi 1987-2009

This thesis seeks to examine the effect of food shortages on marital fertility in Malawi for the period of 1987-2009. Malawi provides an interesting case for studying this relationship, since the country has experienced many instances of food shortages in the studied period. The study was done by using the 2004 and 2010 Demographic and Health Survey for Malawi to utilise the retrospective data ava

Wage Convergence among ASEAN countries

This thesis discusses whether wage convergence has taken place between six countries in the Association of the Southeast Asian Nation (ASEAN) from the time between 2000 and 2014. The countries included are Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam. Following the approach by Stehrer and Wörz (2003), a fixed-effects model which uses initial wage gap to a reference country (th

Regional Regression Models of Mean Annual Streamflow and Design Flow in a Tropical Region of Colombia.

A responsible and sustainable water resources management is important. It is also crucial to take the presence of watercourses into account during design of hydraulic structures such as small dams and bridges. Doing this requires knowledge of estimates of annual streamflow and extreme flows to be used for design purposes. This study is divided into two parts, both focusing on the departments of Sa

Inside/Outside the box

In an uncertain future, flexibility and ability to adapt are recognized as important factors in avoiding errors, but also discover new ways of handling urban problems. This thesis examines how standardized wooden modules can be used to modify, manipulate and reinvent public space. It also investigates how flexibility in design could help to involve communities and individuals in reshaping and recy

Gösta Adrian-Nilsson i den Europeiska modernismens kraftfält. Åren 1913-1921

The essay entitled Gösta Adrian-Nilsson in the European Modernistic Power Field. 1913 – 1921, takes its starting point in the city of Berlin in 1912 when Gösta Adrian-Nilsson (GAN) meets the elite of the modern art world for the first time. The descriptive narrative strives to provide insight into how this movement influenced his art as well as his views on Religion and Philosophy. In so doing, a

Automatisk laddare för olika batterityper

The requirement for battery chargers that can charge different battery-types that have different chemical content has increased in recent years. A charger designed to charge lithium-based batteries cannot be used to charge nickel-based batteries. This is mainly due to the different chemistry of the batteries. The different chemical contents of the different batteries cause different characteristic

Officersförsörjningen av det svenska försvaret: En fallstudie om den förväntade officersbristen

By understanding politics as something that public institutions do one can find a political problem in the public sectors inability to staff positions vital to the function of these institutions. The case that was studied revolves around the expected lack of officers in the Swedish defense. Earlier research regarding the staffing of occupations within the public sector points to a professions attr

Informations betydelse för ångest hos vuxna patienter i samband med magnetresonanstomografi

Bakgrund Patienter kan i samband med magnetresonanstomografi drabbas av ångest, vilket innebär ett ökat vårdlidande och kan resultera i avbrutna undersökningar och därtill en ökad kostnad för vården. Syfte Litteraturstudien utfördes för att undersöka om utökad information har betydelse för ångest hos patienter i samband med en magnetresonanstomografi. Metod En litteraturstudie genomfördes där åtta

Arousal and Post Decision Processes: Effects of Experimentally Manipulated Arousal on Differentiation and Consolidation Processes

This study investigates experimentally manipulated arousal influence on post decision consolidation processes within the theoretical framework of the differentiation and consolidation theory of human decision making (Svensson, 1992). Fifty-six university students participated in the experiment. Instructional manipulation of participants’ level of arousal was used. A multi-attribute decision task c

Styrning av kulturen - En studie om litteraturstödets politiska styrning

Denna uppsats tar sin utgångspunkt i politikernas styrning av kulturpolitiken och hur detta har utvecklats sedan 1970-talet. Vi har här använt oss av Bengt Jacobssons bok Kulturpolitik: styrning på avstånd vilket påstår att incitamenten för styrningen av kulturpolitiken kommer från trender inom förvaltningen. Detta har vi sedan valt som teori för att beskriva kulturpolitikens utveckling. Vi har äv

Samtal eller konflikt? En studie av den deliberativa kvaliteten i svenska riksdagsdebatter

Deliberative democracy has during the last decades soared to the forefront of democratic theory research. It is presented as a solution to many of the deficiencies that the world's democracies currently are experiencing. However, up until recently the research about democracy in Sweden has focused on ways to include the citizens in the democratic process and not about the state of the current

Citizenship and Environmental Sustainability - A Survey Study on Swedish Lund University Students

Throughout the pursuit of environmental sustainability, the attention placed on governments’ responsibility to reduce environmental degradation has progressively decreased and rather, began focusing on the attitudes and behaviours of individuals. Overtime, this increasing attention placed on the individual highlighted the central role which citizens have in creating and pushing for a sustainable s