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Realizing Rawls in an Automated Future

Recent advances in artificial intelligence have enabled machines to take over many of the tasks that could previously only be carried out by humans. This trend is expected to continue, urging political theory to propose ideas for how the organization of society can be adapted accordingly. Drawing upon John Rawls’s theory of justice, this thesis argues that automation can be instrumental in bringin

Funny mental illness : anti stigma campaign, the risk of reinforcing the stigmatisation with humor

This study aims to investigate the relationship of a campaign video aimed to prevent stigmatisation of mental illness, and the possible risk of reproducing a stigmatising portrayal in using humor to convey the campaigns message. The focus of this study is the anti stigma campaign video called the Stand Up Kid, which is viewable on Youtube. The study uses a method of textual analysis, in combinatio

An Extreme Value Approach to Modeling Risk of Extreme Rainfall in Bangladesh

The extreme value theory has been applied on daily rainfall in the five most exposed areas of Bangladesh between the years 1980-2016 in order to esti- mate extreme rainfalls for the next 10, 50 and 100 years. These types of computations are necessary for optimising planning and preparations for ex- treme future rainfalls which can lead to minimising property damage and ultimately saving lives. Gen

Tackling the Silent Epidemic of Breast Cancer in Vietnam: A qualitative study examining barriers to early diagnosis

The increasing number of women being diagnosed with advanced stages of breast cancer in low- and middle-income countries is demanding an improvement in early detection strategies. This thesis examines the barriers to early diagnosis in Hanoi, Vietnam by analysing patients’ paths from symptom recognition to initiation of treatment. Semi-structured qualitative interviews with 20 breast cancer patien

Family Planning (In)Activity - A Case Study of Women and Men’s Role and Responsibility on Family Planning in Metro Manila, the Philippines

Having access to family planning (FP) services is a cornerstone for economic and social development. Because of reproductive health disparities between income groups, progressive policies have been passed in the Philippines to reduce the gaps. One example is the Responsible Parenthood and Reproductive Health act that provides people living in poverty with FP services. Moreover, it attempts to prom

Medborgarförslag och demokrati

In our Swedish representative democracy the citizens have the possibility to use their political power every fourth year when they choose their political representatives. There is an understanding by the theorists of democracy that the political participation should not be limited simply to the election years. A method that almost every Swedish municipality uses to increase the political participa

På horisonten intet nytt - En utredning om förenligheten mellan svensk rätt och Europakonventionen beträffande horisontellt skadeståndsansvar mellan privata rättssubjekt

Europakonventionen är en internationell konvention som ämnar säkerställa vissa mänskliga rättigheter. De anslutna staterna åtar sig att garantera var och en inom deras jurisdiktion de fri- och rättigheter som stadgas i konventionen. Sverige har undertecknat och ratificerat konventionen. Om staten överträder sina konventions-åtaganden kan denna fällas till ansvar av den övervakande Europadomstolen.The European Convention on Human Rights is an international convention aiming to assure certain human rights. The affiliated states undertake to guarantee each and everyone within their jurisdiction the freedoms and rights enacted in the Convention. Sweden has signed and ratified the Convention. Should the state transgress its undertakings it can be held responsible for the breach by the superviso

Du kan väl inte sluta nu? En teoriprövande studie om vad som motiverar generation Y i försvarsmakten.

By 2018, half of the workforce will consist of persons born around 1980. This large group of people is labeled Generation Y by several researchers and writers and many of these have made an effort to summarize what motivates this Young generation. This study has the same intention but with an untested group of employees in the Swedish armed forces. The author of this study has gathered several the

Legitimitet sökes! : En argumentationsanalys över den svenska regeringens yttranden om migrationsströmmarna 2015 relaterat till EU

Denna uppsats behandlar dels hur den svenska regeringen sökte legitimitet med hjälp av EU under hösten 2015, och även varför den svenska regeringen kan ha tänkts agera på det sättet. Utifrån en argumentationsanalys med en modifierad variant av Stephen Toulmins argumentationsmodell, undersöker vi ifall och hur, den svenska regeringen försökte att använda EU som premiss i sina argument under migrati

Ansvar och kemiska vapen - En argumentationsanalys om kemiska vapen bör tolkas in i Responsibility to Protect

De kemiska vapenattackerna i Syrien har lett oss till att undra om det internationella samfundets ansvar att ingripa. Vi har därför undersökt om kemiska vapen bör tolkas in i de situationer där Responsibility to Protect kan tillämpas. Med hjälp av en argumentationsanalys har vi jämfört argumentationen om kemiska vapen med fyra brott som har antagits av FN att falla under kriterierna av situationer

Demokratisering i Litauen och Belarus: Eliters strategiska agerande

Denna uppsats avser att förklara transition mot demokrati i Litauen och Belarus efter självständighetsförklaringarna från Sovjetunionen 1990 och 1991. Trots staternas geografiska och historiska närhet utgjorde deras demokratiska utveckling tydliga kontraster. Idag klassas Litauen som en demokrati medan Belarus är en auktoritär regim. Denna uppsats är främst en teoriprövande studie som testar O’Don

1.5 to stay alive - Hur små ö-stater influerade de internationella normerna och den övergripande målsättningen i Parisavtalet

In December 2015, the world leaders proclaimed in the Paris Agreement that they would pursue efforts to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. This long-term vision was first suggessted to UNFCCC in 2008 by AOSIS, a negotiation group for small island states, who are amongst those who are the most vulnerable to the effects of climate change. AOSIS have been advocating for this v

Autonomt agerande i offentlig förvaltning - En studie av asylärendens handläggning på Migrationsverket

This study examines the role of individual front line workers in the public sector and how the implementation of laws and practices may differ between them. The research is constructed as a case study of the Migration Agency in Malmö in Sweden. Using both quantitative methods and qualitative interviews differences in outcomes for asylum applications are assessed in relation to which officials the

Private Enterprises as Actors in Integration Processes in Denmark

Within integration policies in Denmark, something new has happened. Private enterprises have been included in the delivery of a public policy in a Public-Private Partnership that aims at integrating refugees into society. The current issue of the welfare state is to provide public services without increasing the cost for the taxpayers. Public-Private Partnerships can be seen as a solution to this

HIV in Ukraine: An Everlasting Epidemic? Assessment of knowledge, behaviour change, tolerance towards people living with HIV and accessibility of healthcare services for HIV among adolescent girls and young women in Ukraine.

Ukraine has the second highest rates of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in Europe and struggles with the HIV epidemic since the 1990s. Adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) are especially vulnerable due to their social position and biological characteristics. The HIV incidence is still on the rise, which is also fostered by the ongoing conflict in the East, although a great number of nati

Skärvor av Glimmingehus sociala status. Glasfynden berättar.

A part of the project of transforming the worn down medieval fortress Glimmingehus into a tourist attraction for the people of the 20th century, was to dig out the once filled in moat surrounding it. This very labour intensive project did not only result in a nostalgic atmosphere but also a large amount of fairly well preserved finds, since the moat had once been used as a rubbish dump. A part of

Sjuksköterskans roll i nutritionsarbetet hos äldre på sjukhus. En litteraturstudie.

Bakgrund: Undernäring är ett mycket vanligt problem bland äldre på sjukhus som ger förlängda vårdtider, ökade vårdkostnader och ökad vårdkonsumtion. Syfte: Syftet var att belysa hur sjuksköterskor kan motverka undernäring hos äldre patienter på sjukhus. Metod: Litteraturstudie av nio vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: Sjuksköterskan kan motverka undernäring hos äldre patienter på sjukhus genom att

Are parents more likely to be unemployed? A study of nine western democracies

The relation between parenthood and market work is an established field of study in demography. This thesis specifically focuses on the relation between parenthood and unemployment, the involuntary absence of work, in a cross sectional study of nine western democracies. The studied countries are Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Poland, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, and the United States. A sig

The Importance of Strategic Communication for Online Fundraising Efforts in charitable Non-Profit Organisations in Germany

With increasing competition and noise level in the third sector, Germany’s non-profit organisations have to start considering alternative ways of how to be heard by their target audiences and how to raise funds for their projects. Additionally, with technological developments and the rise of Web 2.0 this becomes particularly challenging. Strategic planning of communication and public relations act