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Promoting democracy

This thesis aims to bring clarity to why the European Union promotes the democratic norm in external relationships, specifically in the European Neighbourhood Policy. To study norm diffusion in external contracts of the European Union the analytical framework of this thesis consists of a descriptive- and explanatory idea analysis. The perspectives used to identify how the promotion of democracy is

Fonden och det medborgerliga inflytandet - En studie av effekterna av ESF-projekten på den lokala demokratin

The European Union is affecting the member states in a various of ways. One way, that lately has become more meaningful for Swedish municipalities, is the European Social Fund (ESF). The main ambition with ESF is to promote employment and improve the situation for the European workers. To achieve this, the ESF is running projects on local, regional and state level in the member states. The aim of

“They are not the decision-makers – we are” En narrativ studie om den ungerska nationalismens uppbyggnad och funktioner.

After Fidesz took office in 2010 Hungarian national politics has transformed to become more nationalistic. Despite a lot of negative criticism from both inside and outside the country – due to controversial constitutional changes – Fidesz is still in power. This thesis seeks to increase the scholarly understanding of nationalism in Europe and especially in Hungary. More specifically, this thesis i

Demokratisering i Irak - En fallstudie på religiös fragmentering och dess påverkan på demokratisering

Varför har Iraks demokratisering misslyckats? Mellan åren 2003 och 2016 har vi ämnat undersöka dynamiken mellan shiaaraber och sunniaraber. Andreas Wimmer satte upp ett antal kriterier för en lyckad demokrati. Den religiösa fragmenteringen är vår förklaring. Wimmer användes för att undersöka huruvida lämpliga åtgärder tillämpats för att förhindra att fragmenteringen bryter ut i en konflikt. Materi

Optimization of a rapid method for detection of Listeria monocytogenes in food matrices

Detection of Listeria monocytogenes by the microbiological standard method (ISO 11290-1) is time consuming and requires several days to get results, thus a more rapid detection method is required. The aim of this study is to continue the optimization of a rapid method that is based on quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) to detect L. monocytogenes in food matrices. The method is based on

Hot mot demokratin - En komparativ studie om demokratiska nedgångar

Democracies around the world is once again on decline. In this thesis I examine why some democracies face a recession, while other democracies do not. I chose four countries, that I have examined in pairs. Hungary in comparison to Czech Republic and Venezuela compared to Chile, where Hungary and Venezuela are the two countries that have faced a democratic recession. I chose three factors from the

Predicting Customer Lifetime Value and its underlying short-term cash flow effects

Background The intense competition in the Telecom industry makes service providers invest heavily in acquiring new customers. In Telavox case, the majority of these initial expenses are related to the sales process. To be profitable it is necessary for the customers to generate a net profit during its time at Telavox that compensates for this initial expense, i.e. a positive Customer Lifetime Valu

Advantages of using Virtual Reality as a financial instrument

Fenomenet Virtual Reality (VR) har dom senaste åren uppmärksammats av de flesta teknikintresserade världen över. Tekniken möjliggör bland annat visualisering och interaktion med miljöer och som i verkligheten skulle bli för kostsamma att återskapa. Samtidigt så står bankernas sätt att presentera finansiell information förhållandevis stilla och utgörs fortfarande av listor och 2D-grafer. I studien In recent years, the phenomenon of Virtual Reality has been highlighted by most technology-interested persons around the world. The technology allows visualization and interaction with environments, which in real life would be too costly to recreate. At the same time, the banking sector’s ways of presenting financial information are relatively old fashioned and still consist of lists and 2D graphs

China’s Belt and Road Initiative: an analysis of the European policy response

This master’s thesis analyses the extent to which EU member states and EU bodies have responded coherently towards China’s Belt and Road Initiative. The master’s thesis uses a mixed method approach: it begins with a comparative study of the Dutch, German, Czech and Hungarian policy responses towards the BRI. These are: an analysis of the national policy stance, the foreign policy stance and an ana

Svenska fastighetsbolags efterlevnad av IAS 40

Syfte: Studiens syfte är att öka förståelsen för hur väl svenska fastighetsbolags årsredovisningar (2016) följer de upplysningskrav som specificeras i IAS 40 p.75/76, samt undersöka huruvida samband existerar mellan efterlevnad och företagsspecifika egenskaper. Metod: Fastighetsbolagens årsredovisningar studeras och bedömningar görs huruvida upplysningskraven enligt IAS 40 p.75/76 efterlevs. StudPurpose: The purpose of the study is to increase understanding of how well Swedish real estate company's annual reports (2016) follow the disclosure requirements specified in IAS 40 p.75/76, as well as investigating whether relationships exist between compliance and company-specific characteristics. Methodology: Real estate companies' annual reports are being studied and assessments are m

Gamification - En studie om motivation i fitnessappar

Studien ämnar förstå hur användare motiveras till att gå med i utmaningar som ger en ekonomisk belöning, detta utforskas med en kvantitativ undersökning av användare i fitnessappar. Undersökningen har utförts genom att konkretisera forskningsfrågan utifrån vår undersökningsmodell som hanterar spelelement; ekonomiska belöningar och utmaningar, SDT; hur inre och yttre motivationsfaktorer kan påverka

Design and Implementation of a 2-Channel High Precision and High Speed Digitizing system

Recently, new spectroscopic techniques have been developed such as photocurrent detected two-dimensional spectroscopy [1], which measure the response from a sample that is excited by a high intensity laser pulses. The responses are linear and nonlinear signals that have very different amplitudes; the linear signal can be from 103 to 105 times larger than the nonlinear signal. These two signals hav

Skyddsvärda träd på Söderåsens Golfklubb

Golfbanor och biologisk mångfald, hör dessa ihop? Tidigare studier finns som visar på att golfbanor kan ha hög potential att bidra till biologisk mångfald. Söderåsens Golfklubb i Bjuvs kommun vill öka sin kunskap om den biologiska mångfalden på sin anläggning samt jobba för att gynna denna och önskade därför en kartläggning av vilka skyddsvärda habitat som finns på golfbanan. I mitt projekt unders

Development of Epitaxial Lift-Off to form GaAs nanowire array membranes

Ny metod för att skapa billiga, effektiva och transparenta solceller Den teoretiska gränsen för effektivitet i konventionella solceller av kisel är nästan nådd och solceller i material med högre teoretisk effektivitet än kisel blir i praktiken alldeles för dyra för att stå till buds för allmänheten. Här visas en metod för fortsätta utvecklingen av effektivare solceller utan att de blir alldeles fEpitaxial lift-off-layers (ELO) were developed in order to create nanowire array membranes, with the intent to pave the way for solar cells in tandem. Ultimately this thesis project focused only on growing and characterizing the ELO layers on (111)B oriented GaAs substrates with MOCVD, as this process step is not thoroughly understood in literature. In this thesis, temperature and V/III ratio de

The Apoptotic Effects of Silver- and Gold Nanoparticles on the Mouse Retina – an In Vivo Study

Everyday products might make you blind! I think we all can appreciate at least one of the following products: sun screen, scratch free frying pans, self-cleaning paint, makeup, food packing and odorless clothes. These are all everyday products were you can find tiny objects, called nanoparticles. Nanoparticles are defined as objects were one dimension is between 1-100 nm, that is, 1-100 billionth

Hygrothermal Analysis of Retrofitted Buildings in the Campus of Lund University

As climate change have become generally accepted as a potential problem, reducing the greenhouse gas emissions and global energy demand has become an important research topic. This have led to an increased interest towards the retrofitting of the existing building stock, including cultural protected buildings. Due to the cultural protection, carrying out major alteration such as exterior wall retr


During the last three decades, the number of NGOs within the educational field in India has increased dramatically due to the Indian government struggling with providing free quality education. NGOs in India have been praised for their contribution to development, but also criticized for inefficiency and lack of accountability. This case study provides an empirical example of a NGO called Mother M

Ultrafiltration of Bleach Plant Effluent from a Sulfite Pulp Mill – Influence of pH on Fouling

Från barnsben uppmanas vi till att tänka utanför boxen, något som kan komma att visa sig inte bara användbart, utan också nödvändigt när det gäller att lösa de miljöfrågor vårt samhälle ställs inför. Att hitta nya sätt att minska miljöpåverkan på vår omgivning är alltid aktuellt. Pappers- och massaindustrin har länge varit stämplad som miljöbov, något som med tiden blivit mindre och mindre sanniThe fouling of an ultrafiltration plant, separating bleach plant effluent coming from a sulfite pulp mill, was evaluated depending on the pH value of the feed stream for both softwood and hardwood. The objective was to decrease the dosage of the alkaline substance NaOH in the first bleaching stage, without altering the performance of the ultrafiltration. Incoming feed streams, as well as permeate

Smart Beta Factor Investing

In an attempt to bridge the gap between active and passive investing, Smart Beta strategies have become a popular alternative for investors given their systematic, rules-based approach to portfolio construction and historical tendency to capture market inefficiencies. In this thesis, we examine the performance of Smart Beta strategies versus the S&P 500 and the Euro Stoxx 600 index for time pe


This work was carried out for the company Verifyter AB in Lund. Their main customers are microchip manufacturers. Verifyter provides a tool called PinDown that does automatic debugging on their customers' test runs. The tool creates a large amount of data with information about these test runs. The company wants to be able to visualize this data for their customers in order for their customers