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Bokhistorier : studier tillägnade Per S. Ridderstad
Can a constructivist distinguish between experience and representation?
Being and becoming a teacher in medical education
Recension av doktorsavhandling, Karolinska Intitutet, Stockholm
Adaptive Control: General Methodology
Statistical Physics of Protein Folding and Aggregation
The mechanisms of protein folding and aggregation are investigated by computer simulations of all-atom and reduced models with sequence-based potentials. A quasi local Monte Carlo update is developed in order to efficiently sample proteins in the folded phase. A small helical protein, the B-domain of staphylococcal protein A, is studied using a reduced model. In the thermodynamically favoured topo
Acoustic Analysis of Adult Speaker Age
nformation about the age of the speaker is always present in speech. It is used as perceptual cues to age by human listeners, and can be measured acoustically and used by automatic age estimators. This chapter offers an introduction to the phonetic study of speaker age, with focus on what is known about the acoustic features which vary with age. The age-related acoustic variation in temporal as we
Miljö- och energikunskap
Rysk spegel. Svenska berättelser om Sovjetunionen - och om Sverige
Boken behandlar svenska reseskildrares och andra skribenters syn på och föreställningar om Ryssland och Sovjeunionen.
Self-desiccation and Its Importance in Concrete Technology.
Self-desiccation occurs in all types of concrete due to the chemical shrinkage that takes place when water is attached to the cement. In High Performance Concrete the low porosity makes the effect of self-desiccation much more pronounced. This paper presents a summary of a Nordic Seminar on Self-Desiccation in Concrete held in Lund. For this purpose aspects of mix design, curing conditions, desicc
Halk- och fallolyckor, friktionskrav och balansförmåga
Syftet med detta projekt var att studera samspelet mellan friktion, balansförmåga och halkrisker, samt att ta fram designrekommendationer för friktionskrav och halksäkrare skor och underlag. Sex studier har utförts innefattande friktionsmätningar av skor på olika underlag och temperaturer, studier av stående balans och gång på ramp med justerbar lutning samt fokusgruppintervjuer. Resultaten visar
Extrapolation in Time in Thermal Fluid Structure Interaction
We consider time dependent thermal fluid structure interaction. The respective models are the compressible Navier-Stokes equations and the nonlinear heat equation. A partitioned coupling approach via a Dirichlet-Neumann method and a fixed point iteration is employed. As a reference solver a previously developed efficient time adaptive higher order time integration scheme is used. To improve upon t
Teaching and Learning Regimes from within – Significant Networks as a Locus for the Social Construction of Teaching and Learning
Wide area monitoring and control for transmission capability enhancement
Comparative education in the North: Diversity in unity
“Is there a Nordic block, complete with a Nordic economic model and a special kind of Nordic welfare? Nordic collective security? Nordic values, Nordic sex, Nordic gloom? Undeniably the Nordic countries—the Scandinavian trio of Sweden, Denmark and Norway, plus Finland on the eastern flank and Iceland far north-west in the Atlantic—have a great many things in common. And undeniably the lure of the
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The Revealed Word and the Struggle for Authority: Interpretation and use of Islamic terminology among Algerian Islamists
ERP success factors: The impact of knowledge, organisational context and institutional forces
Sampling from a suction induced mini-erosion in human skin. Methodological studies.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Provtagning av vätskan mellan utbyteskärl och celler i läderhuden (dermis), den så kallade interstitialvätskan (IF), kan vara ett intressant alternativ eller komplement till blodprovstagning när det gäller bestämning av såväl kroppsegna substanser som läkemedel. Inom klinisk medicin finns ett behov för att undvika smärtsamma stick i samband med provtagning, till exempelDermal interstitial fluid (IF) was extracted serially and painlessly by brief suction for as long as 6 days. The erosion was otherwise kept occluded, Sample volumes exceded those required for measuring a wide range of biological substances. Epidermal regeneration was rapid. Glucose concentrations in IF and plasma, measured in diabetic and non-diabetic subjects for as long as 6 days were closely c