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Neuropsychological Aspects of First-Episode Psychosis : Diagnosis, Course and Outcome

Popular Abstract in Swedish Föreliggande avhandling syftar till att närmare undersöka neuropsykologiska funktioner hos patienter med psykossjukdom och baseras på fyra studier avseende förstagångsinsjuknade patienter i psykos inom Fallskärmsprojektet. Projektet genomfördes vid 17 psykiatriska kliniker i Sverige och patienterna erbjöds en "behovsanpassad" psykiatrisk behandling, huvudsakligen i öppeThe present thesis is based on studies of neuropsychological functions in first episode psychosis patients (FEP) from the Swedish multicenter study, the Parachute Project. The thesis aims to clarify neuropsychological functions in psychotic illnesses. Patients from the project were examined neuropsychologically, using the WAIS-R NI test battery, in relation to measures of outcome in terms of clini

An Emerging Arab Social Contract

While it is too early to speculate on the long-term results of the events, the revolutions have already discredited certain assumptions about the Arab world. The first are those assertions suggesting that Arab rulers have engaged their people in a golden bargain, where the people trade off their citizenship entitlements and democratic rights in exchange for the rulers providing welfare, safeguard

High-contrast Doppler-free transmission spectroscopy

By applying Doppler-free saturated absorption spectroscopy in the regime of high integrated sample absorption, high-contrast Doppler-free laser transmission signals can be obtained as demonstrated in experiments on the sodium D lines. Natural linewidth background-free signals are observed.

Skåne idag och i framtiden

De beslut vi tar idag och i framtiden avgör om världen går mot en tvågraders- eller en fyragradersvärld, eller någonting där emellan. Vertikal samverkan mellan politiska nivåer och horisontell samverkan mellan sektorer är viktig för att möjliggöra kostnadseffektiva ambitiösa utsläppsminskningar och åtgärder för klimatanpassning i Skåne. Arbetet med Klimatsamverkan Skåne och Strukturbild för Skån

Simulation and experimentation of a two-phase claw-pole motor

The aim of this paper is to evaluate static and dynamic characteristics of a two-phase claw-pole motor. The static characteristics are calculated and measured respectively for a single phase-core assembled into the motor and for a complete motor. The dynamic characteristics of the motor are evaluated on the basis of non-linear static characteristics. Later, the control system that is designed in s

Advances in Compact Heat Exchangers

State-of-the-art coverage of compact heat exchanger design and technology. This book, a special supplemental issue of the International Journal of Heat Exchangers, contains a selection of papers originally presented at the Fifth International Conference on Enhanced, Compact, and Ultra-Compact Heat Exchangers: Science, Engineering and Technology, which was held in Whistler, British Columbia, Canad

"Prevailing Winds": An analysis of the Liturgical Inculturation Efforts of Karl Ludvig Reichelt

This dissertation deals with the question of Christian contextualization in a Chinese context, with special emphases on liturgical inculturation and the problem of colonization. The subject is studied through an analysis of the liturgical inculturation efforts of Karl Ludvig Reichelt, a Norwegian missionary who founded a separate mission work among Chinese Buddhist monks. The study is based on lit

Statistical Physics of Protein Folding and Aggregation

The mechanisms of protein folding and aggregation are investigated by computer simulations of all-atom and reduced models with sequence-based potentials. A quasi local Monte Carlo update is developed in order to efficiently sample proteins in the folded phase. A small helical protein, the B-domain of staphylococcal protein A, is studied using a reduced model. In the thermodynamically favoured topo