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Your search for "*" yielded 533513 hits

Elephant Moraine 96029, a very mildly aqueously altered and heated CM carbonaceous chondrite : Implications for the drivers of parent body processing

Elephant Moraine (EET) 96029 is a CM carbonaceous chondrite regolith breccia with evidence for unusually mild aqueous alteration, a later phase of heating and terrestrial weathering. The presence of phyllosilicates and carbonates within chondrules and the fine-grained matrix indicates that this meteorite was aqueously altered in its parent body. Features showing that water-mediated processing was

ADAMTS-7 is associated with a high-risk plaque phenotype in human atherosclerosis

Several large-scale genome-wide association studies have identified single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the genomic region of A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase with ThromboSpondin type 1 repeats (ADAMTS)-7 and associations to coronary artery disease. Experimental studies have provided evidence for a functional role of ADAMTS-7 in both injury-induced vascular neointima formation and development of

Construction of a Chassis for a Tripartite Protein-Based Molecular Motor

Improving our understanding of biological motors, both to fully comprehend their activities in vital processes, and to exploit their impressive abilities for use in bionanotechnology, is highly desirable. One means of understanding these systems is through the production of synthetic molecular motors. We demonstrate the use of orthogonal coiled-coil dimers (including both parallel and antiparallel

Relating Sentinel-1 interferometric coherence to mowing events on grasslands

In this study, the interferometric coherence calculated from 12-day Sentinel-1 image pairs was analysed in relation to mowing events on agricultural grasslands. Results showed that after a mowing event, median VH (vertical transmit, horizontal receive) and VV (vertical transmit, vertical receive) polarisation coherence values were statistically significantly higher than those from before the event

Search for heavy resonances decaying to a Z boson and a photon in pp collisions at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

This Letter presents a search for new resonances with mass larger than 250 GeV, decaying to a Z boson and a photon. The dataset consists of an integrated luminosity of 3.2 fb−1 of pp collisions collected at s=13 TeV with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The Z bosons are identified through their decays either to charged, light, lepton pairs (e+e−, μ+μ−) or to hadrons. The data are f

An intra-droplet particle switch for droplet microfluidics using bulk acoustic waves

To transfer cell- and bead-assays into droplet-based platforms typically requires the use of complex microfluidic circuits, which calls for methods to switch the direction of the encapsulated particles. We present a microfluidic chip where the combination of acoustic manipulation at two different harmonics and a trident-shaped dropletsplitter enables direction-switching of microbeads and yeast cel

The Gaia-ESO Survey : Mg-Al anti-correlation in iDR4 globular clusters

We use Gaia-ESO (GES) Survey iDR4 data to explore the Mg-Al anti-correlation in globular clusters that were observed as calibrators, as a demonstration of the quality of Gaia-ESO Survey data and analysis. The results compare well with the available literature, within 0.1 dex or less, after a small (compared to the internal spreads) offset between the UVES and GIRAFFE data of 0.10-0.15 dex was take

Dynamic insulation : Analysis and field measurements

A nonlinear least squares method for continuous measurement ofthe air flow in a 'dynamic insulation' was presented. The methodis called the gradient method to indicate that the temperature gradientsin the insulation are used. The method includes one dimensionaltransient and steady state calculations ofthe heat transfer inthe insulation. The model was verified by analytical and numericalsimulations

Study of Drell-Yan pair production on nuclear targets

Drell-Yan pair production off nuclei is an ideal tool to test the cold nuclear effects occurring before a hard collision since no interaction in the final state is expected, neither energy loss or absorption. We present for the first time a comprehensive study of the nucleus-to-nucleon production ratio (the nuclear modification factor) within the color dipole approach using the Green function form

Approaching Athenian Graffiti as a Multimodal Genre with GIS Application

Graffiti as an ever-changing form of urban art and visual communication is naturally multimodal, focusing on text–image relations (Bateman 2014; Forceville 2008; Kress 2006), which owe their existence mainly to the sociocultural and historical knowledge of the represented world of our experience – Husserlian Lebenswelt [Lifeworld] (Sonesson 2008; 2015). These relations constitute an interesting ch

SAMPA Chip : The New 32 Channels ASIC for the ALICE TPC and MCH Upgrades

This paper presents the test results of the second prototype of SAMPA, the ASIC designed for the upgrade of read-out front end electronics of the ALICE Time Projection Chamber (TPC) and Muon Chamber (MCH). SAMPA is made in a 130 nm CMOS technology with 1.25 V nominal voltage supply and provides 32 channels, with selectable input polarity, and three possible combinations of shaping time and sensiti

Appendicostomy for Bowel Control in Children after Transanal Endorectal Pull-Through for Hirschsprung Disease

Aim: To evaluate the indications for, and outcome, of appendicostomy for patients with Hirschsprungs disease (HD) who underwent transanal endorectal pull-through (TERPT). Method: Children with HD > 4 years old who received an appendicostomy between 2005 and 2011 at a tertiary pediatric surgery center were included. Pre- and post-appendicostomy bowel function was evaluated by a bowel function scor

Panel 4 : Report of the Microbiology Panel

Objective: To perform a comprehensive review of the literature from July 2011 until June 2015 on the virology and bacteriology of otitis media in children. Data Sources: PubMed database of the National Library of Medicine. Review Methods: Two subpanels comprising experts in the virology and bacteriology of otitis media were created. Each panel reviewed the relevant literature in the fields of viro

Characteristics of the pre-diabetic period in children with high risk of type 1 diabetes recruited from the general Swedish population-The ABIS study

Background: There is a need for increased understanding of the pre-diabetic period in individuals with high risk of type 1 diabetes from the general population. Methods: High-risk children (n = 21) positive for multiple islet autoantibodies were identified by autoantibody screening within the All Babies in Southeast Sweden study. The children and their parents were enrolled in a 2-year prospective

MicroRNAs as cancer therapeutics : A step closer to clinical application

During the last decades, basic and translational research has enabled great improvements in the clinical management of cancer. However, scarcity of complete remission and many drug-induced toxicities are still a major problem in the clinics. Recently, microRNAs (miRNAs) have emerged as promising therapeutic targets due to their involvement in cancer development and progression. Their extraordinary

Salt release from warming sea ice

In a field study in the Arctic, ejection of dense, saline plumes was observed 1 m below warm land-fast first-year sea ice, under conditions where the heat balance at the ice-ocean interface predicted melting. We describe the observed momentum, heat and salt fluxes in the boundary layer under the ice and the structure of the plume events. Measured downward salt flux was well correlated with upward