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Mirror Mirror on the Wall Who’s the Most Moderate of them all? An Exploration of Muslim-state Relations in the Era of Prevent

This work will examine how the British government engaged with Muslim-led organisations through its counter-extremism strategy Prevent in following the London bombings in 2005. Over a period of seven years two governments, Labour and the Coalition, implemented separate version of Prevent which led to distinct forms of state engagement with Muslim-led organisations. By looking at the broader histor

Identifying and Addressing the Challenges of Mainstreaming the Menstrual Cup in Uganda

Menstruation is a normal body function and a sign of reproductive health. Although it is a fundamental human right for girls and women to have the ability to properly manage their menstruation, it is a long-neglected issue in low-income countries. Pilot studies have provided optimism for the menstrual cup’s potential to improve the quality of life for Ugandan girls and women. Several actors are in

Tracing mangrove forest dynamics of Bangladesh using historical Landsat data

Present, accurate, and reliable estimation of mangrove forests in Bangladesh is limited. Former estimation of mangroves extent and density has been more or less restricted to Sundarbans and do not represent the whole country. In this study, a time series analysis was performed using Landsat images from four epochs, namely: 1976 (Landsat MSS), 1989 (Landsat TM), 2000 (Landsat ETM+) and 2015 (Landsa

"Positiv men ambivalent" : En undersökning om privatanställda socialarbetares inställningar och motiv till att inom privat verksamhet

Undersökning visar att privatisering inom det sociala arbetet stadigt ökar (Statistiska centralbyrån 2016a) samtidigt visar forskning att socialarbetares inställning till privatisering generellt sett kan betraktas som negativ (Liljegren et al. 2008; Dellgran & Höjer 2005a; Dellgran & Höjer 2005b). Ökningen trots den generellt sett negativa inställningen tycks indikera på ett glapp mellan sSurveys shows that privatization in social work is steadily increasing (Statistiska Centralbyrån 2016a), while other research shows that social workers' attitudes towards privatization can generally be regarded as negative (Liljegren et al., 2008; Dellgran & Höjer 2005a; Dellgran & Höjer 2005b). The increase, despite the generally negative attitudes, seems to indicate a gap between soc

Konsumtionsmönster vid köp av charkprodukter till vardags

När det småskaliga charkuteriet ska ta steget från gårdsbutiken och etablera sig i dagligvaruhandeln krävs en tydlig marknadsföringsstrategi för att kunna mäta sig med de stora producenterna. Syftet med detta examensarbete är att få en bild över hur marknaden för köttpålägg ser ut idag och utröna vilka möjligheter och utmaningar en mindre producent kan ställas inför. Genom att utföra en konsumentu

Designing a deep learning network for self-driving vehicles

Autonomous vehicles, or as we usually know them by, self-driving cars, are often presented as the transportation technology of the future. The possibility of a vehicle to drive itself without any human intervention or manual control finally becomes possible. The common machine learning algorithm that is being used in autonomous vehicles is the deep learning network. Deep learning is a machine lea

Development of a Type IIs cloning strategy for the RUBYTM format & PCR optimization and development of a Type IIs cloning strategy for pool cloning

Ditt immunförsvar kan utnyttjas för att bekämpa cancer När det kommer till sjukdomar, orsakade av bakterier eller virus, är kroppens immunförsvar kapabelt till att själv utrota inkräktarna. Cancer däremot, är en mycket mer komplex sjukdom med förmågan att förhindra immunförsvaret från att utföra dess funktioner. Lyckligtvis har en ny kategori av läkemedel revolutionerat cancerbehandling de senastFor Alligator Bioscience AB, a company developing immunotherapeutic antibodies, it is crucial to efficiently evaluate a large number of potential drug candidates at an early stage. The in-house developed RUBYTM concept, combining monoclonal antibodies into bispecific antibodies without lead optimization, requires implementation of high-throughput technologies. Restriction enzyme digestion, used fo

CEO Incentives and firm risk: in the context of cross-listing

This research aims to investigate the relation of CEO compensation, especially how the sensitivity of CEO wealth to stock return volatility (vega), but also how the sensitivity of CEO wealth to stock price (delta) affects the risk of the firm. Moreover, these relations are investigated in the context of cross-listing to examine whether there are differences between US-only listed firms and those t

Understanding Sn-seeded InSb nanowire growth

III-Sb semiconductor nanowires have drawn a lot of attention because of their many promising applications, such as thermoelectric generation, low power high efficient electronics and quantum transport. Gold as a catalyst seed particle has been dominating for many years assisting nanowires growth. However, gold is incompatible with silicon-based electronics, which is dominating today. Therefore, fi

Mixed Messages in a Gender Diversity Initiative

This thesis explores how the workforce perceives and responds to gender diversity initiatives. While it is easy for companies to start talking about gender diversity and initiate different campaigns, it becomes challenging or even difficult to implement them in practice. In male-dominated industries gender diversity initiatives are facing different challenges and the progress remains slow. Our cas

Using LASSO regularization as a feature selection tool.

Artificiella neuronnät är ett samlingsnamn för maskininlärningsmetoder som försöker efterlikna biologiska system i sin struktur. Ett neuronnät förbereds, med så kallad träning, för till exempel mönsterigenkänning, genom att man presenterar exempel på den typ av data man vill identifiera. Inom ett visst intervall uppdateras nätverkets inre struktur, med målet att utsignal anpassas till den signal sThe subject of deep learning has become increasingly popular, especially for machine learning applications where a large number of input variables have to be processed. However, there are instances of problem solving, where a full understanding of the variables is of high importance. When dealing with data sets containing a large number of input variables, the established methods of feature select

Analyzing Meteorological Relationships to Aerosols in China

Ekonomin i Kina har blomstrat över de senaste tiotal åren, och tillsammans med det skyhöga antalet invånare, strävar landet nu efter att uppnå världens största medelklass. Men för att Kina och hela världen skall kunna upprätthålla en levnadsstandard likt den vi har i väst, så kommer vi göra det på stor bekostnad av klimatet. Huvudsakligen sker det på grund av den massiva förbränning av kol och fosMeteorological conditions are influenced everyday by air-bound aerosols and pollution in the atmosphere, and understanding these processes from micro to synoptic scale, is essential for forecasting and creating high resolution weather models. In this study, three different experimental weather models are analysed to provide some understanding on how various meteorological parameters are influenced

Measuring volatile nicotine from electronic cigarettes

This thesis is focused on electronic cigarettes and the formulations (also known as e-juices) associated with these. The reason is that there have been countless studies on the health effects and nicotine delivery of normal cigarettes, but not as much on electronic cigarettes. This work aims to provide some insights into how electronic cigarettes behaves as nicotine delivery system. The overall re

Accessibility within Inflight Entertainment

Flying is a stressful and demanding task for many passengers, where airlines are always in the search for new technologies and methods to make the expe- rience more comfortable and stimulating. In this thesis, we have evaluated accessibility support within in-flight-entertainment systems available in the market today. The focus has beenonusabilityforuserswithreducedornovision. Interactivetext-to-s


This project focus on mouthfeel and textures within food area and try to connect it with emotion. The concept is inspired from space and Mars exploration in food related topics. Developing with experiments and coming up with a set of emotions outlet tools for not only eating but exploring your mouth. There are tons of product in markets that focus on only getting food from plate to mouth. However,

Controlling the Uncontrollable

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to tackle the paradox of governing free labour by exploring and drawing further understanding to the co-creation process in online brand communities. Originality: This study is the first to investigate co-creation from the theoretical perspective of the production of space and the first to introduce the concept of co-control in regards to the management of co

VEM ÄR INTRESSERAD AV ACCELERATORER? En studie av acceleratorer och dess intressenter

Examensarbetets titel: Vem är intresserad av acceleratorer? En studie av acceleratorer och dess intressenter. Seminariedatum: 2019-06-05 Ämne/kurs: FEK69: Examensarbete i Redovisning, 15 högskolepoäng. Författare: Rikard Jannesson, Tyko Carling och Martin Trollér Handledare: Gert Paulsson Fem nyckelord: Startup, Accelerator, Innovation, Venture Capital, Intressentmodellen. Syfte: Syftet med dTitle: Who is interested in accelerators? A study of accelerators and their stakeholders. Seminar date: 2019-06-05 Course: FEK69: Degree Project Undergraduate level, Financial Accounting, Undergraduate level, 15 ECTS. Authors: Rikard Jannesson, Tyko Carling och Martin Trollér Advisor: Gert Paulsson Key words Startup, Accelerator, Innovation, Venture Capital, Stakeholder Theory Purpose: The pu