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Your search for "*" yielded 530143 hits

Atrioventricular nodal function during atrial fibrillation: Model building and robust estimation

Statistical modeling of atrioventricular (AV) nodal function during atrial fibrillation (AF) is revisited for the purpose of defining model properties and improving parameter estimation. The characterization of AV nodal pathways is made more detailed and the number of pathways is now determined by the Bayesian information criterion, rather than just producing a probability as was previously done.

The absorption, tissue distribution and excretion of enteraly administered alpha-ketoglutarate in rats.

The absorption, tissue distribution and excretion of enteral alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) was studied in four experiments. Six male Sprague Dawley rats were used to investigate the excretion of AKG in urine and faeces. Thirty rats, randomly assigned to five groups, were used to investigate the distribution of AKG in body tissues. They were gavaged with AKG enriched with 3 muCi/kg BW of (14)C uniforml

The UTCI-Clothing Model

The Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) was conceived as a thermal index covering the whole climate range from heat to cold. This would be impossible without considering clothing as the interface between the person (here, the physiological model of thermoregulation) and the environment. It was decided to develop a clothing model for this application in which the following three factors were con

Beyond the neutron drip line: The unbound oxygen isotopes O-25 and O-26

The very neutron-rich oxygen isotopes O-25 and O-26 are investigated experimentally and theoretically. The unbound states are populated in an experiment performed at the R3B-LAND setup at GSI via proton-knockout reactions from F-26 and F-27 at relativistic energies around 442 and 414 MeV/nucleon, respectively. From the kinematically complete measurement of the decay into O-24 plus one or two neutr

Comparing wine-based and beer-based baits for moth trapping: a field experiment

Vid fångst av nattfjärilar använder man ofta lockbeten. De består av en trasa eller liknande som dränks in med någon lockande vätska och hängs upp i t.ex. ett träd. Under natten kan betet inspekteras många gånger och djur samlas in. Recepten för den lockande vätska varierar kraftigt mellan olika samlare men innehåller alltid jästa produkter av något slag. En stor skiljelinje går mellan beten som b

Neuropeptides and neurotrophic factors in epilepsy: seizure suppressant actions of VEGF, NPY and galanin

Popular Abstract in Swedish Epilepsi är en allvarlig kronisk neurologisk sjukdom, som drabbar ungefär 1% av befolkningen. Sjukdomen yttrar sig genom plötsliga återkommande krampanfall, som beror på en obalans i hjärnan mellan hämmande (inhibitoriska) och stimulerande (excitatoriska) nervimpulser. När de stimulerande impulserna tar överhand leder detta till överstimulering, också kallad för hyperexEpilepsy is a severe chronic neurological disorder, affecting about 1% of the population. The disease is manifested by spontaneous recurrent seizures, caused by hypersynchronized neuronal activity due to imbalance in the brain between the inhibition and excitation. Symptoms are treated with anti-epileptic drugs, but unfortunately, 30-40% of patients respond poorly to current treatment. Therefore,

Spotting pain in the brain. Towards a useful animal model of pain

Popular Abstract in Swedish På apoteket hittar vi den ena burken efter den andra med olika sorters smärtstillande medicin. Hur många av dessa är verkligen effektiva mot ihållande och svår smärta? Många receptbelagda läkemedel som lindrar smärta förändrar samtidigt vårt beteende, till exempel vår förmåga att fatta beslut. De kan dessutom också orsaka slöhet och onormal koordination. För att kunnaCurrent models of pain in conscious animals usually scores nocifensive responses. However, it is still unclear to what extent these responses are related to, for instance, the sensory discriminative or affective aspects of pain. This touches upon an intriguing question on how the nervous system processes nociceptive information in the conscious brain, a matter of which little is known. In order to

Adaptation of timing of life history traits and population dynamic responses to climate change in spatially structured populations

Changes in the seasonal timing of life history events are documented effects of climate change. We used a general model to study how dispersal and competitive interactions affect eco-evolutionary responses to changes in the temporal distribution of resources over the season. Specifically, we modeled adaptation of the timing of reproduction and population dynamic responses in two competing populati

Effects of neuromuscular training (NEMEX-TJR) on patient-reported outcomes and physical function in severe primary hip or knee osteoarthritis: a controlled before-and-after study

Background: The benefits of exercise in mild and moderate knee or hip osteoarthritis (OA) are apparent, but the evidence in severe OA is less clear. We recently reported that neuromuscular training was well tolerated and feasible in patients with severe primary hip or knee OA. The aims of this controlled before-and-after study were to compare baseline status to an age-matched population-based refe

Comparison of LDPC Block and LDPC Convolutional Codes Based on their Decoding Latency

We compare LDPC block and LDPC convolutional codes with respect to their decoding performance under low decoding latencies. Protograph based regular LDPC codes are considered with rather small lifting factors. LDPC block and convolutional codes are decoded using belief propagation. For LDPC convolutional codes, a sliding window decoder with different window sizes is applied to continuously decode

Localised deformation in a wide-grained sand under triaxial compression revealed by X-ray tomography and digital image correlation

Understanding the mechanisms of deformation and failure of soils is essential in geotechnical engineering. In particular, strain localisation is a key issue for the failure of soils. In laboratory mechanical testing, localised deformation can be investigated efficiently through full-field measurements of displacement and strain in soil specimens. The objective of this study is to investigate the d

Judicial protection of individual applicants revisited: access to justice through the prism of judicial subsidiarity

Rules on standing hold the power to enable, as well as to foreclose, intervention in regulatory processes. As such, they determine who may challenge regulatory power, and according to which criteria. This makes standing rules pivotal to any legal system. In the EU context, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) has been much criticised over the years for its narrow interpretation of dir