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Your search for "*" yielded 530130 hits

A guide to central place effects in foraging.

We develop a general patch-use model of central place foraging, which subsumes and extends several previous models. The model produces a catalog of central place effects predicting how distance from a central place influences the costs and benefits of foraging, load-size, quitting harvest rates, and giving-up densities. In the model, we separate between costs that are load-size dependent, i.e. a d

Bridging two worlds. Tracing merchants from the Holy Roman Empire in High Medieval Sigtuna.

The last decades of the 10th century saw an upheaval in interregional contacts that shattered old arrangements. Some of the nodes in the network were abandoned. Sigtuna seems to be established in the wake of Birka’s demise, but it took two or three decades before foreign guests found their way on a regular basis. With the structural pre-millennium re-arrangement, negotiations with both Continental

MOA-2010-BLG-523:" Failed Planet"= RS CVn Star

The Galactic bulge source MOA-2010-BLG-523S exhibited short-term deviations from a standard microlensing light curve near the peak of an A(max) similar to 265 high-magnification microlensing event. The deviations originally seemed consistent with expectations for a planetary companion to the principal lens. We combine long-term photometric monitoring with a previously published high-resolution spe

A 12-year record reveals pre-growing season temperature and water table level threshold effects on the net carbon dioxide exchange in a boreal fen

This study uses a 12-year time series (2001-2012) of eddy covariance measurements to investigate the long-term net ecosystem exchange (NEE) of carbon dioxide (CO2) and inter-annual variations in relation to abiotic drivers in a boreal fen in northern Sweden. The peatland was a sink for atmospheric CO2 in each of the twelve study years with a 12-year average (+/- standard deviation) NEE of -58 +/-

Electronic structure of fluorinated multiwalled carbon nanotubes studied using x-ray absorption and photoelectron spectroscopy

This paper presents the results of combined investigation of the chemical bond formation in fluorinated multiwalled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) with different fluorine contents (10-55 wt %) and reference compounds (highly oriented pyrolytic graphite crystals and "white" graphite fluoride) using x-ray absorption and photoelectron spectroscopy at C 1s and F 1s thresholds. Measurements were performed a

1/f Noise Sources in Dual-Gated Indium Arsenide Nanowire Transistors

1/f noise is studied in dual-gated InAs nanowire transistors consisting of an omega top gate with high-k atomic layer deposited dielectric and silicon dioxide to substrate back gate. Noise spectra at varying gate bias combinations are compared from devices with differing top-gate lengths to separate the noise contributions of the top-gated channel from the ungated access portion, including the met

Nonlocal ultrafast demagnetization dynamics of Co/Pt multilayers by optical field enhancement

The influence on ultrafast demagnetization dynamics of metallic nano-structured gratings deposited on thin films of magnetic Co/Pt multilayers is investigated by the time-resolved optical Kerr effect. Depending on the polarization of the pump pulse, a pronounced enhancement of the demagnetization amplitude is found. Calculation of the inhomogeneous optical field distribution due to plasmon interac

Pair correlations, short-range order, and dispersive excitations in the quasi-kagome quantum magnet volborthite

We present spatial and dynamic information on the s = 1/2 distorted kagome antiferromagnet volborthite, Cu3V2O7(OD)(2) center dot 2D(2)O, obtained by polarized and inelastic neutron scattering. The instantaneous structure factor, S(Q), is dominated by nearest-neighbor pair correlations, with short-range order at wave vectors Q(1) = 0.65(3) angstrom(-1) and Q(2) = 1.15(5) angstrom(-1) emerging belo

Surrogate fuels for premixed combustion in compression ignition engines

Simple surrogate fuels are needed to model practical fuels, which are complex mixtures of hydrocarbons. The surrogate fuel should match the combustion and emissions behaviour of the target fuel as much as possible. This paper presents experimental results using a wide range of fuels in both the gasoline and diesel auto-ignition range, but of different volatilities and compositions, in a single cyl

Röster från socialtjänsten

Syftet med denna studie är att analysera hur personal inom socialtjänsten tolkar, definierar och upplever ett behandlingsprojekt, som involverade olika myndigheter, benämnt Motverka Våld och Gäng. Dessutom uppmärksammas hur den intervjuade och observerade personalen uppfattar och kategoriserar de inom projektet anställda samordnarna. De anställda inom socialtjänsten upplever att projektet kommit The aim of this study is to analyze how the Social Services personnel interpret, define and perceive, on the one hand, the project “Motverka Våld och Gäng” meaning “Counteract Violence and Gangs”, and on the other hand the role of the Coordinators employed in this project. Heads of units and Social Secretarys were interviewed, as well as observed and recorded at meetings. The personnel of the Soc

Increased Propensity of I-aq(-) for the Water Surface in Non-neutral Solutions: Implications for the Interfacial Behavior of H3Oaq+ and OHaq-

By a combination of surface-sensitive photoelectron spectroscopy and molecular dynamics simulations, we characterize the surface propensity of the iodide anion in aqueous solutions at acidic, neutral, and basic conditions (pH = 1, 6.8 and 13). In both experiments and simulations, an increased surface concentration of I- is found in non-neutral solutions. We interpret these findings in terms of I-

Src-Like Adaptor Protein (SLAP) Binds to the Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Flt3 and Modulates Receptor Stability and Downstream Signaling.

Fms-like tyrosine kinase 3 (Flt3) is an important growth factor receptor in hematopoiesis. Gain-of-function mutations of the receptor contribute to the transformation of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Src-like adaptor protein (SLAP) is an interaction partner of the E3 ubiquitin ligase Cbl that can regulate receptor tyrosine kinases-mediated signal transduction. In this study, we analyzed the role o

The addition of transglutaminase improves the physical quality of extruded fish feed

The possibility of improving the physical quality of extruded fish feed using transglutaminase (TGase) treatment at different stages of the production process was investigated. The addition of TGase to the raw material mix and processing under high and medium moisture conditions significantly increased (p > 0.05) the durability, hardness and elasticity of fish feed pellets. However, the water stab

Atrioventricular nodal function during atrial fibrillation: Model building and robust estimation

Statistical modeling of atrioventricular (AV) nodal function during atrial fibrillation (AF) is revisited for the purpose of defining model properties and improving parameter estimation. The characterization of AV nodal pathways is made more detailed and the number of pathways is now determined by the Bayesian information criterion, rather than just producing a probability as was previously done.

The absorption, tissue distribution and excretion of enteraly administered alpha-ketoglutarate in rats.

The absorption, tissue distribution and excretion of enteral alpha-ketoglutarate (AKG) was studied in four experiments. Six male Sprague Dawley rats were used to investigate the excretion of AKG in urine and faeces. Thirty rats, randomly assigned to five groups, were used to investigate the distribution of AKG in body tissues. They were gavaged with AKG enriched with 3 muCi/kg BW of (14)C uniforml

The UTCI-Clothing Model

The Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI) was conceived as a thermal index covering the whole climate range from heat to cold. This would be impossible without considering clothing as the interface between the person (here, the physiological model of thermoregulation) and the environment. It was decided to develop a clothing model for this application in which the following three factors were con