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Kommersialiseringen av gener--patent på bröstcancergener pilotfall. Sverige får inte stå vid sidan om utvecklingen
Clinical and histopathological characteristics in relation to aetiological risk factors in cutaneous melanoma : a population-based study
In this population-based, case-control study from Sweden using data collected from 1988 to 1990, an increased risk of melanoma was associated with the number of sunburns, propensity to freckle, the number of raised naevi and a family history of melanoma. Furthermore, a decreased risk was associated with occupational sun exposure. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether different histo
Cultural homegarden management practices mediate arthropod communities in Indonesia
Tropical forest loss and transformation to agroecosystems have serious impacts on biodiversity, associated ecosystem services and the livelihood of local people. The high crop plant biodiversity and low intensity management in many homegardens could play an important role in the preservation of biodiversity in modified landscapes, as well as sustain food security of low income households. In this
Brain metabolite changes in patients with relapsing-remitting and secondary progressive Multiple Sclerosis: a two-year follow-up study
Defining donor and acceptor strength in conjugated copolymers
The progress in efficiency of organic photovoltaic devices is largely driven by the development of new donor–acceptor (D–A) copolymers. The number of possible D–A combinations escalates rapidly with the ever-increasing number of donor and acceptor units, and the design process often involves a trial-and-error approach. We here present a computationally efficient methodology for the prediction of o
Derek Parfit's Contributions to Philosophy
Hearing ability and self-reported hearing disorders in orchestral musicians
Cerebrospinal Fluid Stanniocalcin-1 as a Biomarker for Alzheimer's Disease and Other Neurodegenerative Disorders
Stanniocalcin-1 (STC-1) is a nerve cell-enriched protein involved in intracellular calcium homeostasis regulation. Changes in calcium regulation are hypothesized to play a role in the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease (AD). The expression of STC-1 increases in response to ischemic stroke, but whether it is altered in neurodegenerative disorder, particularly Alzheimer's disease (AD), has not b
Association between renin and atherosclerotic burden in subjects with and without type 2 diabetes
Background: Activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone-system (RAAS) has been proposed to contribute to development of vascular complications in type 2 diabetes (T2D). The aim of the present study was to determine if plasma renin levels are associated with the severity of vascular changes in subjects with and without T2D. Methods: Renin was analyzed by the Proximity Extension Assay in subject
Simplifying microfluidic separation devices towards field-detection of blood parasites
With our sights set on a simple and inexpensive diagnostics device based on extraction and enrichment of parasites from human blood, we present a device design that relies on a combination of multiple different deterministic lateral displacement arrays. Our end goal is a microfluidic device that will be easy to use in the rural, resource-deprived areas where simple-to-use medical tools are crucial
A neutron scattering and modelling study of aqueous solutions of tetramethylammonium and tetrapropylammonium bromide
We have investigated the properties in water of two tetraalkylammonium bromides (tetramethylammonium, TMA+, and tetrapropylammonium, TPA+), at 0.4 M, using neutron scattering coupled with empirical potential structure refinement to arrive at an atomistic description. Having both a polar and an apolar moiety, it is of interest to determine the strength of each moiety as a function of the alkyl chai
Runda hörn och en obemärkt forskare
Lydnadsmodus på Arbetsförmedlingen – En kontextualisering av funktionell dumhet
Life paths through space and time: Adding the micro-level geographic context to longitudinal historical demographic research
Historisk-demografisk forskning är central för att förstå mänskliga beteenden och egenskaper genom historien, såsom fertilitet, dödlighet och migration. En väsentlig del inom historisk demografi är att utföra longitudinella analyser på mikronivå. Detta innebär att individer följs kontinuerligt över livscykeln utifrån demografiska händelser (födelse, giftermål, flyttningar och död) under flera geneHistorical demographic research is central to understanding past human behaviours and traits, such as fertility, mortality and migration. An essential part of historical demography is conducting longitudinal analyses at the micro-level, which involves the detailed follow-up of individuals over long time periods throughout their lives. By including the geographic context in such analyses, we can st
Influence of chloride and moisture content on steel rebar corrosion in concrete
Reinforced mortar samples were exposed in humidity chambers with different relative humidity or exposed in cyclic moisture conditions. The rebars were in an “as received” condition meaning that the preexisting oxide scale were intact. The lowest chloride concentration that initiated corrosion was 1% Cl− by mass of cement, corrosion was then observed for samples exposed at 97% relative humidity. It
Depressive symptoms associated with concerns about falling in Parkinson's disease
Background: Concerns about falling, a construct related to fear of falling, is increased in people with Parkinson's disease (PD) and is recognized as a barrier for exercise, negatively affecting health-related quality of life and participation. Aim: To investigate modifiable factors associated with concerns about falling in elderly with mild-to-moderate PD. Methods: Eighty-nine elderly (39 females
Forskarhandledning i teori och praktik
Detta är en efterlängtad bok som bidrar till utveckling av forskarhandledares kompetens och ger ett fördjupat perspektiv på doktoranders lärande. Med förankring i aktuell forskning behandlar författarna forskarutbildningens organisation, handledarens professionella praktik, doktorandens lärande samt utbildningens kvalitetssystem. Kopplingen mellan teori och praktik utgör en röd tråd genom boken.
Energy reserves, information need and a pinch of personality determine decision-making on route in partially migratory blue tits
In facultative partial migrants some individuals in a population are migratory and others are resident and individuals decide each year anew which strategy to choose. While the proportion of birds migrating is in part determined by environmental conditions and competitive abilities, the timing of individual departure and behaviours on route are little understood. Individuals encounter different en