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Body temperature regulation in hot environments

Organisms in hot environments will not be able to passively dissipate metabolically generated heat. Instead, they have to revert to evaporative cooling, a process that is energetically expensive and promotes excessive water loss. To alleviate these costs, birds in captivity let their body temperature increase, thereby entering a state of hyperthermia. Here we explore the use of hyperthermia in wil

How smart is specialisation? An analysis of specialisation patterns in knowledge production

To understand how the specialisation patterns of cities differ among scientific fields, we study patterns of knowledge production in Astrophysics, Biotechnology, Nanotechnology and Organic Chemistry in the period 1996-2012. Using keywords from journal publications, we find systematic differences across scientific fields, but remarkable similarities across cities within each field. Biotechnology sh

The costs and finances of World War I according to Eli F. Heckscher

Heckscher published in 1915 a book on the economics of World War I in Swedish. He analyzed the costs and the finances of war along similar lines as his contemporary Pigou (1916). Heckscher reached farther by making a distinction between the short and the long-run costs of war. He also provided a comprehensive theoretical and empirical analysis of the sources of funds for war finance, including a pHeckscher published in 1915 a book on the economics of World War I in Swedish. He analyzed the costs and the finances of war along similar lines as his contemporary Pigou (1916). Heckscher reached farther by making a distinction between the short and the long-run costs of war. He also provided a comprehensive theoretical and empirical analysis of the sources of funds for war finance, including a p

Referring to multimodal rehabilitation for patients with musculoskeletal disorders - a register study in primary health care

BACKGROUND: In 2008, the Swedish government introduced a National Rehabilitation Program, in which the government financially reimburses the county councils for evidence-based multimodal rehabilitation (MMR) interventions. The target group is patients of working age with musculoskeletal disorders (MSD), expected to return to work or remain at work after rehabilitation. Much attention in the evalua

Entangled media histories : The value of Transnational and Transmedial Approaches in Media Historiography

The transnational and transmedial dimensions of media and communication throughout history have not always been adequately recognised. In this research report we propose the concept of entanglement as a means of better understanding the dynamic interconnectedness of media across semiotic, technological, institutional and political boundaries in history. Entanglement is a concept that can be employThe transnational and transmedial dimensions of media and communication throughout history have not always been adequately recognised. In this research report we propose the concept of entanglement as a means of better understanding the dynamic interconnectedness of media across semiotic, technological, institutional and political boundaries in history. Entanglement is a concept that can be employ

The Meta-Contrast Technique : a projective test predicting suicide

Sixty-nine inpatients who had attempted suicide were studied by means of the Meta-Contrast Technique (MCT), a projective test measuring personality factors, especially defensive strategies. The patients were divided into 3 subgroups, one of which was defined as stereotypy only, which denotes stereotypy (perceptual retardation) without any other coded defenses. At follow-up 7 of 8 completed suicide

Detection of factor IX inhibitors by immunoradiometric assay

An immunoradiometric assay (IRMA) for the determination of factor IX inhibitors in haemophilia B was developed. The assay was based on competitive binding between radiolabelled anti-IX and inhibitors in the test material of immobilized IX:C. 5 haemophiliacs with known inhibitors were investigated with the new method and with a conventional neutralization test. An inhibitor titre as low as 5 X 10(-

Reflections : Resolving conflicting demands within disaster risk and recovery

This ‘reflection’ describes conflicting experiences, drawn from the author’s career in varied aspects of disaster risk management and recovery (1973–2016) delving into his memory, Ian Davis explores conflicts he has felt in four parallel roles he has adopted as architect, NGO board member, academic and the personal challenges he has faced working within the humanitarian sector. After describing th