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Notbilden som analyserande redskap - Den musikaliska utbildningens betydelse vid visuell tolkning av olika notbilder

Syftet med studien är att förstå informantens förmåga till att läsa noter och musikaliska utbildning genom att analysera informanternas svar vid visuell tolkning av notbilder från olika genrer. Studien är baserad på fyra olika intervjuer med studenter/alumner från Musikhögskolan i Malmö som tolkas utifrån en hermeneutisk ansats. Intervjuerna utgår ifrån sju olika notbilder med olikartat ursprung sTitle: The sheet as an analyzing tool – The importance of musical education when visually interpreting different sheets The purpose with this study is to understand the informant’s ability to read sheets and musical education by analyzing the informant’s answers when visually interpreting sheets from different genres. This study is based on four different interviews with students/alumni from The M

Det genussegregerade klassrummet - Musikpedagogers uppfattning om orsaker till traditionella könsmönster i trumundervisningen

Syftet med studien är att undersöka på vilket sätt musiklärare tycker stereotypa föreställningar om genus påverkar undervisningen i musik i allmänhet och trumundervisningen i synnerhet. Kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra musiklärare ligger till grund för empirin som tolkas med en hermeneutisk ansats. Resultatet redovisas utifrån perspektiven trumundervisningens metodik, elevernas relation till musiceTitle: The gender divided classroom – The causes of traditional gender patterns in drum education from the perception of music teachers. The purpose of the thesis is to investigate in what ways music teachers think stereotypical gender pre-positions affect the teaching in music in general and drum teaching in particular. The empirical material is based on qualitative interviews with four music tea

"Gimme Shelter" - A Long- and Short-Run Analysis of Swedish Regional House Prices

The aim of this thesis is to examine the long-run relationship between regional house prices, how the house price model behaves in the short run and if aggregated national house price models may be misleading. To investigate whether house prices are related in the long run we use cointegration tests to look for common trends. The short-run behaviour of the model is estimated by an error correction

Automatic Stabilization in Sweden - Developments through 30 years of economic change

This thesis deals with the topic of effectiveness of automatic stabilization in Sweden from 1970 and onwards. A simple model of how the business cycle affects taxes (through the automatic stabilizers) is used to construct new series for disposable incomes, aggregate demand components and finally aggregate demand. The effectiveness of the automatic stabilizers is measured using the ratio of the roo

Determinants of Mergers and Acquisitions in the Energy Industry - Evidence from the European Market

The energy industry in Europe has been exposed to major changes since the early 1990s. What effects this changing market scene has had on the companies active in the energy industry is an interesting research area. We aimed in this thesis to investigate what were the determinants behind firms engaging in M&A transactions, between the years 1995 and 2005, based on theories and hypotheses that a

Do Givers Really Gain? A study of relationship benefits and sacrifices in BNI a referral network organisation

The purpose of this study is to explore how relationship benefits and sacrifices matter in relation to members of referral networks and how these aspects affect overall member satisfaction. This study has an explanatory research approach since it aims to, by testing hypotheses; explain the impact relationship benefits and sacrifices have on satisfaction. It is based on both qualitative and quantit

Klassificering av läkemedel - en studie av det nationella utrymmet vid harmonisering

Läkemedelsområdet har sedan 1965 varit föremål för en genomgripande harmonisering. Harmoniseringens syfte har dels varit att värna om folkhälsan, dels att dessa produkter fritt skall kunna röra sig på den inre marknaden. Det har dock hela tiden funnits en klar motsättning mellan dessa två mål. Läkemedelsklassificeringen utgör ett skydd för folkhälsan genom att produkter som klassificeras som läkem

Comparing Return-Risk and Direct Utility Maximization Portfolio Optimization Methods by ‘Certainty Equivalence Curves’

Mean-Risk portfolio optimization method proposes an efficient frontier that consists of portfolios not dominated by any portfolio. Consequently, this method reduces the choice set by excluding inefficient portfolios. Different risk measures offer different efficient frontiers, which can be interpreted as different optimal choice sets. The question is whether these different risk measures lead to s

Cash holdings in Sweden

Background: In a perfect world, a company would not have to keep any cash at all but because of market imperfections created by information asymmetries and agency problems it has to. Previous research has suggested that a firm’s cash holding level is related to its size, growth opportunities and leverage. The Swedish market is particularily interesting to study from a corporate governance perspect

Value creation through mergers and acquisitions – A study on the Swedish market

Mergers and acquisitions on the Swedish market 1997-2009 have created value of approximately 3.5 percent on average measured as abnormal returns. The results are statistically significant. No significance was found for the explanatory regressions and thus we can not find any guidance for managers of when it is preferable to engage in M&A transactions.

Ersättning för sveda och värk vid personskada - En komparativ studie mellan svensk och dansk rätt

I denna uppsats behandlas den svenska regeln vad gäller skadeståndsrättslig ersättning för sveda och värk vid personskada. En komparativ studie har gjorts med dansk rätt för att se hur ersättningssystemet vad gäller &quot&semicsvie og smerte&quot&semic fungerar i Danmark för att sätta detta i relation med den svenska rätten. Två intervjuer har gjorts med handläggare på försäkringsb

Digitala prestationer ur ett köprättsligt perspektiv

Uppsatsens problemställningar kretsar kring köp av s.k. digitala produkter. Digitala produkter definieras i uppsatsen som varor som både beställs och levereras via Internet. Säljaren och köparen har vid slutandet av köpeavtalet ingen som helst fysisk kontakt. Det är framför allt programvara, e-böcker, spel och musik- och filmfiler som är föremål för dessa köp. Leveransen kan ske per e-post eller g

The Heston Model - Stochastic Volatility and Approximation

The crude assumption on log normal stock returns and constant volatility in the Black-Scholes model is a big constraint which constructs smile and skew inconsistent prices. The Heston model and its suggested approximation built on stochastic volatility are introduced and faced against the Black-Scholes model in hope of producing option prices where the smile and skew are taken into account.. As on

Kunde den inverterade avkastningskurvan prediktera finanskrisen?

Purpose: The purpose with this paper is to investigate if the inverted yield curve was a good predictor of the financial crisis and the following U.S recession and, if this is the case, which yield spread had highest level of significance. Methodology: The methodology is a quantitative study with a simple linear regression model based on econometric theory. Theory: The theoretical framework is bui

Forecasting Volatility - An Empirical Investigation of Implied Volatility and Its Information Content

The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate volatility forecasts by testing the predictive power of implied volatility vis-à-vis model based forecasts. Furthermore we test if implied volatility contains any additional information beyond that captured by the model based forecasts. A number of time series models are fitted to historical data. The fitted models are then used to forecast volatility. The

Kreditbetyg & KMV-modellen i kristider

Uppsatsens syfte är att jämföra Moody’s kreditbetyg och KMV-modellen under perioden 2006- 2009. Detta för att analysera kreditbetygens ökade inflytande vid beräkning av bankers kapitalkrav inom BIS II samt utvärdera om det skulle vara möjligt att använda KMV-modellen s resultat för att beräkna dessa kapitalkrav istället. Studien baseras på Moody’s kreditbetyg samt den strukturella KMV-modellen vil

The Effect of In-Store TV on Customer-Based Brand Equity

The purpose of the study is to provide empirical evidence if the exposure to in-store TV in retail stores does effect customer-based brand equity of the advertised product. A cross-sectional research design and a deductive approach to theory are used. The quantitative data consists of structured observations and structured interviews with a sample size of n=169. A control group was used to be able

Semikonstitutionellt mastodontverk eller kortfattat principstadgande? Om formerna för den svenska tryckfrihetsrättens reglering

From a continental point of view the Swedish regulation concerning the freedom of the press may appear rather peculiar, since a considerable number of the detailed rules is found at the highest level of the national hierarchy of legal rules - i.e. Grundlagen. In foreign legal systems the freedom of the press is normally stipulated in a very concise way in the constitutional act while the rules reg

Barnets rätt i familjetvister

Begreppet barnets bästa inte är ett nytt påfund i svensk rätt. 1920 års lag om barn i äktenskap uttryckte följande när det gällde barnets bästa ''Om det för barnets uppfostran var nödigt ägde föräldrarna tukta barnet på sätt som med hänsyn till barnets ålder och övriga omständigheter fick anses lämpligt''. Genom 1998 års reform stärktes begreppet barnets bästa och gav domstolen öka