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Re-enacting Les Paradies Artificiels by Re-mythologizing Inspiration
Be it in prose or be it in poetry, Charles Bukowski proposes anarchic protagonists, critical of the Establishment and absorbed in writing. Muses are plenty, but the real fuel for inspiration is alcohol, especially beer. Epic in poetry, abrupt in prose, Bukowski is unflinchingly honest and self-demythologizing. His hedonism and drunkenness are masks put on his revolt against the world and his own f
The Anatomy of the Moment
On the behavior of crack surface ligaments
Small ligaments connecting the fracture surfaces just behind a moving crack front are assumed to exist under certain conditions. The ligaments are rapidly torn as the crack advances. Inelastic straining of such ligaments influences the energy balance in the fracture process. The rapid tearing of a single ligament is studied both numerically and experimentally. An elastic visco-plastic material modSmall ligaments connecting the fracture surfaces just behind a moving crack front are assumed to exist under certain conditions. The ligaments are rapidly torn as the crack advances. Inelastic straining of such ligaments influences the energy balance in the fracture process. The rapid tearing of a single ligament is studied both numerically and experimentally. An elastic visco-plastic material mod
NANC neurotransmission in lamina propria of the rabbit urethra : regulation by different subsets of calcium channels
Electrical field stimulation (EFS) of the rabbit urethral lamina propria elicited a frequency‐dependent non‐adrenergic, non‐cholinergic (NANC) relaxation, which was abolished by NΩ–nitro‐L‐arginine (l‐NOARG). Ω‐Conotoxin GVIA, a selective blocker of N‐type voltage‐operated calcium channels (VOCCs), and Ω‐conotoxin MVIIC (blocker of N‐ and Q‐type VOCCs) inhibited the NANC relaxation, and the inhibi
Surviving a Swedish Tempest
A review of Stormen (The Tempest), performed as site-specific theatre at Kullaberg, Skåne.
Discursive Constructions of White Nordic Masculinities in Right-wing Populist Media
Using superordinate intersectionality as a theoretical framework, this article explores notions of men and masculinities within right wing populism. It is attentive to how the right-wing populist media in Finland and Sweden construct white Nordic masculinities through discursive interactions across several axes of difference: gender (masculinities); sexuality (heterosexuality); social class (elite
Film och historia i klassrummet
Recension av Maria Deldéns doktorsavhandling i historia med utbildningsvetenskaplig inriktning Perspektiv på historiefilmslitteracitet. En didaktisk studie av gymnasieelevers historiska och emotionella meningsskapande i mötet med spelfilm
A short-lived aeolian event during the Early Holocene in southern Norway
Service users experience of receiving peer support in Swedish mental health care : a “tipping point” in the care-giving culture?
Peer support workers are increasingly considered an essential ingredient in recovery-oriented mental health services. While research continues to point to promising results concerning the ability of these workers to positively impact service users’ experience of hope, quality of life and even health, peer support workers have only recently been introduced in Sweden and the aim of this study was to
Article 118 - Cooperation of States in the Conservation and Management of Living Resources
Att rena synder och tvätta kläder : Genusrelationer på stranden vid Ganges i Benares
Spänningarna ökar i Pakistan
Test administrator effects on cognitive performance in a longitudinal study of ageing
In longitudinal studies, changes in participants’ cognitive performances can partly be attributed to variations in the testing situation (testing specific factors), such as, different test administrators or different testing environments. Focusing on test administrator influence, testing specific factors were examined in a Swedish longitudinal study of ageing. Test scores from 6,686 examinations r
Peripheral and Central Sensitization of Pain in Individuals With Hand Osteoarthritis and Associations With Self-Reported Pain Severity
Objective: Pain sensitization, an important osteoarthritis (OA) pain mechanism, has not been substantially investigated in patients with hand OA. It is unknown how peripheral and central sensitization are related to self-reported hand pain. Methods: Individuals with verified hand OA in the Nor-Hand study underwent quantitative sensory testing of pressure pain thresholds (PPTs) locally (painful and
What is the second most important quantity at fracture? Discussion of fracture paper #17
The official iMechanica Blog for the Elsevier Journal Engineering Fracture Mechanics
In vitro and in silico assessment of the developability of a designed monoclonal antibody library
Despite major advances in antibody discovery technologies, the successful development of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) into effective therapeutic and diagnostic agents can often be impeded by developability liabilities, such as poor expression, low solubility, high viscosity and aggregation. Therefore, strategies to predict at the early phases of antibody development the risk of late-stage failure