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Lipase catalyzed esterification of lactic acid

Reactions between lactic acid and alcohols or carboxylic acids catalyzed by lipase from Candida antarctica were evaluated with hexane as solvent. Lactic acid was a good acyl donor and esters of both primary and secondary alcohols were effectively synthesized. No interfering dimer formation due to lactic acid acting as both nucleophile and acyl donor was observed. In agreement with this, no esterif

Cofactor regeneration in biocatalysis in organic media

Methods used for the regeneration of cofactors in organic media are reviewed. Substrate-driven regeneration methods include the use of a second substrate of the same enzyme and the use of a second enzyme and its substrate. The use of mediators in oxidoreductions is described and examples of photochemical and electrochemical regeneration methods are presented. General problems and possibilities of

Lipase-catalyzed transesterification of phosphatidylcholine at controlled water activity

The incorporation of a free fatty acid into the sn-1 position of phosphatidylcholine by lipase-catalyzed transesterification was investigated. The thermodynamic water activity of both the enzyme preparation and the substrate solution was adjusted to the same value prior to the reaction. The reaction rate increased with increasing water activity but the yield of modified phosphatidylcholine decreas

Tailoring the microenvironment of enzymes in water-poor systems

Biocatalytic systems using enzymes in organic solvents open up the possibility of performing a whole range of reactions which would not normally occur under physiological conditions. The ability to perform reverse hydrolysis, or to convert substances relatively insoluble in aqueous environments on a scale of practical value in commercial applications are among those reactions for which water-poor

Staff experiences with strategic implementation of clinical health promotion : A nested qualitative study in the WHO-HPH Recognition Process RCT

Objectives: Health promotion is on the global agenda. The risks targeted include smoking, hazardous alcohol consumption, nutrition and insufficient physical activity. Implementation of clinical health promotion, however, remains a major challenge. While several processes, models and frameworks for strategic implementation exist, very few have been tested in randomized designs. Testing a strategic

The Aging Male

This year the Swedish Society of Medicineand Lund Society of Medicine have arranged aBerzelius Symposium in Malmo¨/Lund on September24–26, 2008. This is the 1st InternationalSymposium in Sweden on The AgingMale.The purpose is to bring together scientistsand clinicians in this relatively new disciplineto highlight, in a multidisciplinary setting, thecauses and consequences of male aging and itssoci

Modelling the behaviour of a control-element blade during irradiation

The control-rod elements in a boiling-water reactor contain natural boron carbide (B4C) powder, used as neutron-absorber material and clad in stainless-steel blades. During in-reactor service, the internal production of helium gas and point defects in neutron-irradiated boron carbide cause swelling which can induce significant contact stresses in the blade causing, eventually, stress-corrosion cra

Attitudes as Equipment for Living

This article explores Burke’s concept of attitude through an overview of its use in his writings, connecting it to the concept of literature as equipment for living, using the comic frame and research into the practical impact of attitudes in rhetorical situations, in order to better understand both concepts.

Allt som ögat ser

Vi följer en foton på dess färd genom världsrymden, från att den skapas i en avlägsen stjärna till att den landar på någons näthinna. Denna resa kan ta tusentals år. En del fotoner absorberas längs vägen, men just vår foton når hela vägen fram och gör att vi kan se vårt universum. Men även om fotonens resa slutar i ditt öga, så färdas informationen vidare till din hjärna.I denna visning utforskar Follow the journey of a single photon as it is produced in a distant star, before travelling across the vast expanse of space to land on someone's retina.This fulldome planetarium show explores some of the fascinating processes of the cosmos, from astrophysics to the biology of the eye and brain.

Evaluation of spectral induced polarization field measurements in time and frequency domain

Spectral induced polarization (SIP) measurements have been demonstrated to correlate with important parame-ters in hydrogeological and environmental investigations. Although SIP measurements were often collected in thefrequency domain (FDIP), recent developments have demonstrated the capabilities to solve for the frequency-de-pendence of the complex conductivity through measurements collected in t

IP lab measurements on E. coli-sand-mixtures

Aim of the MIRACHL project is the characterisation and monitoring of in-situ remediation of chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination using an interdisciplinary approach. Therefore, geophysical methods, as e.g. DCIP are used to investigate the remediation process.To interpret these geophysical field IP data, lab investigations with different kinds of bacteria are necessary to assess the sensitivity of

Induced Polarisation (IP) laboratory measurements on E. coli sand mixtures

The aim of the MIRACHL project is the characterisation and monitoring of insituremediation of chlorinated hydrocarbon contamination using an interdisciplinary approach and geophysical methods, such as DCIP (direct current induced polarisation) to investigate the remediation process.To interpret these geophysical field IP data, lab investigations with different kinds of bacteria are necessary to as

PKC activation sensitizes basal-like breast cancer cell lines to Smac mimetics

There is a need for novel strategies to initiate cancer cell death. One approach is the use of Smac mimetics, which antagonize inhibitor of apoptosis proteins (IAPs). Recent studies have shown that combinations of Smac mimetics such as LBW242 or LCL161 in combination with chemotherapeutic agents increase cancer cell death. Here we show that the protein kinase C (PKC) activator TPA together with th

Evidence of household transfer of ESBL-/pAmpC-producing Enterobacteriaceae between humans and dogs - a pilot study

BACKGROUND: Extended-spectrum cephalosporin-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (ESCRE) are an increasing healthcare problem in both human and veterinary medicine. The spread of ESCRE is complex with multiple reservoirs and different transmission routes. The aim of this study was to investigate if ESCRE carriage in dogs is more prevalent in households with a known human carrier, compared to households wh

Higher levels of serum zonulin may rather be associated with increased risk of obesity and hyperlipidemia, than wih gastrointestinal symptoms or disease manifestaiton

Zonulin is considered a biomarker of increased intestinal permeability, and elevated levels have been found in celiac disease. The primary aim of this study was to examine the association between serum zonulin levels and gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms, and secondarily, between zonulin levels and anthropometric and metabolic factors. The offspring (n = 363) of the participants of the Malmö Diet and