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Innovation in cultural industries: The role of university links

This paper analyses the role of university knowledge in the innovation processes of cultural industries. Most studies of cultural industries highlight the importance of locally clustered firms in innovation processes. Those that analyze university-industry collaboration focus on technological development or industrial R&D, but neglect cultural industries as objects of analysis. The paper addre

Health Alliance for Prudent Prescribing, Yield and Use of Antimicrobial Drugs in the Treatment of Respiratory Tract Infections (HAPPY AUDIT)

Background: Excessive and inappropriate use of antibiotics is considered to be the most important reason for development of bacterial resistance to antibiotics. As antibiotic resistance may spread across borders, high prevalence countries may serve as a source of bacterial resistance for countries with a low prevalence. Therefore, bacterial resistance is an important issue with a potential serious

Large lattice distortions associated with the magnetic transition in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3

Colossal magnetoresistance (CMR) is associated with the phase transition from a metallic ferromagnetic to insulating paramagnetic phase, which can be controlled by an applied magnetic field. The insulating phase occurs due to trapping of the charge carriers by polaronic lattice distortions, which raise the resistivity. Theories based on local physics predict that the magnitude of the resistivity j

Environmentally assisted initiation and growth of multiple surface cracks

The initial stages of stress corrosion on an amorphous polymer is investigated. This is done by exposing stressed specimens of polycarbonate to an acetone and water solution. The surface develops two distinct features of degradation that appear on different length scales when subjected to tensile stress. Small pits form on the surface and make it rough. These pits are in the order of micrometers,

Assessment of clinical signs of atopic dermatitis: A systematic review and recommendation

Background: Clinical signs are a core outcome domain for atopic dermatitis (AD) trials. The current lack of standardization of outcome measures in AD trials hampers evidence-based communication. Objective: We sought to provide evidence-based recommendations for the measurement of clinical signs in AD trials and to inform the Harmonising Outcome Measures for Atopic Dermatitis Initiative. Methods: W

Incorporating tree-thinking and evolutionary time scale into developmental biology.

Phylogenetic approaches are indispensable in any comparative molecular study involving multiple species. These approaches are in increasing demand as the amount and availability of DNA sequence information continues to increase exponentially, even for organisms that were previously not extensively studied. Without the sound application of phylogenetic concepts and knowledge, one can be misled when

Polyphenolic Constituents and Antioxidant Potential of Geranium stepporum Davis

The crude MeOH extract prepared from the aerial parts of G. stepporum and its EtOAc, n-BuOH, H2O subextracts were screened for their inhibitory activity on H2O2-induced lipid peroxidation in human red blood cells. The EtOAc subextract was found to be the most active one and its chemical composition was further analysed. Six polyphenolic secondary metabolites including quercetin (1), rutin (2), met

Knowledge about hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer; mutation carriers and physicians at equal levels

Background: Identification and adequate management of individuals at risk for hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) is crucial since surveillance programmes reduce morbidity and mortality. We investigated knowledge about key features of HNPCC in at risk individuals and physicians in surgery, gynecology and oncology. Methods: Data were collected using a questionnaire which was answered

Motstånd, moral och medarbetarinflytande vid förändringsarbete i offentlig sektor

Personalmotstånd anges ofta som ett problem vid förändringsarbete. I forskningen utgår man gärna från att motståndet beror på emotionella faktorer och man bortser från motståndets faktiska innehåll. I detta papper står detta innehåll i fokus och motstånd tolkas som en begäran om inflytande i ledningens beslutsfattande, med avseende på förändringen. Här väljer ledningen en strategi, som vid förändr

Tracking the Civic Subject in the Media Landscape: Versions of the Democratic Ideal

Research on media and democracy mobilizes a range of conceptual versions of the subject. This is often done implicitly, or out of habit, with a specific model becoming established in any given research tradition. This presentation argues that different theories of the subject can have different implications for our understanding of citizenship and democracy. The text surveys a number of versions,

Influence of tidal volume on pulmonary gas exchange during general anaesthesia

Popular Abstract in Swedish Intubationer (nedsättande av andningsslang i luftstrupen) i samband med generella anestesier kan påverka lungfunktionen med en sänkt arteriell syresättning (SpO2) som följd. Medel för inhalationsanestesi administreras och elimineras via andningsvägarna. Anestesimedlen tas upp i blodet från lungans alveoler genom diffusion och transporteras löst i blodplasma till hjärnanBackground and objective: General anaesthesia impairs respiratory function. The present studies were performed to compare arterial concentration of sevoflurane, oxygen and carbon dioxide in normal and overweight patients ventilated with increased tidal volume (VT), or normal tidal volume with and without PEEP. Methods: Prospective, randomised, clinical studies. ASA І and II abdominal surgery patie

Stadsbarndom: om barns erfarenheter av platser i staden

Artikeln presenterar två kvalitativa studier som fokuserat barns användning av och relation till platser utomhus utifrån barns perspektiv. Studierna genomfördes vid olika tidpunkter, i mitten av 1990-talet och under åren 2008–2009, med barn i ungefär samma åldrar (9–11 år), med liknande metoder och i snarlika typer av bostadsmiljöer, men i två olika svenska städer. Teoretiska utgångspunkter hämtas

P-selectin glycoprotein-ligand-1 regulates pulmonary recruitment of neutrophils in a platelet-independent manner in abdominal sepsis

Neutrophil-mediated lung injury is an insidious feature in sepsis although the mechanisms regulating pulmonary recruitment of neutrophils remain elusive. Here, we investigated the role of P-selectin glycoprotein-ligand-1 (PSGL-1) in sepsis-induced neutrophil recruitment and tissue injury in the lung. Bronchoalveolar infiltration of neutrophils, levels of myeloperoxidase, oedema formation and CXC c

Optimal PI and PID Parameters for a Batch of Benchmark Process Models Representative for the Process Industry

This report presents a large number of optimal PI and PID parameters for a batch of 134 benchmark process models representative for the process industry. This information can e.g. be used as a reference for other controller design methods. The optimal parameters have been derived using the MATLAB®-based software called SWORD, which determines the PI or PID controller that gives the best load distu

Numerical computations and optical diagnostics of unsteady partially premixed methane/air flames

The structures and dynamics of unsteady laminar partially premixed methane/air Bunsen flames are studied by means of numerical simulations, OH and CH PLIF imaging, and high speed chemiluminescence imaging employing a high framing speed intensified charge coupled device camera. The Bunsen burner has a diameter of 22 mm. Rich methane/air mixtures with an equivalence ratio of 1.5 are injected from th