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Your search for "*" yielded 533149 hits

Equal opportunities? - A cross-national comparison of immigrant organisations in Sweden and Italy

This thesis concerns the role played by immigrant organisations today. It focuses on the way in which the national context and especially the corporative, social welfare, and integration systems affect such roles. The thesis is structured around the hypothesis that immigrant organisations are shaped by their interaction with political opportunity structures which function as links between the broa

Regulation of survival and proliferation of human intestinal epithelial cells by leukotriene D4.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Inflammation is a protective response against injury or infection (the invading microbes or their toxins) with the aim being the removal of causal agent followed by the repair process. Without inflammation, infections would go unchecked and wounds would not heal. However, inflammation is like a double-edged sword. Though it is mainly a protective response, some times, iThe pro-inflammatory mediator, Leukotriene D4 (LTD4) is a product of arachidonic acid cascade and has been implicated in asthma and inflammatory bowel diseases. Prolonged inflammatory conditions like ulcerative colitis increases the risk for the development of cancer and the factors that induce the chronic immune response remain uncertain. In this context, in the present study, we examined if expo

Optimization of recombinant in protein production in an E.coli-based process with limited oxygen transfer

E. coli continues to be a popular host organism for production of recombinant proteins. To obtain a high volumetric productivity at the cultivation stage, it is important to achieve a high cell density and a high specific productivity per cell. In many fed-batch processes, the substrate feed rate eventually becomes limited by the oxygen transfer capacity of the bioreactor. While biomass can contin

Social kompetens en ny konkurrensparameter

Social kompetens är ett uttryck som vi vant oss vid att se i arbetsrelaterade sammanhang. Det används ofta och naturligt av många men betydelsen är inte desto mindre mycket oklar. Arbetslivsforskare har i stort sett undvikit att arbeta med begreppet. Den här artikeln ger inte heller svar på vad social kompetens är, men tecknar en orsaksbakgrund till att man i arbetslivet är så intresserad av att r

Birkaborna med föremål från finska fastlandet, vilka var de?

This article focuses on objects from mainland Finland retrieved in the graves of the Viking Age town Birka in the Mälalen valley, Sweden. The main questions posed in the article are what people were buried with these items and what can be concluded about their cultural identity. In the article the artefacts from mainland Finland are presented as well as their contexts. An examination of the find a

Expand your Rhythmic freedom

The main purpose of this book is to help musicians develop their rhythmic skills. By practicing different kinds of rhythmic phrases such as odd grouping, odd metres, combined metres and metric modulations you can strengthen your rhythmic sense and expand your rhythmic freedom. Instrumentalists often spend a lot of time developing their harmonic and melodic skills in improvisa- tion without practic

Load bearing timber glass composites : A WoodWisdom-Netproject for innovative building system

The aim of this three year project, which is part of the WoodWisdom-Net researchprogram, is to develop an innovative load bearing building system composed of timberglasscomposites. The structural loads applied onto these composites will be transferred to, andsupported by, the glass component, in contrary to today’s traditional solutions where glass elementsonly function as an environmental shield.

Miljöstraffrätt - ett sätt att genomdriva miljölagstiftningens mål? En komparativ studie av kriminaliseringsprinciper och lagstiftningsteknik i England, Danmark, Finland och Sverige

Miljöstraffrätten är kombinationen av miljörätt och straffrätt. Den är också kombinationen av miljöpolitik och kriminalpolitik. Straffrätten är ett mycket gammalt rättsområde, vars grundläggande principer åtminstone är 200 år gamla. Miljörätten ett rättsområde som till större delen är ett resultat av det moderna industrialiserade samhällets extrema komplexitet. Miljörätten kan med fog sägas vara e

Processbaserad verksamhetsutveckling

Den traditionella hierarkiska och funktionsorienterade organisationsformen räcker inte längre till för att tillmötesgå dagens och morgondagens krav och förväntningar. Konkurrensen blir allt hårdare, utvecklingen allt snabbare och anpassningsförmågan allt viktigare. Boken täcker alla de faser som ingår i en förändringsprocess, från arbetet med att skapa medvetande om problem och möjligheter, via id