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Your search for "*" yielded 532463 hits

The Influence of Orbital Forcing on 10Be Deposition in Greenland Over the Glacial Period

Understanding the transport and deposition of the cosmogenic isotope 10Be is vital for the application of the isotope data to infer past changes of solar activity, to reconstruct past Earth’s magnetic field intensity and climate change. Here, we use data of the cosmogenic isotope 10Be from the Greenland ice cores, namely the NEEM and GRIP ice cores, to identify factors controlling its distribution

Solving the subset sum problem with a nonideal biological computer

We consider the solution of the subset sum problem based on a parallel computer consisting of self-propelled biological agents moving in a nanostructured network that encodes the computing task in its geometry. We develop an approximate analytical method to analyze the effects of small errors in the nonideal junctions composing the computing network by using a Gaussian confidence interval approxim

Molecular mapping of the PDS70 system : No molecular absorption signatures from the forming planet PDS70 b

Context. Determining the chemical properties of the atmosphere of young forming gas giants might shed light on the location their formation occurred and the mechanisms involved. Aims. Our aim was to detect molecules in the atmosphere of the young forming companion PDS70 b by searching for atmospheric absorption features typical of substellar objects. Methods. We obtained medium-resolution (R ≈ 507

Imbrications of gender and religion in Nordic radical right populism

We examine here how issues of gender and religion are employed for ideological purposes in the discourses of radical right populist parties in Sweden and Finland. We begin with the complexity of these societies as paragons of social welfare and gender equality, within which Lutheran Christianity discreetly underpins their largely secularised character. Employing a poststructuralist methodological

Perinatal famine is associated with excess risk of proliferative retinopathy in patients with type 2 diabetes

PURPOSE: Intrauterine undernutrition is associated with increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Children born premature or small for gestational age were reported to have abnormal retinal vascularization. However, whether intrauterine famine act as a trigger for diabetes complications, including retinopathy, is unknown. The aim of the current study was to evaluate long-term effects of perinatal famine

Steps and catalytic reactions : CO oxidation with preadsorbed O on Rh(553)

Industrial catalysts are often comprised of nanoparticles supported on high-surface-area oxides, in order to maximise the catalytically active surface area and thereby utilise the active material better. These nanoparticles expose steps and corners that, due to low coordination to neighboring atoms, are more reactive and, as a consequence, are often assumed to have higher catalytic activity. We ha

Rare inborn errors of metabolism with movement disorders : a case study to evaluate the impact upon quality of life and adaptive functioning

BACKGROUND: Inborn errors of metabolism (IEM) form an important cause of movement disorders in children. The impact of metabolic diseases and concordant movement disorders upon children's health-related quality of life (HRQOL) and its physical and psychosocial domains of functioning has never been investigated. We therefore conducted a case study on the HRQOL and development of adaptive functionin

Increased concentrations of both NMDA receptor co-agonists d-serine and glycine in global ischemia : A potential novel treatment target for perinatal asphyxia

Worldwide, perinatal asphyxia is an important cause of morbidity and mortality among term-born children. Overactivation of the N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAr) plays a central role in the pathogenesis of cerebral hypoxia-ischemia, but the role of both endogenous NMDAr co-agonists d-serine and glycine remains largely elusive. We investigated d-serine and glycine concentration changes in rat gl

Quenching effects in the cumulative jet spectrum

The steeply falling jet spectrum induces a bias on the medium modifications of jet observables in heavy-ion collisions. To explore this effect, we develop a novel analytic framework to study the quenched jet spectrum and its cumulative. We include many energy-loss-related effects, such as soft and hard medium induced emissions, broadening, elastic scattering, jet fragmentation, cone size dependenc

Smart-sustainability : A new urban fix?

Urban policy increasingly positions smart urban development as a transformative approach to deliver sustain- ability. In this paper, we question the transformative credentials of smartness and argue that it is better un- derstood as a partial fix for the economic, environmental and social challenges faced by cities. Drawing on the urban sustainability and smart city literatures, we develop the con

The measure of spatial position within groups that best predicts predation risk depends on group movement

Both empirical and theoretical studies show that an individual's spatial position within a group can impact the risk of being targeted by predators. Spatial positions can be quantified in numerous ways, but there are no direct comparisons of different spatial measures in predicting the risk of being targeted by real predators. Here, we assess these spatial measures in groups of stationary and movi

Admixture mapping reveals loci for carcass mass in red deer x sika hybrids in Kintyre, Scotland

We deployed admixture mapping on a sample of 386 deer from a hybrid swarm between native red deer (Cervus elaphus) and introduced Japanese sika (Cervus nippon) sampled in Kintyre, Scotland to search for quantitative trait loci (QTLs) underpinning phenotypic differences between the species. These two species are highly diverged genetically [Fst between pure species, based on 50K single nucleotide p

Transcriptome sequencing provides evidence of genetic assimilation in a toad-headed lizard at high altitude

Understanding how organisms adapt to the environment is a compelling question in modern evolutionary biology. Genetic assimilation provides an alternative hypothesis to explain adaptation, in which phenotypic plasticity is first triggered by environmental factors, followed by selection on genotypes that reduce the plastic expression of phenotypes. To investigate the evidence of genetic assimilatio

Elucidating regulators of red blood cell development in health and disease

Våra röda blodkroppar lever i genomsnitt 120 dagar och bryts därefter ner avmakrofagerna, immunsystemets medfödda städare av både främmande och egnaceller. De röda blodkropparnas uppgift är att transportera syre från lungorna tillkroppens olika vävnader och föra tillbaka koldioxid. Men vad händer om de rödablodkropparna bryts ner ovanligt snabbt eller helt enkelt inte produceras i tillräckligtsnabRed blood cells are are plentiful, flexible and essential. They are the most abundant cell in our body and their mainobject is to carry oxygen, which is essential for cellular respiration. The formation of red blood cells is callederythropoiesis. Erythropoiesis is intimately coupled to cell division and mitochondrial function. Aberrations in thesetwo processes are often associated with red blood c

Hydrophobic Man-1-P derivatives correct abnormal glycosylation in Type I congenital disorder of glycosylation fibroblasts

Patients with Type I congenital disorders of glycosylation (CDG-I) make incomplete lipid-linked oligosaccharides (LLO). These glycans are poorly transferred to proteins resulting in unoccupied glycosylation sequons. Mutations in phosphomannomutase (PMM2) cause CDG-Ia by reducing the activity of PMM, which converts mannose (Man)-6-P to Man-1-P before formation of GDP-Man. These patients have reduce

Clinical and molecular characterization of the first adult congenital disorder of glycosylation (CDG) type Ic patient

Congenital disorder of glycosylation (CDG) type Ic, the second largest subtype of CDG, is caused by mutations in human ALG6 (hALG6). This gene encodes the alpha1,3-glucosyltransferase that catalyzes transfer of the first glucose residue to the lipid-linked oligosaccharide precursor for N-linked glycosylation. In this report, we describe the first adult patient diagnosed with CDG-Ic, carrying two p

Exploring the masculinization of innovation practice within a municipality

Purpose: The purpose of this study is to generate an empirically informed theoretical framework which can be used to analyze the relationship between gender and innovation in the context of a municipality. The authors present and analyze three illustrative tales from a feminist perspective. The authors thus offer a more balanced approach to the conceptualization of gendered ascriptions with respec