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Your search for "*" yielded 532208 hits

Self-perception and interpersonal peacefulness : the mediating role of theory of mind and harmony

Purpose: A wide range of variables, including cognitive, emotional and relational factors, could affect the level of peacefulness. The purpose of this paper is to examine key variables (theory of mind (ToM) and harmony) that mediate the personality trait of peacefulness. Design/methodology/approach: The participants were 182 university students recruited from three universities in Isfahan, Iran. S

Constraining the chronology of the mashishing dykes from the eastern kaapvaal craton in South Africa

The present study focuses on NNE-trending dykes (sites LDA to LDJ) that occur near Mashishing in the eastern Kaapvaal craton. The Mashishing dykes were previously considered to be coeval and regarded as the extension of the 1.875–1.835Â Ga Black Hills dyke swarm into the sedimentary rocks of the Pretoria Group. Thin sections exhibit well-preserved igneous textures, with primary minerals (e.g., hor

A new prediction model for ventricular arrhythmias in arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy

AIMS: Arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia/cardiomyopathy (ARVC) is characterized by ventricular arrhythmias (VAs) and sudden cardiac death (SCD). We aimed to develop a model for individualized prediction of incident VA/SCD in ARVC patients. METHODS AND RESULTS: Five hundred and twenty-eight patients with a definite diagnosis and no history of sustained VAs/SCD at baseline, aged 38.2 ± 15.5

Comparison of transperineal and endoanal ultrasound in detecting residual obstetric anal sphincter injury

Introduction: Endoanal ultrasound is considered the gold standard when assessing the obstetric anal sphincter complex. Due to its relative intrusiveness and economic cost, other ultrasound modalities are on the rise, such as transperineal ultrasound with a convex probe. The aim of our study was to evaluate the agreement between endoanal ultrasound scores (EAUS score) and transperineal ultrasound s

Alzheimer's pathology targets distinct memory networks in the ageing brain

Alzheimer's disease researchers have been intrigued by the selective regional vulnerability of the brain to amyloid-β plaques and tau neurofibrillary tangles. Post-mortem studies indicate that in ageing and Alzheimer's disease tau tangles deposit early in the transentorhinal cortex, a region located in the anterior-temporal lobe that is critical for object memory. In contrast, amyloid-β pathology

Pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of a new testosterone gel formulation in comparison to Testogel® in healthy men

This randomized, open-label, multiple-dose three-way cross-over study compared the pharmacokinetics of a new testosterone gel formulation in two strengths, testosterone gel 1% and testosterone gel 2% (FE 999303), with Testogel® in 11 testosterone-suppressed healthy men. Subjects received one of six treatment sequences; 50 mg of testosterone was administered once daily for 7 consecutive days, with

Deep mining of complex antibody phage pools generated by cell panning enables discovery of rare antibodies binding new targets and epitopes

Phage display technology is a common approach for discovery of therapeutic antibodies. Drug candidates are typically isolated in two steps: First, a pool of antibodies is enriched through consecutive rounds of selection on a target antigen, and then individual clones are characterized in a screening procedure. When whole cells are used as targets, as in phenotypic discovery, the output phage pool

Synthesis and Applications of III-V Nanowires

Low-dimensional semiconductor materials structures, where nanowires are needle-like one-dimensional examples, have developed into one of the most intensely studied fields of science and technology. The subarea described in this review is compound semiconductor nanowires, with the materials covered limited to III-V materials (like GaAs, InAs, GaP, InP,...) and III-nitride materials (GaN, InGaN, AlG

Neuropeptide Y receptor subtypes, Y1 and Y2

Heterogeneity among NPY (and PYY) receptors was first proposed on the basis of studies on sympathetic neuroeffector junctions, where NPY (and PYY) can exert three types of action: 1) a direct (e.g., vasoconstrictor) response; 2) a postjunctional potentiating effect on NE-evoked vasoconstriction; and 3) a prejunctional suppression of stimulated NE release; the two latter phenomena are probably reci

Neuropeptide Y : prejunctional inhibition of vagally induced contractions in the guinea pig trachea

The effects of neuropeptide Y (NPY) on the contractile response to vagus nerve stimulation at different frequencies was studied in an isolated tracheal tube preparation from guinea pig. NPY had no effect on basal smooth muscle tension or on the contractile effect of carbachol, but inhibited vagally induced contractions in a concentration-dependent manner with a greater inhibition at low frequencie

ALS-II, a potential soft X-ray, diffraction limited upgrade of the Advanced Light Source

The Advanced Light Source (ALS) at Berkeley Lab has seen many upgrades over the years, keeping it one of the brightest sources for soft x-rays worldwide. Recent developments in magnet technology and lattice design appear to open the door for very large further increases in brightness [1], particularly by reducing the horizontal emittance, even within the space constraints of the existing tunnel. I

Bias-Corrected Common Correlated Effects Pooled Estimation in Dynamic Panels

This article extends the common correlated effects pooled (CCEP) estimator to homogenous dynamic panels. In this setting, CCEP suffers from a large bias when the time span (T) of the dataset is fixed. We develop a bias-corrected CCEP estimator that is consistent as the number of cross-sectional units (N) tends to infinity, for T fixed or growing large, provided that the specification is augmented

Stem Cell Therapy as an Emerging Paradigm for Stroke (STEPS) II

Cell-based therapies represent a new therapeutic approach for stroke. In 2007, investigators from academia, industry leaders, and members of the National Institutes of Health crafted recommendations to facilitate the translational development of cellular therapies as a novel, emerging modality for stroke from animal studies to clinical trials. This meeting was called Stem Cell Therapies as an Emer

Negotiating Heresy : The Reception of Origen in Jerome's Eschatological Thought

The aim of this study is to examine the reception of Origen of Alexandria (185-253/54) in the eschatological thought ofJerome of Stridon (347-419/20). Jerome, who was a Christian ascetic writer and a biblical commentator, relied heavily on Origen’s works during the first part of his career. Due to the Origenist controversy, which took place in the 390s and was initiated by Bishop Epiphanius of Sal

Presbyvestibulopathy : Diagnostic criteria Consensus document of the classification committee of the Bárány Society

This paper describes the diagnostic criteria for presbyvestibulopathy (PVP) by the Classification Committee of the Bárány Society. PVP is defined as a chronic vestibular syndrome characterized by unsteadiness, gait disturbance, and/or recurrent falls in the presence of mild bilateral vestibular deficits, with findings on laboratory tests that are between normal values and thresholds established fo

Who Is ERIC? : The Politics and Jurisprudence of a Governance Tool for Collaborative European Research Infrastructures

an-European research infrastructures (RIs) have been labelled a ‘pillar’ of the European Research Area initiative and ‘engines’ which are expected to drive forward the European Union (EU) economy by advancing its science and technology and ultimately its competitiveness on the global arena. The focus of this article is on the origins and nature of a policy tool named the European Research Infrastr

Fasting unmasks differential fat and muscle transcriptional regulation of metabolic gene sets in low versus normal birth weight men

Background: Individuals born with low birth weight (LBW) have an increased risk of metabolic diseases when exposed to diets rich in calories and fat but may respond to fasting in a metabolically preferential manner. We hypothesized that impaired foetal growth is associated with differential regulation of gene expression and epigenetics in metabolic tissues in response to fasting in young adulthood

Vascular effects of helodermin, helospectin I and helospectin II : a comparison with vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)

1. Helodermin, helospectin I and helospectin II, peptides recently isolated from the salivary gland venom of Heloderma suspectum, were compared to vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) with respect to effects on systemic blood pressure and on isolated femoral arteries in the rat. 2. They all reduced blood pressure in a dose-dependent manner; helodermin was less effective than VIP. However, at doses