Ecology: Save the Baltic Sea.
Abstract in Undetermined Comment: Geoengineering efforts to bring oxygen into the deep Baltic should be abandoned, says Daniel J. Conley
Abstract in Undetermined Comment: Geoengineering efforts to bring oxygen into the deep Baltic should be abandoned, says Daniel J. Conley
IBS aggregates in families, but the familial risk of IBS has only been determined in first-degree relatives and spouses. This nationwide study aimed to determine the familial risk of IBS in first-degree, second-degree, and third-degree relatives and spouses of affected individuals in order to estimate the relative influences of genes and shared family environment.
Therapeutic work with the client’s present moment experience in existential therapy was studied by means of conversation analysis. Using publicly available video recordings of therapy sessions as data, an existential therapist’s practice of guiding a client into immediacy, or refocusing the talk on a client’s immediate experience, was described and compared with a therapist’s corresponding action
In this work we analyse a nonlinear, second-order difference equation on an unbounded interval. We present new conditions under which the problem admits a unique solution that is of a particular linear asymptotic form. The results concern the general behaviour of solutions to the initial-value problem, as well as solutions with a given asymptote. Our methods involve establishing suitable complete
Do genetic variations in the testosterone pathway genes modify the effect of treatment on the levels of testosterone and LH in long-term testicular cancer (TC) survivors (TCSs)?
Studies on biological photovoltaics based on intact organisms are challenging and in most cases include diffusing mediators to facilitate electrochemical communication with electrodes. However, using such mediators is impractical. Instead, surface confined Os-polymers have been successfully used in electrochemical studies including oxidoreductases and bacterial cells but not with algae. Photoelect
The buy-at-bulk network design problem has been extensively studied in the general graph model. In this paper we consider the geometric version of the problem, where all points in a Euclidean space are candidates for network nodes. We present the first general approach for geometric versions of basic variants of the buy-at-bulk network design problem. It enables us to obtain quasi-polynomial-time
With the densification of nodes in cellular networks, free space optic (FSO) connections are becoming an appealing low cost and high rate alternative to copper and fiber backhaul solutions for wireless communication systems. To ensure a reliable cellular backhaul, provisions for redundant disjoint paths between the nodes must be made in the design phase. This paper aims at finding a cost-effective
Objective The objective of this article is to determine if maternal obesity is associated with an increased risk of Down syndrome in the offspring and whether the risk estimates for trisomy 21 based on combined screening is affected by maternal body mass index (BMI). Methods Study group I consisted of a nationwide cohort of 1 568 604 women giving birth; outcome was infants born with Down syndrome
Sphenothallus, a Palaeozoic genus of uncertain affinity, possibly a hydrozoan, is reported from the Furongian (Cambrian) of Scandinavia. This is the only known occurrence of the genus in Cambrian rocks outside of China, western North America and Bohemia, and also the first report of Sphenothallus in the Cambrian-Ordovician of Baltica. The material is from the upper Furongian (upper Protopeltura an
BackgroundIntracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) accounted for 9% to 27% of all strokes worldwide in the last decade, with high early case fatality and poor functional outcome. In view of recent randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of the management of ICH, the European Stroke Organisation (ESO) has updated its evidence-based guidelines for the management of ICH. MethodA multidisciplinary writing committee
Architects have a key role to play when it comes to the design of future low-energy (solar) buildings. Proper design tools and working methods could help architects in the design process. In order to identify barriers of existing tools and methods for solar design, needs of architects for improved tools, and to gain an insight into architects’ methods of working during the design process, an inter
About 1% of giant stars have been shown to have large surface Li abundances, which is unexpected according to standard stellar evolution models. Several scenarios for lithium production have been proposed, but it is still unclear why these Li-rich giants exist. A missing piece in this puzzle is the knowledge of the exact stage of evolution of these stars. Using low-and-high-resolution spectroscopi
A mesoscale model of microstructure evolution is formulated in the present work by combining a crystal plasticity model with a graph-based vertex algorithm. This provides a versatile formulation capable of capturing finite-strain deformations, development of texture and microstructure evolution through recrystallization. The crystal plasticity model is employed in a finite element setting and allo
The aim of the study was to assess the ability to recognize ventricular fibrillation (VF) concomitant with pacing artifacts presented either alone or with clinical scenario indicating the cardiac arrest in a patient with implanted pacemaker by members of the medical emergency team.
Abstract in UndeterminedVertical InAs nanowires (NWs) wrapped by a thin high-kappa dielectric layer may be a key to the next generation of high-speed metal-oxide-semiconductor devices. Here, we have investigated the structure and chemical composition of the interface between InAs NWs and 2 nm thick Al(2)O(3) and HfO(2) films. The native oxide on the NWs is significantly reduced upon high-kappa dep
We present a detailed study of the evolution of the size, structure and stability of casein micelles upon acidification of skim milk typically applied in yogurt-making processes using a combination of time-resolved light and small-angle X-ray scattering experiments. While most of the available light scattering studies on casein acidification have been restricted to transparent and therefore highly
The Chromosome 19 Consortium, a part of the Chromosome-Centric Human Proteome Project (C-HPP,, is tasked with the understanding chromosome 19 functions at the gene and protein levels, as well as their roles in lung oncogenesis. Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) studies revealed chromosome aberration in lung cancer subtypes, including ADC, SCC, LCC, and SCLC. The most
The entrapment of bacterial cells within inorganic silica materials was reported almost 20 years ago. However, almost all studies to date have shown that these entrapped cells are unable to divide and thus should be expected to have reduced promoter activity. In view of the importance of bacteria as model systems for both fundamental and applied biological studies, it is crucial that immobilized c
P>Genes introduced by gene replacements and other types of horizontal gene transfer (HGT) represent a significant presence in many archaeal and eubacterial genomes. Most alien genes are likely to be neutral or deleterious upon arrival and their long-term persistence may require a mechanism that improves their selective contribution. To examine the fate of inter-species gene replacements, we exchan