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Mörkrets hjärta i klassrummet : historieundervisning och elevers uppfatttningar om förintelsen
Biogas upgrading - Review of commercial technologies
Biogas production is growing and there is an increasing demand for upgraded bio- gas, to be used as vehicle fuel or injected to the natural gas grid. To enable the efficient use of biogas in these applications the gas must be upgraded, i.e. the carbon dioxide, which constitutes a large part of the raw biogas from the digester, must be separated from the methane. This report aims to evaluate the bi
Duktiga flickor: Kön, jämställdhet och Excellens vid Enheten
Introduktion: Demokratins problem
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Managing risks on critical IT systems in public service organizations
Public service organizations rely on IT systems to fulfill their missions. IT incidents are more and more frequent and the impacts of IT incidents on the organizations are getting more severe. There is a strong need to manage risks on service related IT systems in public service organizations. Risk management process practiced in software development companies cannot be used in public service orga
Hur värderas biologisk mångfald?
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24.2.1 Fossila bränslen
En experimentell undersökning av orsaken till uppkomsten av bubblor längs en joniserande partikels bana i en bubbelkammare
[abstract missing]
Argument features, clausal structure and the computation.
This paper claims that case is vP-internally interpretable and that high NP-movement is driven by (minimally) two other ‘forces’: Person checking in a position higher than Tense, and EPP (Fin) checking in a still higher position, ‘Spec,IP’. This is evidenced by ´low’ nominatives, quirky agreement, Stylistic Fronting and expletive-distribution. Another central claim of the paper is that grammar int
Media research paradigms : Conceptual distinctions, continuing divisions
Comparative study of the student's design process: Implications for the teaching of the later phases of the mechanical engineering design process
Most methods that guide the designer through the later phases of the design process are general in nature, and it is up to the designer to organize the design work using the tools and techniques available. This process also relies greatly on experience, which is quite a challenge for students, who are mostly novices in the area. In a comparative study, the evolution of the experience and skills ac
Restoring goodwill and preventing bad will : crisis communication on Facebook
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Kvalitativt återbruk
Mitt budskap med denna artikel är kort och gott: Tolka din empiri från olika analytiska perspektiv! Ställ olika frågor till den! Budskapet gäller för båda kvalitativa och kvantitativa empiriska material. Det material jag här skall använda för att illustrera mitt tillvägagångssätt är emellertid kvalitativt och fältarbetet genomfördes för flera decennier sedan. Jag vill utgå från denna kvalitativa e
EU Trade Preferences and Export Diversification
Since at least the 1960s, the European Union (EU) has offered various kinds of non-reciprocal trade preferences for developing countries. Originally, these trade preferences had at least two policy goals: (i) to increase export volumes for developing countries and thereby boost their export earnings, and (ii) to facilitate export diversification. While extensive research has confirmed that the fir
Sources of Arachidonic Acid in Platelets, Bone, Marrow and Gastrointestinal Tract
This study investigates pathways by which the eicosanoid precursor pools in the platelets, bone marrow and the gastrointestinal (GI) mucosa are acquired and regulated, and in this context some aspects on the interaction between triglyceride (TG)-rich lipoproteins and platelets. 1. Platelets take up chylomicrons (CM) in vitro, the main part being sequestered in open canalicular system and not degr