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Evaluating Governance for its Contribution to Sustainable Development: Large-Scale Mining in the Yukon Territory, Canada

Few industries have as profound an impact on the natural environment and local and regional development as mining does. This work is premised on the notion that sustainability principles can be applied to mining development toward ensuring it contributes to and does not undermine sustainable development. This research focuses on large-scale mining in the Yukon Territory of northern Canada. The Yuk

Sustainability Reporting in the Healthcare Services Sector: Implementation of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Guidelines in a Private Hospital in Saudi Arabia and suggestions for specific GRI performance indicators for the healthcare services sector

Sustainability reporting became a favorable practice for corporations from different sectors all around the world, not only because of its value as a means to track the performance of one’s company, but also as a tool to communicate the performance to all involved stakeholders in any corporation. This paper focuses on sustainability reporting in the healthcare services sector with a focus on priva

Bara människor - på lika villkor? om brukarmedverkan, en alternativ diskurs och mötet mellan uppdragsstudenter och socionomstudenter på Socialhögskolan i Lund

The purpose of this study has been to investigate the service user involvement in the course “Socialt förändringsarbete” that has been offered since 2005 at the School of Social Work at Lund University. The service user involvement in this case is formed as an entire 7,5 hp course carried out by service users and social work students together. This means that the service users participate as stude

”Har ni hittat nåt?” - En studie av arkeologens uppfattning om allmänheten

Denna uppsats handlar om ifall arkeologernas syn på allmänheten överensstämmer med bilden allmänheten har på sig själva. Genom att säkerställa detta går det att utveckla vår kommunikationsförmåga mellan grupperna, då det är mer givande att ha ett samtal med någon när man har samma föreställning om ämnet. Resultat av min undersökning visar att arkeologer och allmänheten är överens på de övervägande