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Investigating consecutive conflicts of pedestrian crossing at unsignalized crosswalks using the bivariate logistic approach
Pedestrians confront risky situations at unsignalized crosswalks when they are consecutively interacting with motorized vehicles and non-motorized vehicles while crossing. This study aims to investigate the safety of pedestrians with a new perspective that focuses on consecutive conflicts occurring during pedestrian crossing. Based on about 9 h video data collected by an unmanned aerial vehicle fr
Assessment of risk factor profile in young patients undergoing elective coronary artery bypass grafting surgery in Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology/National Institute of Heart Disease, a tertiary care cardiac facility
Towards a Pedagogy of the Utopian Image
This practice-based PhD project investigates the conditions for a pedagogy of the utopian image in contemporary art and film. It starts from the premise that there is a need for new political and social visions and scenarios. The project asks what role art and artist film, both as a medium and as a social activity, can play in experimenting with and sketching such visions and scenarios – a process
The Diversity of Eyes and Vision
Every aspect of vision, from the opsin proteins to the eyes and the ways that they serve animal behavior, is incredibly diverse. It is only with an evolutionary perspective that this diversity can be understood and fully appreciated. In this review, I describe and explain the diversity at each level and try to convey an understanding of how the origin of the first opsin some 800 million years ago
Health status of individuals referred to first-line intervention for hip and knee osteoarthritis compared with the general population : An observational register-based study
Objectives To describe the prevalence of comorbidities in a population referred to standardised first-line intervention (patient education and exercise) for hip and knee osteoarthritis (OA), in comparison with the general population. Furthermore, we aimed to evaluate if eventual differences were associated with socioeconomic inequalities. Design Register-based study. Setting Primary healthcare, Sw
Developing shared languages. The fundamentals of mutual learning and problem solving in transdisciplinary collaboration
This issue of the AILA Review focuses on transdisciplinarity as the key to developing shared languages in and across domains and professional settings. The relationship and collaboration between researchers and practitioners have long been discussed within and across applied sciences and theoretical disciplines, mainly in the framework of transdisciplinarity (see AILA Review 31, 2018, for a recent
Botanizing the Asphalt : Politics of Urban Drainage
Modern cities are often perceived as the antithesis of nature; the built environment is understood as the transformation of raw and untamed nature into a rationalized human landscape. However, a variety of scholars since the nineteenth century have noted the persistence of nature in cities, not only in providing essential services but also resisting human control. Most recently, urban geographers
Med känsla för det privatas plats i det offentliga rummet
Artikeln diskuterar relationen mellan det offentliga och det privata utifrån ett rumsligt perspektiv. Artikeln lyfter också potentialen i att använda människors minnen och erfarenheter som ett verktyg i stadsplaneringen.
Interrogating the Anthropocene - Truth and Fallacy : Contribution to GTI Forum
Circulating pro-neurotensin levels predict bodyweight gain and metabolic alterations in children
Background and aims: Neurotensin (NT) is an intestinal peptide released after fat ingestion, which regulates appetite and facilitates lipid absorption. Elevated plasma levels of its stable precursor pro-neurotensin (pro-NT) are associated with type 2 diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular mortality in adult populations; no data on pro-NT and metabolic disease are available in children. Aim of the st
The Crocodile
The International Discourse on Indigenous Peoples : A Compilation of Legal and Political Documents
Universities and start-up creation by Ph.D. graduates : the role of scientific and social capital of academic laboratories
This paper investigates how the characteristics of university laboratories influence the propensity of Ph.D. students to entrepreneurship, and thus, contribute to the transfer of academic knowledge to society. As determinants of Ph.D. entrepreneurship, we focus on the lab scientific and social capital as well as on the business experience that Ph.D. students acquire during their training period. T
Pedagogical Translanguaging : Theoretical, Methodological and Empirical Perspectives
With increasing mobility of people across the world, there is a pressing need to develop evidence-based teaching practices that lead to high-quality education, which serves the needs of inclusive societies and social and epistemic justice. This book presents cutting-edge qualitative case-study research across a range of educational contexts, research-method contributions and theory-oriented chapte
Modern Neutron Detectors with Fast Timing Resolution
Thermal neutrons are a vital imaging modality with wide ranging applications, exemplified by worldwide endeavours to construct and operate the next generation of accelerator-driven neutron sources with significantly increased neutron flux and, hence, brightness and image contrast. In addition, a high spatial resolution and information about the neutron energy is often desired. The latter is common
Posting highly mobile workers: between labour law territoriality and supply chains of logistics work – A critical reading of Dobersberger
Myanmar var ett av våra mest högstående riken
Inner transformation to sustainability as a deep leverage point : fostering new avenues for change through dialogue and reflection
This article provides a rationale for inner transformation as a key and hitherto underresearched dimension of sustainability transformations. Inner transformation relates to various aspects of human existence and interactions such as consciousness, mindsets, values, worldviews, beliefs, spirituality and human–nature connectedness. The article draws on Meadows’ leverage points approach, as places t
Alternative site for the placement of totally implantable vascular access device (TIVAD). A case report of two successful TIVAD implantations in the thigh after femoral vein catheterization
Background: Totally implantable venous access devices (TIVADs) have improved the quality of life for seriously ill and cancer patients. These devices represent a convenient option when long-term venous access is indicated. The Subclavian and Internal Jugular Veins are the vessels of choice for catheterization [1]. However, if it is not possible to catheterize them, an alternative vein should be so