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Idrottens våldsamma dimension - En straffrättslig studie om ansvarsbefriande verkan i samband med idrottsutövning

En bärande ståndpunkt i denna studie är att det råder brist på vägledande prejudikat inom idrottsvåld. Rättsläget är i flera avseende oklart bland idrottsutövare och rättsväsendet, inte minst vad gäller förutsebarheten. Det framgår tydligt att det föreligger mycket osäkerhet och irritation bland såväl jurister som idrottsutövaren gällande idrottsvåld. Frågor som de flesta vill ha besvarat är vart

Anhörig - de som står bredvid ett missbruk : En kvalitativ innehållsanalys av fem självbiografiska böcker.

The aim of this study was to examine the feelings experienced by family members of someone with a substance abuse. A qualitative approach has been used and the study was based on five autobiographical books, written by Swedish authors, both female and male. The focus was the authors’ described narrative, experiences and behaviors. The empirical material was analyzed using a gender perspective and

The drivers of growth and innovation in Swedish metropolitan cities since the 1980’s

Metropolitan cities are increasingly becoming the undisputed centers of growth and innovation. This thesis investigates the driving forces of urban growth and innovation in the Swedish metropolitan cities from the 1980’s and onwards through a mixed method case study. The theories of Richard Florida, Enrico Moretti and Edward Glaeser are used to form three hypotheses of how cities attract high-skil

Dimensionering och integration av elektronisk kommunikation i drive-by-wire system

The purpose of this thesis was to provide Uniti Sweden AB with a solution proposal regarding which motors, sensors, control units and other electrical components needed for a steer-by-wire system of a test car. The thesis resulted in new motors, sensors and electrical components for the steer-by-wire system of the test car. The solution proposal made it possible to laterally steer the test car by

"Men nu insåg jag hur stor påverkan min pappa och hans missbruk hade på mig" - En narrativt inriktad studie om hur vuxna berättar om sin uppväxt med en alkoholmissbrukande förälder.

The aim of this study was to examine adult’s stories about their childhood with an alcohol- abusing parent. The focus was to see how the storyteller describes his upbringing and relationship with his parent. Our question formulations were how the relationship between the storyteller and the abusive parent is described and how it has affected the person’s self-image, how the storyteller describe hi

När föräldrar separerar - en kvantitativ sekundäranalys

The aim of this study was to examine whether the association between parental separation and worse outcomes existed among adolescents in the ninth grade in Skåne. More specifically the aim was to find out how the well-being differed between children with separated parents and children living with both their parents. In addition, this study also examined gender differences. The study is based on se

Event Detection and Predictive Maintenance using Component Echo State Networks

With a growing number of sensors collecting information about systems in indus- try and infrastructure, one wants to extract useful information from this data. The goal of this project is to investigate the applicability of Echo State Net- work techniques to time-varying classification of multivariate time series from primarily mechanical and electrical systems. Two relevant technical problems are

Is it enough to ‘add homosexual men and stir’? The significance of materialism in HIV prevention in the Global South.

Given the HIV/AIDS peak in the 1980s, Uganda has been hailed as a success story after having dramatically decreased the infection rate in the 2000s. However, the country’s HIV/AIDS rate has started to increase again in recent years. At the same time, homosexual males represent a key population whose needs must be taken into account if the pandemic is to be eradicated. Therefore, the thesis focuses

Möten längs med vägen. En etnologisk studie om liftning.

Today in Sweden hitchhiking is a way of transportation that seems to be forgotten or almost dead. The aim with this study is to analyze how hitchhiking can be a distinctive way of travelling in a context where other forms of everyday travelling dominate. The investigation is focused on how hitchhiking can be a different way of travelling, the feelings about the phenomenon and how the meeting betwe

What does Daesh want you to know?

Acknowledged from the existing literature regarding Daesh’s propaganda, the focus has mostly been on their propaganda on social media, such as Facebook and Twitter. However, I argue that a gap regarding Daesh’s propaganda is the lack of studies on Daesh’s online-magazine Dabiq and this thesis aim to fill this gap. I argue that Daesh’s way of arguing and framing their arguments are the key to under

3D geologic subsurface modeling within the Mackenzie Plain, Northwest Territories, Canada

Three-dimensional (3D) models are widely used within the geosciences to provide scientists with conceptual and quantitative models of the earth’s subsurface. As a result, 3D geologic modelling is a growing field, such that scientific research often cannot keep up with technical advancements. Literature often shows conflicting results with respect to which interpolation algorithms produce the best

Servicesektorn i litteraturen. En studie i samtida arbetarlitteratur.

I denna uppsats undersöks hur servicesektorn framställs i litteraturen inom ramen för den samtida arbetarlitteraturen. Förklaring ges också till varför servicesektorn fått en framträdande roll i litteraturen under senare år. Tre böcker, "Jag ska egentligen inte jobba här" av Sara Beischer, "Kallskänken" av Jenny Wrangborg och "Tjänster i hemmet" av Marie Hållander, an

Effektivisering av kravställning för Miljöbyggnad

Syftet med studien var att ta reda på hur det i produktionen säkerställs och kontrolleras att betyget för Miljöbyggnad uppnås, samt hur den processen kan effektiviseras och tydliggöras. Syftet innefattade även att ta reda på hur synen, kommunikationen och medvetenheten om Miljöbyggnad ser ut i produktionen, samt hur denna process kan förbättras. Att kunna bidra till ett grönt och hållbart samhäll

Likhetsprincipen och geralklausulerna: en del av minoritetsskyddet i ABL

Sammanfattning Denna uppsats kommer att behandla två regler i ABL vilka finns till i syfte att skydda de ägare i ett aktiebolag som utgör minoritet. Regelverket kring skydd för minoriteter i aktiebolagslagen är tämligen omfattande och jag har därför valt att begränsa mitt arbete till att endast fokusera på två av dessa; likhetsprincipen och generalklausulerna. Det är idag omstritt hur dessa två reAbstract This paper will address the two rules in the Companies Act (2005: 551), which are added in order to protect the owners of a corporation as a minority. The regulations concerning the protection of minorities in the Companies Act is quite extensive and I have therefore chosen to limit my work to only focus on two of these; the principle of equality and the general clauses. Today, it is deba

The fiscal impact of population aging in Sweden: 2015-2060

This study analyses the fiscal impact of population aging in Sweden from 2015 to 2060. We consider the three main areas of public spending in the demographic context: education, health care and pension. A separate analysis is performed for each of the three alternative macroeconomic scenarios, which are the status quo, the pension reform and the health care reform. Our results indicate that the ol

Lunds universitets guide för sociala medier – en studie kring delaktighet och makt

Den här kandidatuppsatsen har genom en kvalitativ kritisk textanalytisk studie undersökt hur Lunds universitet utformar och anpassar sin guide för sociala medier för att skapa en enhetlig förståelse kring kommunikation av myndigheten i sociala medier. Guiden för sociala medier är ett internetbaserat dokument som publiceras i wikiformat, vilket gör den till ett levande dokument då den ständigt kan This bachelor thesis is by a qualitative critical text analysis investigating how Lund University designs and adapts its Guide for social media to create a unified understanding regarding communication of the university in social media. The Guide for social media is an internet based document that is published in a wiki format, which makes it a living document that is constantly being updated. The

Användares upplevda organisatoriska inflytande genom Self-Service BI

En ny trend inom användandet av Business Intelligence (BI) är inriktningen mot operationella arbetsuppgifter istället för långsiktiga strategiska användningsområden, vilket inte kräver någon specialistkunskap och möjliggör så kallad Self-Service BI. Forskning inom organisationsteori och BI har visat att det finns faktorer som kan påverka BI-användares inflytande och makt inom organisationer. Ur de

Creative environments in revitalizing urban districts

In the global world of today where people are more mobile some urban districts have tensions between groups of people, and urban policy need to find tools to create prerequisites for a positive development in the new city. This master thesis take the creative economy approach to describe and analyse creativity as a tool in urban districts in transition. Creativity has great potential in revitalizi

Dialysis patients’ hospital readmission prediction using artificial neural networks

Using pictures of patient data to predict hospitalization Predicting patient hospitalization has been a major objective of health care providers due to its impact on patients’ life quality. These benefits are demonstrated in driving down health care cost in addition to lowering mortality rates and complications due to unplanned hospitalizations. Like any other patients, dialysis patients experi

Does clothianidin affect solitary bee foraging time and reproduction?

Bekämpningsmedel kan påverka könsfördelning hos vilda bin Neonikotinoider ingår i många av världens mest använda insektsbekämpningsmedel. Olycksbådande resultat från ett flertal vetenskapliga studier har gjort att man nu börjat ifrågasätta de effekter neonikotinoider har på nyttoinsekter som honungsbin, vilda bin, humlor samt andra harmlösa insekter. I denna studie undersöker man hur en vanlig ar