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Potential solutions for providing standard electrocardiogram recordings from nonstandard recording sites.

For a 12-lead resting electrocardiogram (ECG) to be considered "standard," limb electrodes should be placed distally on the limbs. When resting ECGs are taken in conjunction with an ECG-monitoring situation, so-called monitoring sites (as described by Mason and Likar and also others) on the torso are used. Numerous publication have indicated that these ECGs are not identical with those recorded fr

Impact of non-orthogonal training on performance of downlink base station cooperative transmission

Base station (BS) cooperative transmission is a promising technique to improve spectral efficiency of cellular systems, using which the channels become asymmetric in average gain. In this paper, we study the impact of the asymmetric channel gains on the performance of coherent cooperative transmission systems, when minimum mean square error (MMSE) and least square (LS) channel estimators are appli

The tetraspanin CD63 is involved in granule targeting of neutrophil elastase.

Targeting mechanisms of neutrophil elastase (NE) and other luminal proteins stored in myeloperoxidase (MPO)-positive secretory lysosomes/primary granules of neutrophils are unknown. These granules contain an integral membrane protein, CD63 with an adaptor protein-3-dependent granule delivery system. Therefore, we hypothesized that CD63 cooperates in granule delivery of the precursor of NE (proNE).

High Resolution Capillary Zone and Gel Electrophoresis of Structurally Similar Amphipatic Glutathione Conjugates Based on Interaction with β-Cyclodextrins

The tripeptide glutathione is a prominent intracellular constituent that provides protection against genotoxic and carcinogenic electrophiles and is also a component of several biological signal substances. Glutathione conjugates, free glutathione, and glutathione disulfide contain charged amino acid residues, which contribute to solubility in aqueous media.However , the amphipathic nature of glut

Inhibitor development.

The immune response to factor VIII and the development of inhibitory antibodies is a complex multi-factorial process involving a variety of immune regulatory genes and cells, several of which have the potential to determine risk. A better understanding of the mechanisms involved will increase the likelihood of development of new therapeutic options for patients with hemophilia. This review summari

Health status and functional profile at admission of nursing home residents in Iceland over 11-year period.

Health status and functional profile at admission of nursing home residents in Iceland over 11-year period. International Journal of Older People Nursing doi: 10.1111/j.1748-3743.2011.00287.x Background. The knowledge over time of the health status and changes in care needs of newly admitted nursing home residents is limited. Objectives. To investigate trends in residents' health status and functi

Hematopoietic stem cell ageing is uncoupled from p16(INK4A)-mediated senescence.

Somatic stem cells are ultimately responsible for mediating appropriate organ homeostasis and have therefore been proposed to represent a cellular origin of the ageing process-a state often characterized by inappropriate homeostasis. Specifically, it has been suggested that ageing stem cells might succumb to replicative senescence by a mechanism involving the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p16(

Genetic, molecular and functional analyses of complement factor I deficiency.

Complete deficiency of complement inhibitor factor I (FI) results in secondary complement deficiency due to uncontrolled spontaneous alternative pathway activation leading to susceptibility to infections. Current genetic examination of two patients with near complete FI deficiency and three patients with no detectable serum FI and also close family members revealed homozygous or compound heterozyg

Maternal use of selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors and persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn.

In order to evaluate the previously published association between maternal use of selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRI) and persistent pulmonary hypertension in the neonate (PPHN), we used data from the Swedish Medical Birth Register for the years 1997-2005. Infants were identified from discharge diagnoses, and maternal exposure to drugs from interviews performed in early pregnancy and f

Relapse of Endometrial Carcinoma: Follow-up of 272 Patients with Relapse.

A total of 2090 patients with endometrial carcinoma were followed-up for at least five years. The treatment modalities, as well as the results of treatment, regarding 272 patients with disease relapse are presented. The results are not encouraging. We found no statistically significant difference regarding overall survival, when the patients were divided according to initial stage or ploidy status

Phosphate-containing dialysis solution prevents hypophosphatemia during continuous renal replacement therapy.

Background: Hypophosphatemia occurs in up to 80% of the patients during continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT). Phosphate supplementation is time-consuming and the phosphate level might be dangerously low before normophosphatemia is re-established. This study evaluated the possibility to prevent hypophosphatemia during CRRT treatment by using a new commercially available phosphate-containing

Tobacco Use in Relation to Chronic Pain: Results from a Swedish Population Survey.

Objective. To study the relationship between tobacco use and pain intensity. Design. An age-stratified cross-sectional study was carried out in southern Sweden in 2005. Sample. The population study consists of 384 people, aged 18-102 years, with chronic pain. Measurement. Data collection took place by means of a postal questionnaire. Comparisons of pain intensity were made between smokers and nons

Prolonged chemotherapy impairs liver regeneration after portal vein occlusion - An audit of 26 patients.

AIM: The aim of the present retrospective study was to investigate the influence of neoadjuvant chemotherapy on liver regeneration after portal vein occlusion before major hepatectomy. METHOD: Between 2003 and 2007, 26 patients underwent portal vein occlusion, of whom 22 had portal vein embolisation and 4 portal vein ligation. 15 of 23 patients with colorectal liver metastases had neoadjuvant chem

Socio-Technical IS Design Science Research: Developing Design Theory for IS Integration Management

Design science research is an essential part of IS research since the field should not only try to understand how the world is, but also how to change it. We argue that the aim of IS design science research should be to develop practical knowledge not only for the design of novel information technology (IT), but also for IS governance and management. Whereas at least some methodological support ex

Estimated Future Salinity in the Arabian Gulf, the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea Consequences of Brine Discharge from Desalination

Seawater desalination constitutes an important source for water supply to the population bordering the Arabian Gulf, the Mediterranean Sea, and the Red Sea. The three regions represent about 11.8% of the world land area and the countries hosted approximately 9% of the world population in 1950 and 2008 and are projected to do so again in 2050. Population statistics for a 100-year period has been us