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Dynamic Glucose-Enhanced (DGE) MRI: Translation to Human Scanning and First Results in Glioma Patients.

Recent animal studies have shown that D-glucose is a potential biodegradable MRI contrast agent for imaging glucose uptake in tumors. Here, we show the first translation of that use of D-glucose to human studies. Chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) MRI at a single frequency offset optimized for detection of hydroxyl protons in D-glucose (glucoCEST) was used to image dynamic signal changes

Contrast-enhanced radiography by differential absorption, using a laser-produced X-ray source

RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES. The authors evaluate the feasibility of differential imaging of contrast media, with division of individual pixel values obtained from digital images generated by characteristic radiation from a laser-produced plasma, bridging the K-absorption edge of the contrast agent. METHODS. Laser pulses from an ultrashort-pulse terawatt laser system were focused onto gadolinium and

C-reactive protein: vascular risk marker in elderly patients with mental illness.

BACKGROUND: There is increasing evidence that vascular disease contributes to cognitive impairment and dementia. Clarification of the role of vascular risk factors in dementia is important because most are modifiable, in contrast to other risk factors such as age and genetics. METHODS: In 428 patients with mental illness we have investigated the relation of vascular disease to diagnoses, and a bio

Från svartvit torftighet till en ocean av färgbilder

Artikeln beskriver utvecklingen och användningen av bilder bland utvecklingsstörda ungdomar. Under tre decennier har oerhört mycket hänt. Först på 80-talet insåg man att bilder kunde användas för att kommunicera med den som har svårt att läsa och skriva. Men det är först när ungdomarna börjar ta egna bilder för att dokumentera sin vardag som något annorlunda och stort inträffar.

Presentation av medicinska problem i telefonsamtal till primärvården

Empiriska data för den föreliggande analysen består av 276 inspelade telefonsamtal till 13 olika sjuksköterskor vid 6 olika vårdcentraler. Samtalen spelades in mellan februari och november 1999. Inspelningarna har transkriberats och analyserats i detalj. Vid analys av telefonsamtalen fann vi att de uppringande presenterade sina problem enligt tre olika format. Det första formatet innebär att den u

Epilepsy in Sweden: health care costs and loss of productivity-a register-based approach.

PURPOSE: The objective was to estimate health care costs and productivity losses due to epilepsy in Sweden and to compare these estimates to previously published estimates. METHODS: Register data on health care utilisation, pharmaceutical sales, permanent disability and mortality were used to calculate health care costs and costs that accrue due to productivity losses. By linkage of register info

Evaluation of accuracy and applicability of protein models: retrospective analysis of biological and biomedical predictions.

In order to study protein function and activity structural data is required. Since experimental structures are available for just a small fraction of all known protein sequences, computational methods such as protein modelling can provide useful information. Over the last few decades we have predicted, with homology modelling methods, the structures for numerous proteins. In this study we assess t

Prevalence of back pain, its effect on functional ability and health-related quality of life in lower limb amputees secondary to trauma or tumour: a comparison across three levels of amputation.

Background and Objectives: The prevalence of back pain and its effect on function and health-related quality of life across three levels of lower limb amputation secondary to trauma or tumour was studied. Study design: Cross-sectional survey. Methods: Forty-six lower limb amputees, aged 19-78 years, participated. The Roland Morris disability questionnaire (RMDQ) and the short form 36 health survey

Traveling waves for the Whitham equation

The existence of traveling waves for the original Whitham equation is investigated. This equation combines a generic nonlinear quadratic term with the exact linear dispersion relation of surface water waves on finite depth. It is found that there exist small-amplitude periodic traveling waves with sub-critical speeds. As the period of these traveling waves tends to infinity, their velocities approac

A Performance Investigation of the Modified PCF with Priority Scheme

A modified version of the point coordination function (PCF) in the IEEE 802.11 standard called Modified PCF has been introduced as an approach to improve channel utilization over the standard. It has been shown in our previous work that the utilization of the wireless channel can be significantly improved. In this paper, we investigate the performance of the Modified PCF when it is applied with a

Use of atorvastatin as an anti-inflammatory treatment in Crohn's disease.

Background and purpose:Experimental and clinical investigations have revealed that statins can downregulate both acute and chronic inflammatory processes. Whether statins express anti-inflammatory activities in the treatment of Crohn's disease is unknown.Experimental approach:Ten patients were given 80 mg atorvastatin once daily for 13 weeks and then followed up for 8 weeks after the treatment. Th

Cost-effectiveness of etanercept treatment in early active rheumatoid arthritis followed by dose adjustment.

Objectives: To explore the cost-effectiveness of early biologic treatment, followed by dose-reduction in the case of remission, of active rheumatoid arthritis (RA), compared with standard treatment with methotrexate (MTX) in Sweden.Methods: Effectiveness (function, disease activity, erosions) in early RA for both alternatives was taken from a clinical trial comparing etanercept (ETA) combined with

Effect of pH on direct electron transfer in the system gold electrode-recombinant horseradish peroxidase

The effect of pH on the kinetics of the bioelectrocatalytic reduction of H2O2 catalysed by horseradish peroxidase (HRP) has been studied at –50 mV vs. AgjAgCl on HRP-modified Au electrodes placed in a wall-jet flow-through electrochemical cell. Native HRP (nHRP) and a nonglycosylated recombinant form containing a six-histidine tag at the C-terminus, CHisrHRP, produced by genetic engineering of non

Deranged Wnt signaling is frequent in hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer.

The Wnt signaling pathway is frequently deranged in colorectal cancer and is a key target for future preventive and therapeutic approaches. Colorectal cancers associated with the hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer (HNPCC) syndrome are characterized by wide-spread microsatellite instability, but show few gross genomic alterations. We characterized expression of the Wnt signaling pathway mark