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Your search for "*" yielded 533497 hits

Visualization of graphene grain boundaries through oxygen intercalation

Efficient control over the grain boundaries (GBs) is a vital aspect in optimizing the graphene growth conditions. A number of methods for visualization of GBs were developed for graphene grown on weakly interacting surfaces. Here, we utilize oxygen intercalation to reveal GBs and study their morphology for graphene strongly bound to the cobalt surface. We demonstrate that upon the intercalation of

Occupational balance and satisfaction with daily occupations in persons with depression or anxiety disorders

Introduction: Occupational balance and satisfaction with daily occupations are two central concepts in occupational science. The aim of the present study was therefore to explore associations between different aspects of occupational balance and satisfaction with daily occupations. A second aim was to explore whether different aspects of occupational balance predicted satisfaction with daily occup

A Hypothetical Romakasiddhānta Calendar

The Romakasiddhānta is a quite special Hindu luni-solar canon being the only one using Metonic intercalation and implementing a tropical solar year. As the name suggests it has a Hellenistic origin. The known facts about the canon are scanty but in spite of this it is possible to draw some conclusions from them. A hypothetical calendar based on its known characteristics is investigated below

Cortical and white matter correlates of language-learning aptitudes

People learn new languages with varying degrees of success but what are the neuroanatomical correlates of the difference in language-learning aptitude? In this study, we set out to investigate how differences in cortical morphology and white matter microstructure correlate with aptitudes for vocabulary learning, phonetic memory, and grammatical inferencing as measured by the first-language neutral

Characteristics of children diagnosed with type 1 diabetes before vs after 6 years of age in the TEDDY cohort study

AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Prognostic factors and characteristics of children diagnosed with type 1 diabetes before 6 years of age were compared with those diagnosed at 6-13 years of age in the TEDDY study.METHODS: Genetically high-risk children (n = 8502) were followed from birth for a median of 9.9 years; 328 (3.9%) were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Cox proportional hazard model was used to assess the

Towards a Holistic Controller: Reinforcement Learning for Data Center Control

The increased use of cloud and other large scale datacenter IT services and the associated power usage has put the spotlight on more energy-efficient datacenter management. In this paper, a simple model was developed to represent the heat rejection system and energy usage in a small DC setup. The model was then controlled by a reinforcement learning agent that handles both the load balancing of th

Reaping What WEEE Sow: The potential for harvesting spare parts for repair and refurbishment

A Circular Economy (CE) calls for the value of materials and products to be maintained and recovered through narrowing, closing, and slowing loops. However, there remain challenges in moving up the waste hierarchy and not only recycling materials from products, but also capturing value through reuse of components in refurbished and repaired products. In this paper, we examine the practice of “harv

Emergency Helplines in Emergency Times

The national child helpline in India received a record number of calls during the country’s first COVID-19 lockdown in 2020. Its ability to provide a safety net for children’s protection rights can be an inspiration for other countries.

Assessment of local tissue water in breasts following breast reconstruction with an expander prosthesis or DIEP flap

The role of breast oedema in breast reconstruction is unknown. Therefore, our aim was to investigate local tissue water (LTW) and breast oedema-related symptoms in breasts reconstructed with either an expander prosthesis (EP) or with a deep inferior epigastric perforator (DIEP) flap at a minimum of one year postoperatively. Sixty-eight patients randomised to breast reconstruction with an EP or DIE

Artificial intelligence and the medical physics profession : a Swedish perspective

BackgroundThere is a continuous and dynamic discussion on artificial intelligence (AI) in present-day society. AI is expected to impact on healthcare processes and could contribute to a more sustainable use of resources allocated to healthcare in the future. The aim for this work was to establish a foundation for a Swedish perspective on the potential effect of AI on the medical physics profession

"Det handlar om vår framtid" : Hur elevers scientific literacy kan utvecklas genom SNI-argumentation i kemiundervisning

En individ i dagens samhälle kommer ständigt i kontakt med olika frågor som är kopplade till naturvetenskap. Val ska göras, beslut ska fattas. Ska jag vaccinera mig? Ska jag köpa den där vattentäta jackan? Vilket elbolag ska jag välja? Vilken fisk ska jag köpa? Ska jag skänka pengar till eller engagera mig i en miljöorganisation? Medborgare i ett demokratiskt samhälle behöver kunskaper som gör att

p53 controls genomic stability and temporal differentiation of human neural stem cells and affects neural organization in human brain organoids

In this study, we take advantage of human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell-derived neural stem cells and brain organoids to study the role of p53 during human brain development. We knocked down (KD) p53 in human neuroepithelial stem (NES) cells derived from iPS cells. Upon p53KD, NES cells rapidly show centrosome amplification and genomic instability. Furthermore, a reduced proliferation rate,

Humanized Stem Cell Models of Pediatric Medulloblastoma Reveal an Oct4/mTOR Axis that Promotes Malignancy

Medulloblastoma (MB), the most frequent malignant childhood brain tumor, can arise from cellular malfunctions during hindbrain development. Here we generate humanized models for Sonic Hedgehog (SHH)-subgroup MB via MYCN overexpression in primary human hindbrain-derived neuroepithelial stem (hbNES) cells or iPSC-derived NES cells, which display a range of aggressive phenotypes upon xenografting. iP

Single-cell study of neural stem cells derived from human iPSCs reveals distinct progenitor populations with neurogenic and gliogenic potential

We used single-cell RNA sequencing (seq) on several human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell-derived neural stem cell (NSC) lines and one fetal brain-derived NSC line to study inherent cell type heterogeneity at proliferating neural stem cell stage and uncovered predisposed presence of neurogenic and gliogenic progenitors. We observed heterogeneity in neurogenic progenitors that differed between

Simplifying prediction of disease progression in pre-symptomatic type 1 diabetes using a single blood sample

AIMS/HYPOTHESIS: Accurate prediction of disease progression in individuals with pre-symptomatic type 1 diabetes has potential to prevent ketoacidosis and accelerate development of disease-modifying therapies. Current tools for predicting risk require multiple blood samples taken during an OGTT. Our aim was to develop and validate a simpler tool based on a single blood draw.METHODS: Models to predi

Liposuction of Breast Cancer: Related Arm Lymphedema Reduces Fat and Muscle Hypertrophy

Introduction: Adipose tissue deposition is a known consequence of lymphedema. A previous study showed that the affected arm in patients with nonpitting breast cancer-related lymphedema (BCRL) had a mean excess volume of 73% fat and 47% muscle. This condition impairs combined physiotherapy as well as more advanced microsurgical methods. Liposuction is, therefore, a way of improving the effects of t

Automated large-scale culture and medium-throughput chemical screen for modulators of proliferation and viability of human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived neuroepithelial-like stem cells

The aim of this study was to demonstrate proof-of-concept feasibility for the use of human neural stem cells (NSCs) for high-throughput screening (HTS) applications. For this study, an adherent human induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell-derived long-term, self-renewing, neuroepithelial-like stem (lt-NES) cell line was selected as a representative NSC. Here, we describe the automated large-scale ser