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Psykosocial arbetsmiljö: Upplevda skillnader mellan generation X och Y

Syftet med studien var att se om det finns någon skillnad i upplevd psykosocial arbetsmiljö utifrån företagets värdegrunder och mellan de demografiska variablerna generation (generation X födda mellan 1961-1981 och generation Y födda 1982-2002), kön samt befattning. En internetenkät skickades ut till 130 anställda vid IKEA. De anställda var slumpmässigt utvalda från olika bolag inom IKEA belägna iThe purpose of the study was to discover a noticeable relationship between the psychosocial working habitat, seen from the employing company’s values, between sex and function among two variable demographical generations (generation X born between 1961-1981 and generation Y born between 1982-2002). An Internet based survey was sent out to 130 employees at IKEA. The employees had been chosen at ran

Ödmjukhetens Makt : en studie av maktspråk på företag i manga

A substantial part of modern Japan’s workforce consists of men and women employed at corporation offices. These are the Japanese that are known as “sararîman” (“salarymen”) in case of being male, or OL (“Office Ladies”) in case of being female. As one such, it is crucial that one can wield one’s language abilities skillfully in order to be able to make other members of staff fully appreciate and r

Estimating and Testing Risk Approaches: A Technical Analysis using Affine Term Structure Models, Monte Carlo Simulation and GARCH Method

This paper investigates if the Log-Normal Mean-Reverting Ornstein-Uhlenbeck spot price (LNMROU) and the Vasicek (1977) process can forecast Value-at-Risk (VaR) using the Monte Carlo method. The results from LNMROU are validated against Delta-Normal-GARCH (DNG) and Historical Simulation (HS) which are well known approaches for VaR estimations. The backtested results indicated that HS and DNG are go

Försäkringsbehov? En studie av operationella fordonsleasingbolag

Problem definition: Companies competing in a market environment are trying to improve their competitiveness. A widespread company strategy is to focus on the core operations and competencies and outsource non-core activities. Managing companies’ vehicle fleets is often considered non-core operations which have led to the creation of the operational vehicle leasing industry. It means that the leasi

Autistic traits in a Swedish clinical sample of children with ADHD

The occurrence of autistic traits measured by the social responsiveness scale, SRS, in a Swedish clinical sample of children age 8-12 diagnosed with ADHD was analyzed and found significantly elevated in comparison with a demographically similar control group. 28 children 4 girls and 24 boys diagnosed with ADHD were included in the ADHD group. 25 children 4 girls and 21 boys acted as controls. A me

Determinants of Adolescent Fertility

This thesis examines determinants of adolescent fertility with a particular focus on the possible association between adolescent fertility and idea diffusion. A sample of DHS data consisting of 6591 Nigerian female adolescents in the age of 15-19 in 2008 is used for analysis. The logistic regression shows a clear significant association between adolescent fertility and socio-economic determinants

CSR- En strategisk förändringsprocess

Syfte: Vårt primära syfte med denna uppsats är att analysera och beskriva hur CSR kan implementeras i den övergripande företagsstrategin. Ett delsyfte är även att analysera i vilken utsträckning det är möjligt för företag, som inte uppfattas verka för ett hållbart samhälle, att arbeta med CSR. För att empirisk kunna studera implementeringen av CSR ämnar vi att göra en fallstudie av ett företag, vi

En kvalitativ studie av socionomers erfarenheter av sammanbrott vid familjehemsplaceringar då och nu

The purpose of this study is to examine skilled social workers with long time experience of breakdowns at family home placements frm 1970 and their apprehensions about it. My choice of subject concerns my own experience of breakdowns at a fosterhome in the beginning of 1970. In my investigation the research shows a lot of different factors that either increases or decreases the risk of breakdowns

Scriptbaserade anknytningsmönster: En undersökning av trygg-bas script och dess förekomst i relationen mellan föräldrar och barn

Anknytningsteorin har sedan länge varit fundamental för utvecklingspsykologin och beskriver hur ett barn har en medfödd förmåga att knyta an till sina vårdnadshavare för närhet och skydd. På senare tid har teorin om kognitiva script visat sig användbar i jakten på att förstå hur individers mentala representationer gestaltar sig. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka förekomsten och relationen

Organisera för brukarinvolvering och öppen innovation i fuzzy front end

In the developing process of medical devices three perspectives have to be considered; the users, the producers and the regulatory, still the user perspective is of special importance for the success of a product. At the same time possibilities are gradually reduced for medical technology companies to obtain new external ideas, mainly caused by the increased technical content of today’s medical de

An analysis of the relationship between foreign trade and economic growth in Turkey over the period 1980-2009

This study analyzes the relationship between foreign trade and economic growth in Turkey during the last three decades while particularly observing distinctive feature of the last decade in terms of economic growth-foreign trade relationship. The study adopts two main methodological approaches. The first approach includes two econometric analyses based on VAR and VEC models regarding periods 1987:

Piracy and its Effects on Charterparty Contracts

Somalia piracy has its effects on the sea, off the coast of Somalia and in the wider Indian Ocean. However, the source of the problem has its roots on the Somali land. Economic hardship, absence of an effective government and law enforcement are the driving force of piracy. External interference to the Somali land by the colonial powers and some other African states urged the Somaliland into polit

Åtgärder för att begränsa den svarta marknaden i Sverige

Jag har i denna uppsats analyserat ett antal åtgärders effekter på den svarta marknaden i Sverige. De åtgärder jag har analyserat är både sådana som redan har införts i Sverige och tänkbara framtida åtgärder. De redan genomförda åtgärderna är avdrag för hushållsnäratjänster och byggnadsarbeten alltså de så kallade rot och rut avdragen. Jag har även tittat på de jobbskatteavdragen som har införts o

Controlling innovations - a case study about management control in R&D departments

Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyse the influence of management control systems in innovation and development activities. Methodology: A qualitative inductive approach is used and the thesis is conducted as a multiple descriptive case study, with interviews as the primary data source. Theoretical perspectives: The study uses previous research and studies on the area of m

Labor, Finance, and Economic Growth in Europe. Panel Data Evidence from 13 European Union Countries

During the contemporary crisis in Europe, a heated debate has started as how Europe has to become more efficient and what Europe has to do to improve its position and achieve economic growth again. The sector that has receive much attention is the financial one, while in the “real“ economy, labor rigidities have been thought for many years as an obstacle to European economic growth. The study exam