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Impact of coagulation–ultrafiltration on long-term pipe biofilm dynamics in a full-scale chloraminated drinking water distribution system
While pipe biofilms in DWDSs (drinking water distribution systems) are thought to affect the quality of distributed water, studies regarding the microbial processes are impeded by the difficulties in accessing biofilm undisturbed by DWDS maintenance. In this study, pipe sections were removed from a fully operational DWDS for biofilm sampling over two years and three months, and before and after st
Touching Books on Screen : Bridging Media Cultures and Generations with William Joyce's The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore
Nostalgic Experiments Memory in Anne Carson’s Nox and Doug Dorst and J.J. Abrams’ S.
The article discusses a tendency towards “media nostalgia” in contemporary experimental literary works.Authors such as Jonathan Safran Foer, Reif Larsen, Anne Carson, Steven Hall, Umberto Eco, J.J. Abramsand Doug Dorst include images, drawing and photographs in their works, or they experiment with the visualand material qualities of writing and the book. The tendency can be explained as a reflecti
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Artiklen fokuserer på intermedialitet som erindringsstrategi i nyere litteratur. Fokus er på såkaldte foto-romanerr af Alexander Kluge, W.G. Sebald, Aleksandar Hemon og Jonathan Safran Foer. Med udgangspunkt i W.J.T. Mitchells teori om forholdet mellem ord og billede påpeges en spænding inden for genren: de moderne foto-romaner synes udspændt mellem, på den ene side, en modernistisk tradition, som
Differentiating psychogenic nonepileptic from epileptic seizures: A mixed-methods, content analysis study
Background: Identification of clinical features that might distinguish psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES)from epileptic seizures (ES) is of value for diagnosis, management, and understanding of both conditions. Previousstudies have shown that patients' descriptions of their seizures reflect differences in content and delivery.Weaimed to compare verbal descriptions of PNES and ES using a mixe
Changes in State of Consciousness and Psi in Ganzfeld and Hypnosis Conditions
In a previous experiment with participants high (Highs) and low (Lows) in hypnotizability,psi z scores had moderate to strong correlations with percipients’ belief of their success and theirprevious ostensible psi experiences, experiencing an Altered State of Consciousness and other alterationsof consciousness during a non-psi ganzfeld session, but only among the Highs. The currentpre-registered s
α1-Microglobulin Binds Illuminated Flavins and Has a Protective Effect Against Sublethal Riboflavin-Induced Damage in Retinal Epithelial Cells
Riboflavin (vitamin B2) is an important constituent of the prosthetic groups flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and flavin mononucleotide (FMN), which are utilized as electron-carriers in energy metabolism. Excitation by UV-light leads to the generation of riboflavin radicals and reactive oxygen species (ROS), which can oxidize a wide range of biomolecules. The human protein α1-microglobulin (A1M)
Reply to the letter to the editor "very long-term outcome of coronary covered stents. Not all covered stents are the same"
Exploiting Flexible Memristors Based on Solution-Processed Colloidal CuInSe2 Nanocrystals
Compared to analogous bulk materials, colloidal nanocrystals have presented a powerful platform for building up electronic devices on the nano/micrometer scale and flexible portable electronic apparatus with the benefits of solution-based processing approach at room temperature. Herein, memristors based on CuInSe2 (CISe) colloidal nanocrystals prepared using a solution-based process at room temper
QF Modelling of Electro-Pulse-Therapy
Vid elektro-pulsbehandling svarar omedelbart bara de celler som utsätts för ett tillräckligt starkt elektriskt fält. De tumörceller som permeabiliseras blir mycket mer tillgängliga för hydrofila molekyler eftersom dessa normalt avvisas av membranbarriären. Anticancermedlet Bleomycin har visat sig vara det mest potenta läkemedlet i elektropulsbehandling och är det som ofta används i elektro-puls-keIn electro-pulse therapy treatment, only the cells exposed to a sufficiently strong electric field will respond immediately. The tumour cells that are permeabilized become much more accessible to hydrophilic molecules since these are normally rejected by the membrane barrier. The anticancer agent Bleomycin has proven to be the most potent drug in electro-pulse therapy and is the one often used in
An electrical impedance indicator to assess electropermeabilisation in tissue, a preliminary study
A controlled pulsed electrical field applied to a living tissue is believed to cause a structural reorganisation in the lipid bilayer of the cell membranes. This electropermeabilisation or electroporation process is used for opening up the cell membrane in order to get access to the cell. An electrical impedance tissue model that incorporates electroporation is presented. From this model a bio-imp
Finite element analysis for simplified thermal dose planning in interstitial laser thermotherapy
The objective was to investigate if diffusing laser fibres can be modelled as conductive heat sources without miscalculating coagulated volumes, and if finite element analysis, disregarding light transport, may be used for three dimensional (3D) treatment planning in interstitial laser thermotherapy (ILT). Temperature distributions and coagulated volumes with a diffusing laser fibre, as compared t
Development of an electrical impedance tomography system for noninvasive temperature monitoring of hyperthermia treatments
Determination of flow velocities from magnetic resonance multiple spin-echo images : A phantom study
The purpose of this study was to evaluate a method for the quantification of through-plane flow velocities by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) from the flow characteristics of conventional multiple spin-echo (MSE) signals. Simulated inflow-outflow-dependent signals, as well as images of a flow phantom were generated and the logarithm of the flow-dependent signal value was plotted against echo time
Ferromagnetic particles as contrast agent in T2 NMR imaging
Tumours of the central nervous system. Proton magnetic resonance relaxation times T1 and T2 and histopathologic correlates
Proton MR relaxation times T1 and T2 were determined in vitro in 136 small specimens of astrocytomas grades I-IV, of oligodendrogliomas, metastases of adenocarcinomas, meningiomas and acoustic neuromas. In addition, 7 samples of peritumoural white matter were analysed. The analysed specimens were studied microscopically in their entirety regarding tumour type and occurrence of necrosis and non-tum
Skeletal artefacts and genetic effects can be avoided with NMR
97Ru-transferrin uptake in tumor and abscess
The uptake of97Ru-transferrin (Ru-TF) in tumor and abscess bearing animals was compared with67Ga-citrate (Ga),123I-transferrin (I-TF), and several other plasma proteins. Maximal concentration in tumor of Ru-TF in mice was three times higher than67Ga-citrate (16.80±4.20 vs 5.08±0.58% D/g) although it occurred later (24 h compared with67Ga which reached its maximum 2 h after injection). Whole body a