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Polybrominated diphenyl ethers in maternal serum, umbilical cord serum, colostrum and mature breast milk. Insights from a pilot study and the literature.

Human serum and mother's milk are frequently used to assess exposure to polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), including transplacental transfer to the foetus. However, little is known about the kinetics of PBDEs, especially the highly brominated BDE congeners. In this pilot study, maternal serum samples were collected from 10 women at delivery and five to six weeks post partum. Umbilical serum w

Coagulation and inflammation-close allies in health and disease.

The integrity of our bodies is under constant threat by external forces. Blood coagulation and inflammatory pathways are important, highly efficient defence systems that support health and well-being in both normal and challenged conditions. Being potentially dangerous for the own organism, they are kept under strict control by anticoagulant and anti-inflammatory mechanisms. Coagulation and inflam

Rates of fracture in participants and non-participants in the Osteoporosis Prospective Risk Assessment Study

We invited 1604 randomly selected women, all 75 years of age, to participate in a study on the risk factors for fracture. The women were divided into three groups consisting of 1044 (65%) who attended the complete study, 308 (19%) respondents to the study questionnaire only and 252 (16%) who did not respond. The occurrence of the life-time fracture was ascertained from radiological records in all

Effects of Clara cell 10 (CC10) protein on symptoms and signs of allergic rhinitis.

BACKGROUND: The Clara cell 10 (CC10) protein is produced by the airway epithelium. Reduced levels of CC10 are associated with allergic rhinitis and asthma. In experimental models, treatment with the CC10 protein may reduce features of airway inflammation. OBJECTIVES: To examine whether or not topical treatment with recombinant human CC10 (rhCC10) affects symptoms and signs of allergic rhinitis in

Phenotype-Based Discovery of 2-[(E)-2-(Quinolin-2-yl)vinyl]phenol as a Novel Regulator of Ocular Angiogenesis.

Retinal angiogenesis is tightly regulated to meet oxygenation and nutritional requirements. In diseases such as proliferative diabetic retinopathy and neovascular age-related macular degeneration, uncontrolled angiogenesis can lead to blindness. Our goal is to better understand the molecular processes controlling retinal angiogenesis and discover novel drugs that inhibit retinal neovascularisation

Family therapy as a model for treating childhood obesity: Useful tools for clinicians.

More than 15 percent of children in Europe are overweight; another 5 percent are obese. The high prevalence of obesity emphasizes the necessity of developing evidence-based treatment programs that are useful in a clinical setting. Management of childhood obesity is commonly based on lifestyle interventions where nutrition, physical activity, and behavior modification are the main targets. To incor

Streptococcus pneumoniae induces expression of the antibacterial CXC chemokine MIG/CXCL9 via MyD88-dependent signaling in a murine model of airway infection.

MIG/CXCL9 belongs to the CXC family of chemokines and participates in the regulation of leukocyte-trafficking and angiogenesis. Certain chemokines, including human MIG/CXCL9, exert strong antibacterial activity in vitro, although the importance of this property in vivo is unknown. In the present study, we investigated the expression and a possible role for MIG/CXCL9 in host defense during mucosal

Melatonin receptors in pancreatic islets: good morning to a novel type 2 diabetes gene.

Melatonin is a circulating hormone that is primarily released from the pineal gland. It is best known as a regulator of seasonal and circadian rhythms; its levels are high during the night and low during the day. Interestingly, insulin levels also exhibit a nocturnal drop, which has previously been suggested to be controlled, at least in part, by melatonin. This regulation can be explained by the

The YIGI (YPL201c) encoded protein is involved in regulating anaerobic glycerol metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Under anaerobic conditions S. cerevisiae produces glycerol to regenerate NAD+ from the excess NADH produced in cell metabolism. We here report on the role of an uncharacterized protein, Yig1p (YpI201cp), in anaerobic glycerol production. Yig1p was previously shown to interact in two-hybrid tests with the GPP1 and GPP2 encoded glycerol 3-phosphatase (Gpp), and we here demonstrate that strains overe

Sparbössor och silverskedar. Dopgåvor som materialiserade känslor

Gift-giving is part of the ceremonial behaviour in many celebrations associated with rites of passage. In this article I discuss the gifts children recieve at christening parties. Even though some parents emphasize that they do not want "typical" christening presents, like pewter savings-boxes or silver photography frames, they often find that the guests nevertheless have brought such gifts. An ex

Airborne cognitive systems in search of an appropriate context: Studies of the introduction of new technology in aviation using a cognitive systems engineering approach

Popular Abstract in Swedish Sammanfattning Teknik är alltid skapad för en förväntad brukare i ett antaget sammanhang. Inom kommersiell luftfart är dessa antaganden när det gäller design tydliga. Såväl besättning som utrustning är certifierad för en viss typ av operationer i enlighet med flygplanets drifthandbok. Trots denna genomtänkta definition av användare i sitt sammanhang händer det ändå attAbstract Technology is always designed for an assumed user in an assumed context. In commercial aviation, these design assumptions are clearly spelt out in that both crew and equipment are certificated for a specific operation as stated in the aircraft flight manual. Despite this well defined user context, the designed-for and the real contexts often differ enough so that adaptations of working p

The morphology of the chemosensory aesthetasc-like setae used during settlement of cypris larvae in the parasitic barnacle Sacculina carcini (Cirripedia : Rhizocephala)

Rhizocephalans of the suborder Kentrogonida are parasitic barnacles whose female cypris larvae must locate a suitable host organism (a decapod crustacean), while the male cypris larvae must find a host containing a virgin female. Some of the sensory structures assumed to be involved in this behaviour are the aesthetasc-like setae found on antennules of the cyprids, of which the females possess one

Factors influencing job satisfaction among Swedish occupational therapists in psychiatric care

This study examined job satisfaction among occupational therapists in Swedish psychiatric care, and investigated how clinical supervision, organizational aspects and demographic characteristics contributed to job satisfaction. We received 332 returned questionnaires, corresponding to a response rate of 66.9%. Job satisfaction factors that emerged were: general satisfaction with work, communication