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Modelling the impact of sky-bridges on total evacuation for high-rise buildings
This study examines the impact of sky-bridges, as an egress component, on total evacuation of a high-rise building by using an evacuation model named Pathfinder. Five scenarios, with different combination of aspects such as height of the building, number of sky-bridges (and the subsequent inter-distance between them), and people allocation have been simulated. The comparison between the results fr
"Jag fick en beställning: ´Jag vill hitta mig själv`" - Behandlares upplevelser av hur sexuella övergrepp påverkar den utsattes respektive behandlarens identitet
Syftet med studien var att undersöka behandlares upplevelser av hur identiteten påverkas hos vuxna individer som utsatts för sexuella övergrepp, samt hur identiteten hos behandlare påverkas av att arbeta med denna klientgrupp. Åtta behandlare i Sverige och Nederländerna intervjuades utifrån semistrukturerade intervjuer. Tematisk analys användes som metod, utifrån en existentiell hermeneutisk ansatThe purpose of the study was to examine therapists’ experiences of how identity is affected in adult survivors of sexual abuse, and how the identity of therapists is influenced by working with this client group. Eight therapists in Sweden and the Netherlands were interviewed based on semi-structured interviews. Thematic analysis was used as a method, based on an existential hermeneutical approach.
Eurhythmics and Body-based Music Education- Methods for Increasing Mutual Integration
Syftet med undersökningen är att rapportera hur rytmikpedagogik och rörelsebaserad musikundervisning kan bidra till ömsesidig integration bland elever i en multikulturell svensk skola. Jag har genomfört en studie där jag kombinerar en internetbaserad enkät med en fokusgruppsintervju. Femtio musikpedagoger över hela Sverige svarade på enkäten, de flesta vilka arbetar med El Sistema. El Sistema erbjThe purpose of this study is to investigate how eurhythmics and body-based music education could contribute to mutual integration of students in a multicultural Swedish school. I have conducted a study, combining an Internet-based survey with a focus group interview. Fifty music teachers throughout Sweden answered the survey, most of who work at El Sistema. El Sistema offers optional music educati
Energy auditing and enhanced implementation of energy efficiency strategies and actions through networks for SMEs – learning across borders in Sweden, Germany and Switzerland
Rapporten innefattar en detaljerad beskrivning och utvärdering av de existerande tyska och schweiziska nätverk för energieffektivisering. Baserat på resultatet, finns även ett förslag på en modell för energieffektiviseringsnätverk anpassad för Sverige som består av fyra faser: rekryteringsfas, energikartläggningsfas, nätverksfas och uppföljningsfas. Från studien drogs även slutsatsen att de viktig
Skolledares uppfattning om ledaruppdrag och ledarskap
I dagens samhälle är intresset för rektorns ledaruppdrag och ledarskap stort i och med den kritik som under de senaste åren har riktats mot den svenska skolan. Då granskningar, gjorda av bland annat Skolinspektionen, visar att rektorns yrkesroll har en stor betydelse för skolans framgång blir det ännu viktigare att undersöka vare sig rektorns uppdrag är möjligt eller inte. Forskning visar att det
Inköpsmätning av indirekt material och tjänster - en flerfallsstudie
Syfte: Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka hur mogna företagets inköpsavdelningar är och om mognadsgrad har något samband mellan hur de arbetar och mäter sin inköpsfunktion, samt att undersöka hur stora företag jobbar med indirekt inköp idag. Problembeskrivning: De olika frågorna som studien önskar besvara kan sammanfattas enligt följande: * Var befinner sig företagens mognadsgrad enlPurpose: The purpose of this master's thesis is to examine how companies work with performance measurements for purchasing of indirect materials and services and its relation to purchasing maturity. Problem formulation: These are the five research questions for this study: * How developed are the companies purchasing departments? * How are the companies working with indirect purchasing? * Wha
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This study investigates the nostalgic aspects of Frederic Leighton’s Arab Hall. Through analysis of the room and collection, the aim is to identify how the nostalgic feelings are visualized in the hall and what this might say about the nostalgic meaning. Arab Hall serves to function as beautiful surroundings for Leighton’s significant collection of middle-eastern ornament, especially tile works f
The journey to a more active lifestyle: A Patient Perspective Qualitative Content Analysis on FaR - the Swedish Concept of Physical Activity on Prescription
Background: Physical inactivity is a worldwide public health issue and the fourth leading risk factor for global mortality. As a measure of prevention or treatment several countries have developed concepts of physical activity on prescription (PAP) to tackle the common issue of sedentary behavior and thereby decrease the risk of chronic illness and premature death. The Swedish model of PAP, “Fysis
Barnmorskan som vägrade utföra abort - En arbetsrättslig studie om samvetsfrihet i den svenska vården
Fallet med den kristna barnmorskan Ellinor Grimmark, som på grund av sin vägran att delta i aborter nekades anställning vid tre kliniker, skapade stor debatt i Sverige våren 2014. Personalens rätt att följa sitt eget samvete och åtnjuta religionsfrihet ställdes mot kvinnans rätt till fri och tillgänglig abort och arbetstagarens tjänsteplikt. Grimmark anmälde sin arbetsgivare till DiskrimineringsomEllinor Grimmark, a Christian midwife, refused to participate in abortions and was consequently denied employment at three different hospitals. In the spring of 2014, she filed a complaint to the Equality Ombudsman but lost her case. Negotiations are however currently taking place in Jönköping’s district court, where it will be decided whether Grimmark can claim damages for discrimination. Grimmar
Comparison of Web and Native approaches to implementing Distributed User Interfaces for Android
The wide and increasing range of screen sizes between Android devices makes consumers use them very differently. Large devices (like televisions) are more suitable to view content and smaller devices (like smart watches) are to be used more as a quick controller of the main application. Distributed user interfaces is the concept of utilizing several of these de- vices in one application, so that e
Utlrasound Artefacts
Image artefacts in diagnostic ultrasound partly occur due to a number of assumptions made concerning how sound and tissue interact and of the acoustic properties of tissue. Ultrasound artefacts in B-mode imaging and the underlying physics that cause them is a well-documented subject. These artefacts and the causes behind them have been studied with the goal of designing a number of ultrasound phan
Rendering Light and Shadows for Transparent Objects
This masters thesis presents a new approach to enable complex illuminationand shadowing for transparent objects such as glass or smoke. This is achievedby combining two algorithms which are intended to run in a real-time environment commonly found in modern computer games. The first algorithm is called "Light Linked List", it solves the problem of illuminating transparent objects and was
Att skapa helhet - en kvalitativ studie av verksamma mekanismer i kamratstöd
Uppsatsen har haft en kvalitativ ansats. Syftet var att studera upplevelsen hos ett antal brandmän som i sin yrkesroll inom räddningstjänsten deltagit i denna omarbetade form av psykologisk debriefing som kallas kamratstöd. Frågeställningen har dels handlat om att undersöka hur informanterna upplevde kamratstöd och dels att svara på frågan om vilka mekanismer som kan anses verksamma i kamratstöd oThe thesis used a qualitative design. Its purpose was to study a Group of firemen´s experiences of taking part of peer support (a form of psychological debriefing) as part of their work within the Emergency Service. The research questions dealt with investigating how the interviewees had experienced peer support, what mechanisms in this method could be considered effective and how these mechanisms
Värdering i tvistiga klyvningar
Vid ett klyvningsförfarande är tanken att all ingående mark ska värderas i någon omfattning för att sedan fördelas mellan delägarna enligt deras respektive andel. Det har observerats exempel på värderingar som inte alltid gjorts enligt lag med en graderingsvärdering, det vill säga en värdering med mark i obebyggt skick och skog av normal karaktär, utan att denna istället gjorts efter en likvidvärdDuring a property partition the idea is that all land should be appraised to some extent, so that it can later be distributed among the co-owners according to their respective share. In a few examples of appraisals used by the National Land Survey there has been signs of irregularities in the application of grading appraisals. In some of these cases land has been appraised including buildings and
Exploring one approach to food sovereignty: A case study of a Kenyan community-based organization
This ethnographic case study analyses ecological, socio-cultural and economic practices taking place in a community-based organization (CBO), Organic Technology Extension and Promotion of Initiative Centre (OTEPIC), in rural Trans Nzoia County, Kenya, in order to understand how food sovereignty is promoted for community members and local small scale farmers in the given geographical context. Throu
Are the Swedish Cross-Border Group Deduction Rules compatible with European Union Law?
The thesis regards the Swedish group deduction rules and whether the rules are compatible with EU law. The rules are analyzed in relation to both primary law, the fundamental freedoms established in the TFEU and secondary law, the Parent-Subsidiary Directive (PSD). The author has established four requirements in the Swedish provisions that could possibly be in breach of EU law, namely; (1) the dir
Analys av riktlinjer för utomhuslagring av trädbaserat bränsle till kraftvärmeverk
Bristfälliga riktlinjer för lagring av biobränsle Kraftvärmeverk som lagrar och hanterar trädbaserade biobränslen efterfrågar tydligare riktlinjer för hur bränslen ska lagras för att förhindra uppkomst av brand. De befintliga riktlinjer som finns tillgängliga bygger inte på de senaste 30 årens drifterfarenhet och behöver uppdateras. Försäkringsbolag, branschorganisationer och forskningsinstitut haThe aim of this master thesis is to analyse the development of existing guidelines for storing of solid biofuels as well as highlighting doubts on how storage and handling of biofuel within CHP industry and paper mass industry. Through interviews and site visits, identify what risk reducing measures that are applied in practice. In an effort to analyse statistics and examine the frequency of the v
I started with the intentions to design a toy. Many of the values I wanted to emphasize are part of or could be applied to the soap-box cart. A traditional soap-box cart is built by hand from bought or collected (left-over) parts and materials. The creation plays a major part in the soapbox concept and I wanted to preserve this. My challenge was to revive the old soap-box cart and adapt it to the
Robust Time Difference Estimation for Unknown Microphone Positions with Reverberation
In this thesis a system is developed for robust time difference estimation for multiple microphones in reverberant environments, without any knowledge of the 3D positions of the microphones or the room. RANSAC is used to find line segments in sets of frames containing a number of the largest GCC-PHAT peaks. Focus is on real experiments with one moving sound source continuously playing music. The e