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Differences in resource management affects drought vulnerability across the borders between Iraq, Syria, and Turkey

This study investigates the 2007-2009 Fertile Crescent drought in the border region of Syria, Iraq and Turkey from an agricultural perspective using satellite based vegetation data combined with precipitation and land cover data. We look at the trends in vegetation productivity between 2001 and 2015, as well as the different politico-economic factors affecting land management leading up to the dro

The Many Facets of bicoid Gradient Formation in Drosophila

In Drosophila, the Bicoid protein servers as paradigm as the first identified morphogen, whose concentration gradient provides the initial positional information in the anterior half of the embryo. There, it differentially activates segmentation genes, in particular the gap genes. Insofar, there are two mainly prevailing models to explain how the Bicoid protein concentration gradient forms: 1) the

Assessing tools and implementation of the campaign “Making Cities Resilient”. Summary of briefing on two master’s theses conducted at Lund University, Sweden

This paper is a condensed version of a presentation held for the Advocacy and Outreach Section of the UNISDR on the 15th of November 2013. It draws upon findings and recommendations stemming from two master’s theses conducted at Lund University Centre for Risk Assessment and Management, LUCRAM (Karlsson & Nielsen, 2012; Lundby & Sjöberg, 2013). The presenter and author of the paper is a Ph

Organoid cultures derived from patients with advanced prostate cancer

The lack of in vitro prostate cancer models that recapitulate the diversity of human prostate cancer has hampered progress in understanding disease pathogenesis and therapy response. Using a 3D organoid system, we report success in long-term culture of prostate cancer from biopsy specimens and circulating tumor cells. The first seven fully characterized organoid lines recapitulate the molecular di

First x-ray nanoimaging experiments at NanoMAX

NanoMAX is a hard x-ray nanoimaging beamline at the new Swedish synchrotron radiation source MAX IV that became operational in 2016. Being a beamline dedicated to x-ray nanoimaging in both 2D and 3D, NanoMAX is the first to take full advantage of MAX IVs exceptional low emittance and resulting coherent properties. We present results from the first experiments at NanoMAX that took place in December

Multicompartment simulations of NMDA receptor based facilitation in an insect target tracking neuron

Computational modelling of neurons on different scales provides not only methods to explore mechanisms observed in vivo but also for testing hypotheses that would be impossible physiologically. In this paper we present initial computational analysis of insect lobula small target motion detector (STMD) neurons. We simulate a multicompartment model in combination with a bioinspired model for front-e

Structural analysis of Ioncell-F fibres from birch wood

Quite recently, the Ioncell-F process, a novel and promising Lyocell fibre process, has been developed. The ionic liquid 1,5-diazabicyclo[4.3.0]non-5-enium acetate ([DBNH]OAc) utilized in this process, was identified as an excellent cellulose solvent for dry-jet wet fibre spinning. Fibres spun from cellulose-[DBNH]OAc solution have shown excellent mechanical properties. Herein, various structural

Lymphedema Leads to Fat Deposition in Muscle and Decreased Muscle/Water Volume After Liposuction : A Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study

BACKGROUND: Lymphedema leads to adipose tissue deposition. Water-fat magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can quantify and localize fat and water. The presence of excess fat and excess water/muscle in the subfascial compartment of the lymphedematous limb has not been investigated before. The aim of this study was to investigate epifascial and subfascial fat and water contents in patients with chronic

Short-term carbon input increases microbial nitrogen demand, but not microbial nitrogen mining, in a set of boreal forest soils

Rising carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations and temperatures are expected to stimulate plant productivity and ecosystem C sequestration, but these effects require a concurrent increase in N availability for plants. Plants might indirectly promote N availability as they release organic C into the soil (e.g., by root exudation) that can increase microbial soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition (“pri

Advancing to a Circular Economy: three essential ingredients for a comprehensive policy mix

Material resources exploitation and the pressure on natural ecosystems have raised concerns over potential future resource risks and supply failures worldwide. Interest in the concept of Circular Economy has surged in recent years among policy makers and business actors. An increasing amount of literature touches upon the conceptualisation of Circular Economy, the development of ‘circular solution

Psychometric Evaluation of the Parkinson's Disease Activities of Daily Living Scale

Objective. To evaluate a set of psychometric properties (i.e., data completeness, targeting, and external construct validity) of the Parkinson's disease Activities of Daily Living Scale (PADLS) in people with Parkinson's disease (PD). Specific attention was paid to the association between PADLS and PD severity, according to the Hoehn & Yahr (H&Y) staging. Methods. The sample included 251 p

Synchrotron radiation circular dichroism spectroscopy reveals structural divergences in HDL-bound apoA-I variants

Apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) in high-density lipoprotein (HDL) provides cardiovascular protection. Synchrotron radiation circular dichroism (SRCD) spectroscopy was used to analyze the dynamic solution structure of the apoA-I protein in the apo- and HDL-states and the protein structure conversion in HDL formation. Wild-type apoA-I protein was compared to human variants that either are protective (R1

Public procurement of electric vehicles as a way to support a market : Examples from Sweden

Electric vehicles (EVs) are increasingly seen as a desirable sustainable solution for the transport sector, and public procurement is often highlighted as one tool to stimulate a market. In this paper, we analyse the role of Swedish municipalities in relation to public procurement and especially whether and in such cases how municipalities in Sweden use public procurement as an instrument to enhan