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China’s Internet Finance Boom and Tyrannies of Inclusion

One of the main drivers of China’s e-commerce boom is the dramatic expansion of the country’s Internet finance industry, which has grown and diversified at a staggering rate over the past decade. The emergence of Chinese Internet finance has been discussed in largely positive terms as facilitating commercial activity. It has also been linked to the wider developmental goal of promoting financial i

Recording Consumer Practices : A Practical Application in Helsingborg

Practice theory roughly argues that the material world and the cultural world continuously interact and co-constitute one another. However, existing research methods on consumer behaviors tend to separatethese two dimensions and show a preference toward concentrating on only one of them. Video ethnography as a medium has the potential to capture these two worlds—to combine the symbolic and materia

Mechanochemical Polarization of Contiguous Cell Walls Shapes Plant Pavement Cells

The epidermis of aerial plant organs is thought to be limiting for growth, because it acts as a continuous load-bearing layer, resisting tension. Leaf epidermis contains jigsaw puzzle piece-shaped pavement cells whose shape has been proposed to be a result of subcellular variations in expansion rate that induce local buckling events. Paradoxically, such local compressive buckling should not occur

Take the Floor. Professional Communication Theoretically Contextualized

In Take the Floor I explored the conditions of communication inflected by habitus. Apart from Bourdieu’s definition of the notion, Rapport and Overing (2003: 2) emphasized those transposable dispositions which generate structured social practices. Understanding the conditions of habitus allows the generator of discourses, endowed with agency, to insert in them manipulative or propagandistic ingred

Neighbourhood ethnic density and psychosis - Is there a difference according to generation?

Background: For different migrant groups living in an area with few people from the same ethnic background is associated with increased psychosis incidence (the ethnic density effect). We set out to answer the question: are there generational differences in this effect? Methods: Analysis of a population based cohort (2.2 million) comprising all those born 1st January 1965, or later, living in Denm

Elemental Composition of Natural Nanoparticles and Fine Colloids in European Forest Stream Waters and Their Role as Phosphorus Carriers

Biogeochemical cycling of elements largely occurs in dissolved state, but many elements may also be bound to natural nanoparticles (NNP, 1-100 nm) and fine colloids (100-450 nm). We examined the hypothesis that the size and composition of stream water NNP and colloids vary systematically across Europe. To test this hypothesis, 96 stream water samples were simultaneously collected in 26 forested he

Long-term follow-up in primary Sjögren's syndrome reveals differences in clinical presentation between female and male patients

BACKGROUND: Despite men being less prone to develop autoimmune diseases, male sex has been associated with a more severe disease course in several systemic autoimmune diseases. In the present study, we aimed to investigate differences in the clinical presentation of primary Sjögren's syndrome (pSS) between the sexes and establish whether male sex is associated with a more severe form of long-term

The other child : symbols of life and death in medieval China

In early medieval and medieval Chinese narratives children appear as transformed objects, divine assistants, servants or messengers of underworld administrators or medical deities. The less supervision and thus the greater independence from adults a child had, the creepier and more potentially dangerous he was. Some of these child figures were assis- tants or messengers between a person’s body and

Quality of life measurement in acne. Position Paper of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology Task Forces on Quality of Life and Patient Oriented Outcomes and Acne, Rosacea and Hidradenitis Suppurativa

Acne causes profound negative psychological and social effects on the quality of life (QoL) of patients. The European Dermatology Forum S3-Guideline for the Treatment of Acne recommended adopting a QoL measure as an integral part of acne management. Because of constantly growing interest in health-related QoL assessment in acne and because of the high impact of acne on patients' lives, the Europea

Clothing design parameters that affect estimation of clothing insulation change due to posture and motion

Clothing insulation is one of the basic parameters that affects human heat exchange with the environment. There are available standard methods to measure individual clothing items and combinations’ insulation (EN 15831), and standards that present databases and allow summing individual items insulation (ISO 9920). The latter does not account for many effects that occur when dressing the clothing e