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A review of the production of ethanol from softwood

Ethanol produced from various lignocellulosic materials such as wood, agricultural and forest residues has the potential to be a valuable substitute for, or complement to, gasoline. One of the major resources in the Northern hemisphere is softwood. This paper reviews the current status of the technology for ethanol production from softwood, with focus on hemicellulose and cellulose hydrolysis, whi

Sphingosine 1-phosphate antagonizes human neutrophil apoptosis via p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase.

Sphingosine 1-phosphate (SPP) is associated with the regulation of apoptosis, although its role in neutrophil apoptosis remains poorly investigated. Here, we show that exogenous SPP antagonizes spontaneous and anti-Fas-induced apoptosis in neutrophils. Pre-treatment with pertussis toxin clearly reduced the apoptosis-inhibiting capacity of SPP. Consequently, we investigated the involvement of poten


Popular Abstract in Swedish Havandeskapsförgiftning (preeklampsi) är ett allvarligt risktillstånd som uppkommer vid 1.5-2.0 % av alla graviditeter och sjukdomen är en av de största orsakerna till mödra- och barndödlighet i världen. Preeklampsi karaktäriseras av högt blodtryck och läckage av äggvita i urinen under sista hälften av graviditeten hos en tidigare frisk kvinna. Njurarna spelar en avgöraThe aim of the research presented in this thesis was to provide extended background knowledge concerning several biochemical markers, used for the medical evaluation of pregnant women with suspected or confirmed preeclampsia, in order to improve the reliability of monitoring. Plasma levels of beta-2 microglobulin, cystatin C and beta trace protein are known to reflect renal filtration in non-pregn

Plant-wide (BSM2) evaluation of reject water treatment with a SHARON-Anammox process

In wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) equipped with sludge digestion and dewatering systems, the reject water originating from these facilities contributes significantly to the nitrogen load of the activated sludge tanks, to which it is typically recycled. In this paper, the impact of reject water streams on the performance of a WWTP is assessed in a simulation study, using the Benchmark Simulati

The prognostic information of DNA ploidy and S-phase fraction may vary with histologic grade in endometrial carcinoma

DNA ploidy and S-phase fraction (SPF) were determined by flow cytometry on paraffin-embedded tumor material from 243 patients treated during 1980-1985. Patients with well differentiated and moderately differentiated tumors without solid areas (n = 351) formed a low-risk group (corrected 5-year survival 90%). Twenty-four patients, dead of disease within 5 years, were compared with 52 survivors. The

First-trimester diagnosis on chorionic villi obtained by direct vision technique

An improved technique for direct vision chorionic biopsy that gives a clear view of the amniotic sac was developed. With this technique, used in 48 women prior to vacuum aspiration and in six cases for diagnosis (karyotyping or enzyme analysis), it was possible to obtain chorionic villi free from contamination by maternal tissue. It was also possible to pick out villi (rich in blood vessels and wi

Assessment of work postures and movements using a video-based observation method and direct technical measurements

The aim was to study postures and movements during repetitive work using video-based observations and direct technical measurements (inclinometers and goniometers). A total of 21 healthy women from a poultry processing plant volunteered. Neck flexion > 20 degrees was registered during 92% of the recorded time with the observation method, while the corresponding value measured with the inclinometer

Hypoglycemic brain injury. II. Electron-microscopic findings in rat cerebral cortical neurons during profound insulin-induced hypoglycemia and in the recovery period following glucose administration

Severe hypoglycemia was induced in rats by insulin. The brain was fixed in situ by perfusion after the spontaneous EEG had disappeared for 30 or 60 min or after recovery had been induced for 30 or 180 min by glucose injection. Samples from the cerebral cortex from the area corresponding to the previous metabolic studies were processed for electron microscopy. The light-microscopic finding of two d

Coupling of ligand binding and dimerization of helix-loop-helix peptides: Spectroscopic and sedimentation analyses of calbindin D-9k EF-hands

Isolated Ca2+-binding EF-hand peptides have a tendency to dimerize. This study is an attempt to account for the coupled equilibria of Ca2+-binding and peptide association for two EF-hands with strikingly different loop sequence and net charge. We have studied each of the two separate EF-hand fragments from calbindin D-9k. A series of Ca2+-titrations at different peptide concentrations were monitor

Participation of Ras and extracellular regulated kinase in the hyperplastic response of middle-ear mucosa during bacterial otitis media

Hyperplasia of middle-ear mucosa (MEM) during otitis media (OM) is thought to be partially mediated by the actions of growth factors and their receptors. The intracellular pathway leading from the small G-protein Ras to the extracellular regulated kinases (Erks) often links growth factor stimulation to cellular proliferation. This study assessed whether this pathway is involved in MEM hyperplasia

Isolation of alkylresorcinols: Classical and supercritical CO2 extraction methods

This chapter focuses on the use of different methods for isolation of alkylresorcinols. Alkylresorcinols are members of a lipid group called non-isoprenoid phenolic lipids. Different aspects of the extraction by classical methods and supercritical CO2 are discussed. Supercritical CO2 extraction of alkylresorcinols from rye bran is discussed for the first time. As compared to the classical extracti

Robust decision-making under severe uncertainty for conservation management

In-conservation biology it is necessary to make management decisions for endangered and threatened species under severe uncertainty. Failure to acknowledge and treat uncertainty can lead to poor decisions. To illustrate the importance of considering uncertainty, we reanalyze a decision problem for the Sumatran rhino, Dicerorhinus sumatrensis, using information-gap theory to propagate uncertainties

Exploiting online in-situ ammonium, nitrate and phosphate sensors in full-scale wastewater plant operation

In-situ nutrient sensors are now a proven technology. Having ion membranes eliminates the need for ultrafiltration, and consequently the sensors can be located at suitable places in any of the reactors. This gives the potential for new control structures for the control of nitrification, denitrification, and phosphorus removal. In the paper some examples of such controllers are demonstrated as use