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Genome and Transcriptome Analyzes in the Ectomycorrhizal Fungus Paxillus involutus

Mycorrhizal symbioses are formed between plant root systems and compatible fungal hyphae that results in a complex mixed structure. They are found in all ecosystems and with the majority of land plants such as forest trees or crops that are of commercial interest. Mutual exchange of nutrients between the two symbionts is central to the successful functioning of the symbioses. In order to understan

Fabrication, Simulation and Performance of Ultra-Thin Silicon Detectors-Development of a Detection System for Living Cell Irradiation

Popular Abstract in Swedish Strålningsterapi är en viktig metod för att behandla många cancertyper och man söker konstant efter olika sätt att förbättra användningen av joniserande strålning vid behandling. Radiobiologisk forskning för cancerterapi söker att förbättra vår förståelse för hur joniserande strålning verkar på olika livsformer. Idag finns det många sätt att utröna en behandlings inverkFor the development of a Single–Ion Hit Facility (SIHF) for living cells irradiation at the Lund Ion Beam Analysis facility (LIBAF), newly developed pre-cell detectors have been investigated. These detectors can determine the number of ions reaching the sample. Central to the thesis is their fabrication and characterization. Two different detectors ’ Design A and Design B’ were fabricated with thi

Women’s Agency in Transforming Religious Discourse: Gender-Sensitive Interpretations of Islam in Indonesia

The purpose of this article is to present and analyse gender sensitive interpretations of Islam in Indonesia and a reform of fiqh from a gender perspective. These interpretations can be seen as an expression of Islamic feminism, a discursive framework that has grown from the Islamisation processes of Muslim societies in the 1980s. Another aim is to depict the specific Indonesian environment where

Classification of Wolf-Rayet stars in NGC 595 in M 33 through high-spatial resolution observations

NGC 595 is, after NGC 604, the second most luminous HII region in theMilky Ways neighbouring spiral galaxy M 33. Its Wolf-Rayet starcontent has mainly been unveiled by two different channels. On the onehand, the stellar population of NGC 595 has been resolved and its WRstars identified through on-line/off-line HeIIlambda4686 observationsrealised with the HST. Nevertheless, due to the limited numbe

Continuous-Time Identification

This chapter considers the problem of estimation of the transfer function of a continuous-time dynamic system in the presence of colored noise. Whereas parameter estimation can be made by means of a discrete-time maximum-likelihood algorithm, an operator transformation permits a continuous-time model parameterization. The method is useful in cases where it is important to estimate the coefficients

Welcome Home Mr Swanson : Swedish Emigrants and Swedishness on Film

Between 1840 and 1940, more than one million people emigrated from Sweden to America. The fact that so many chose to leave to seek a better life across the Atlantic was a major trauma for the Swedish nation. Filmmakers were not slow to pick up on an exodus that proved to be of lasting importance for the Swedes’ national identity. In Welcome Home Mr Swanson, film studies scholar Ann-Kristin Walleng

‘Product Appearance, Emotions and Identity: Personal Relations with Significant Products Described by Young Adults with Disabilities’

Today we use products to shape our identity, by communicating to others who we are and what we want to be. Using products for communication of identity seems especially important for young adults. Persons with disabilities live with double identities. Sometimes it is important to be a person with a disability (e.g., someone in contact with health care and other welfare systems in society), while a

IS Evaluation in the Fusion View : An Emergence Perspective

Different theories have changed the way we address to technol-ogy. In the debate on the core of Information System (IS), El Sawy identi-fied three faces of IS views: connection, immersion, and fusion. El Sawy contends that it may be time for a natural shift of emphasis from the con-nection view to the immersion view to the fusion view as IT continues to morph and augment its capabilities. In the f

Probabilistic Semantics for a Discussive Temporal Logic

The paper introduces a probabilistic semantics for the paraconsistent temporal logic Ab presented by the authors in a previous work on future contingents. Probabilistic concepts help framing two possible interpretations of the logic in question - a `subjective' and an `objective' one - and explaining the rationale behind both of them. We also sketch a proof-method for Ab and address some considera

Structural Studies of Polyamine Biosynthesis Enzymes: Potential Targets for Drugs against Tropical Parasites

Two enzymes involved in the biosynthesis of polyamines, ornithine decarboxylase (ODC, from human and Leishmania donovani) and spermidine synthase (SPDS, from Plasmodium falciparum and Caenorhabditis elegans) were studied using biochemical methods, homology modelling and X-ray crystallography. ODC catalyses the first and committed step in polyamine biosynthesis, the decarboxylation of ornithine to