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Why childhood-onset type 1 diabetes impacts labour market outcomes : a mediation analysis
Aims/hypothesis: Previous studies show a negative effect of type 1 diabetes on labour market outcomes such as employment and earnings later in life. However, little is known about the mechanisms underlying these effects. This study aims to analyse the mediating role of adult health, education, occupation and family formation. Methods: A total of 4179 individuals from the Swedish Childhood Diabetes
Smoking and alcohol cessation intervention in relation to radical cystectomy : A qualitative study of cancer patients' experiences
Background: Despite smoking and risky alcohol drinking being modifiable risk factors for cancer as well as postoperative complications, perioperative cessation counselling is often ignored. Little is known about how cancer patients experience smoking and alcohol interventions in relation to surgery. Therefore the aim of this study was to explore how bladder cancer patients experience a perioperati
Biogas Production from Lignocellulosic Biomass : Impact of pre-treatment, co-digestion, harvest time and inoculation
Biogas or methane production through anaerobic digestion (AD) is gaining increasing attention worldwide due to concerns over global warming, energy security and the need for sustainable waste management. AD of lignocellulosic biomass is one facet that is highly appreciated since the conflict over biomass for food/feed or energy can be avoided. As a result the need for non-food based lignocellulosi
When Bereaved of Everything : Objects from the Concentration Camp of Ravensbrück as Expressions of Resistance, Memory, and Identity
When survivors from the Ravensbrück concentration camp arrived in Sweden in spring 1945, some of the objects they brought with them from the camp were collected and preserved. These are modest in appearance, but were – as oral testimonies show – invaluable in camp. The concentration camp context of obliteration stretches the limits of interpretation of material culture to its extreme. In this arti
Understanding barriers to energy-efficiency renovations of multifamily dwellings
We have studied how energy efficiency is discussed by professionals during renovation of multifamily dwellings, in order to capture how barriers in relation to energy measures are appearing, disappearing and transformed during the process. We did participatory observations of renovation meetings, conducted interviews with the involved professionals and studied-related documents. Our intentions hav
Ultra-high-speed PLIF imaging for simultaneous visualization of multiple species in turbulent flames
In order to obtain more detailed characteristics and information in highly turbulent flames, for a better understanding of the transient behavior of eddies in such flames, a measurement technique with sufficient temporal resolution is requested. However, the probing of species distributions relevant in combustion (e.g. OH, CH2O) with ultra-high-speed laser diagnostics still remains a challenge. Nd
An inter-observer Ki67 reproducibility study applying two different assessment methods : on behalf of the Danish Scientific Committee of Pathology, Danish breast cancer cooperative group (DBCG)
Introduction: In 2011, the St. Gallen Consensus Conference introduced the use of pathology to define the intrinsic breast cancer subtypes by application of immunohistochemical (IHC) surrogate markers ER, PR, HER2 and Ki67 with a specified Ki67 cutoff (>14%) for luminal B-like definition. Reports concerning impaired reproducibility of Ki67 estimation and threshold inconsistency led to the initiatio
Simultaneous rejection of signals below and above the Nyquist frequency
This paper studies the disturbance rejection problem for sampled-data control systems, where disturbance signal occurs below and above the Nyquist frequency simultaneously. Two discrete-time controllers are designed via H∞ optimal control in two steps; at first a controller is designed to reject the low-frequency components, and then we construct the generalized plant including the first controlle
Linking adaptation research and practice : A report submitted to Defra as part of the Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Cross-Regional Research Programme
No implant migration and good subjective outcome of a novel customized femoral resurfacing metal implant for focal chondral lesions
Purpose: Managing focal cartilage injuries in the middle-aged patient poses a challenge. Focal prosthetic inlay resurfacing has been proposed to be a bridge between biologics and conventional joint arthroplasty. Patient selection and accurate implant positioning is crucial to avoid increased contact pressure to the opposite cartilage surface. A customized femoral condyle implant for focal cartilag
Calculation models for the transfer of radioactive substances from a deep repository for spent nuclear fuel to the biosphere
This chapter summarizes the state of knowledge about models which describe how radioactive substances from a geological repository can be transferred through ecosystems to flora, fauna and mankind. Radionuclide migration to the biosphere and to man primarily occurs via groundwater flows passing through the repository. For such migration to occur, the integrity of the repository barrier system must
Recension av Patrik Hagman & Joel Halldorf. Inte allena: Varför Luthers syn på nåden, Bibeln och tron inte räcker
Barns behov av information, råd och stöd när en förälder är psykiskt sjuk - på väg mot ett familjefokuserat arbetssätt i vuxenpsykiatrin?
Barnen påverkas när en förälder är psykiskt sjuk. Hälso- och sjukvårdslagenändrades 2010 så att deras behov av information, råd och stöd ska beaktas.Artikeln presenterar en registerstudie som genomfördes 2013 och 2014inom vuxenpsykiatrin i Region Skåne för att undersöka hur lagstiftningenföljs i den kliniska vardagen. Resultaten visade att få insatser gavs i de falldå barnen hade uppmärksammats oc
Scales of governance in carbon sinks global priorities and local realities
Local sustainable development effects of forest carbon projects in Brazil and Bolivia: a view from the field
Earth system science and society: on the anthroposphere
Early osteoarthritis after slipped capital femoral epiphysis : Cartilage degeneration, residual deformity and patient-reported outcome in 25 patients
Background and purpose — Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) results in a more or less pronounced deformity of the proximal femur, sometimes causing impingement and early osteoarthritis. We studied early osteoarthritis after SCFE and the association with deformity and self-reported hip function, pain, and quality of life. Patients and methods — 9 women and 16 men, mean age 32 (21–50) years, 1