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Hydration properties of briquetted wheat straw biomass feedstock

Biomass densification elevates the bulk density of the biomass, providing assistance in biomass handling, transportation, and storage. However, the density and the chemical/physical properties of the lignocellulosic biomass are affected. This study examined the changes introduced by a briquetting process with the aim of subsequent processing for 2nd generation bioethanol production. The hydration Biomass densification elevates the bulk density of the biomass, providing assistance in biomass handling, transportation, and storage. However, the density and the chemical/physical properties of the lignocellulosic biomass are affected. This study examined the changes introduced by a briquetting process with the aim of subsequent processing for 2nd generation bioethanol production. The hydration

Multi-Period Portfolio Selection with Drawdown Control

In this talk, model predictive control (MPC) is used to dynamically optimize an investment portfolio. Thepredictive control is based on multi-period forecasts of the mean and covariance of financial returns from amultivariate hidden Markov model with time-varying parameters. Estimation and forecasting are done using anonline expectation--maximization algorithm. There are computational advantages t

Multilevel Monte Carlo Methods for Simulated Maximum Likelihood Inference in Multivariate Diffusions

Multilevel Monte Carlo is a novel method for reducing the computational costwhen computing conditional expectations of stochastic processes. This paper considersthe transition density for diffusion processes. It is known that the transitiondensity can be written as an expectation by utilizing the law of total probabilitycombined with the Markov property. This idea is combined with the multilevelMoMultilevel Monte Carlo is a novel method for reducing the computational cost when computing conditional expectations of stochastic processes. This paper considers the transition density for diffusion processes. It is known that the transition density can be written as an expectation by utilizing the law of total probability combined with the Markov property. This idea is combined with the multilev

Exploring perception of vibrations from rail: : An interview study

Rail transport is an environmentally responsible approach and traffic is expected to increase in the coming decades. Little is known about the implications for quality of life of populations living close to railways. This study explores the way in which vibrations from rail are perceived and described by these populations. The study took place in the Västra Götaland and Värmland regions of Sweden.

The power-speed relationship is U-shaped in two free-flying hawkmoths (Manduca sexta)

A flying animal can minimize its energy consumption by choosing an optimal flight speed depending on the task at hand. Choice of flight speed can be predicted by modelling the aerodynamic power required for flight, and this tool has previously been used extensively in bird migration research. For insects, however, it is uncertain whether any of the commonly used power models are useful, as insects

Determinants of Contests in Ugandan Female Ground-Nesting Bees (Tetralonia sp. n.)

Many animals engage in contests with conspecifics for access to resources. Understanding which resources individuals are contesting for, and what influences the outcome is central to our understanding of contest behaviour. We initially observed female bees of the genus Tetralonia (sp. n.) aggressively competing for access to burrows in the ground, without any clear indication of exactly which reso

Rätt och fel om våra pensioner

Det hörs många kritiska röster om våra pensioner. Det påstås ofta att pensionerna är för låga, för beroende av börsutvecklingen, missgynnar kvinnorna eller att systemet är alldeles för krångligt. Har kritikerna rätt? Är det dags att än en gång reformera pensionerna? Det är nu 20 år sedan riksdagen fattade ett principbeslut om ett helt nytt pensionssystem. Pensionssystem är långsiktiga åtaganden. D

Memory and Agency in Intractable Conflicts : Revisited Pasts

This article sketches an analytical framework connecting the literature on conflict transformation with understandings of the role of history and agency in conflicted societies. By focusing on the dissemination of different historical narratives, emphasis falls on endogenous processes and the interaction between inside actors to conflicts. This study moves beyond the many conflict studies with com

Modeling and Optimization of Reversed-Phase Chromatography : Effects of Modulators and Temperature

Many widespread diseases, such as diabetes, various types of cancer, and aggressive versions of influenza, are treated or prevented with biopharmaceuticals. Biopharmaceuticals are drugs that are based on proteins, peptides, antibodies, attenuated viruses (vaccines), and other biomolecules that are synthesized predominately in bacteria, yeast, and mammalian cells. The first biopharmaceutical was in

“If really we are committed things can change, starting from us” : Healthcare providers’ perceptions of postpartum care and its potential for improvement in low-income suburbs in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Objective To explore healthcare providers’ perceptions of the current postpartum care (PPC) practice and its potential for improvement at governmental health institutions in low-resource suburbs in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Design Qualitative design, using focus group discussions (8) and qualitative content analysis. Setting Healthcare institutions (8) at three levels of governmental healthcare in

Improved postpartum care after a participatory facilitation intervention in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania : A mixed method evaluation

Background: In order to improve the health and survival of mothers/newborns, the quality and attendance rates of postpartum care (PPC) must be increased, particularly in low-resource settings. Objective: To describe outcomes of a collegial facilitation intervention to improve PPC in government-owned health institutions in a low-resource suburb in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. Methods: A before-and-afte

Australian, Irish and Swedish women's perceptions of what assisted them to breastfeed for six months : exploratory design using critical incident technique

BACKGROUND: Breastfeeding initiation rates in some developed countries are high (98 % in Sweden and 96 % in Australia) whereas in others, they are not as favourable (46 % to 55 % in Ireland). Although the World Health Organization recommends exclusively breastfeeding for six months, 15 % of Australian women, 11 % of Swedish women and less than 7 % of Irish women achieve this goal. Awareness of wha

Prenatal attachment and its association with foetal movement during pregnancy – A population based survey

Objective To investigate the association between the magnitude of foetal movements and level of prenatal attachment within a 24 h period among women in the third trimester of pregnancy. Design a prospective population-based survey. Setting A county in central Sweden. Participants Low risk pregnant women from 34 to 42 weeks gestation, N = 456, 299 multiparous and 157 primiparous women. Measurements

Depressive symptoms among older adults with long-Term spinal cord injury : Associations with secondary health conditions, sense of coherence, coping strategies and physical activity

Objectives: To assess the presence of depressive symptoms among older adults with long-Term spinal cord injury and investigate the association with sociodemographic and injury characteristics; and to determine how potentially modifiable factors, i.e. secondary health conditions, sense of coherence, coping strategies and leisure-Time physical activity, are associated with depressive symptoms. Desig

Poetics of everyday creativity : The visual articulation on space by the collectives in Bandung, Indonesia

Manuel Castells’ notion of the city in the 1980s as a social product resulted from contradiction of interests and values is getting more evidenced recently. This indicates the need to understand the contemporary urban lives from various area of inquiry, including the everyday life of city dwellers of the so-called creative city like Bandung in West Java, Indonesia. Despite the debates on creative

Rebuilding research capacity in fragile states : The case of a Somali–Swedish global health initiative

This paper presents an initiative to revive the previous Somali–Swedish Research Cooperation, which started in 1981 and was cut short by the civil war in Somalia. A programme focusing on research capacity building in the health sector is currently underway through the work of an alliance of three partner groups: six new Somali universities, five Swedish universities, and Somali diaspora profession