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MOONS: the Multi-Object Optical and Near-infrared Spectrograph for the VLT

MOONS (the Multi-Object Optical and Near-infrared Spectrograph) has been selected by ESO as a third-generation instrument for the Very Large Telescope (VLT). The light grasp of the large collecting area offered by the VLT (8.2m diameter), combined with the large multiplex and wavelength coverage (optical to near-IR: 0.8 -1.8 mu m) of MOONS will provide the European astronomical community with a po

Measurement-Based Analysis: The Effect of Complementary Antennas and Diversity on Vehicle-to-Vehicle Communication

In vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication systems the antennas are prone to shadowing and the antenna gain is dissimilar even for same antenna elements if mounted at different positions on the car. This paper investigates the impact of antenna placement based on channel measurements performed with four omni-directional antennas mounted on the roof, bumper, windscreen and left-side mirror of the tr

Clustering of MS spectra for improved protein identification rate and screening for protein variants and modifications by MALDI-MS/MS

It is an established fact that allelic variation and post-translational modifications create different variants of proteins, which are observed as isoelectric and size subspecies in two-dimensional gel based proteomics. Here we explore the stromal proteome of spinach and Arabidopsis chloroplast and show that clustering of mass spectra is a useful tool for investigating such variants and detecting

Storage and Recall of Weak Coherent Optical Pulses with an Efficiency of 25%

We demonstrate experimentally an efficient coherent rephasing scheme for the storage and recall of weak coherent light pulses in an inhomogeneously broadened optical transition in a Pr3+: YSO crystal at 2.1 K. Precise optical pumping using a frequency stable (approximate to 1 kHz linewidth) laser is employed to create a highly controllable atomic frequency comb structure. We report single photon l

Water Adsorption at the Tetrahedral Titania Surface Layer of SrTiO3(110)-(4 × 1).

The interaction of water with oxide surfaces is of great interest for both fundamental science and applications. We present a combined theoretical (density functional theory (DFT)) and experimental (scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and photoemission spectroscopy (PES)) study of water interaction with the two-dimensional titania overlayer that terminates the SrTiO3(110)-(4 × 1) surface and consi

Human immunoglobulin constant heavy G chain (IGHG) (Fcγ) (GM) genes, defining innate variants of IgG molecules and B cells, have impact on disease and therapy.

The distinguished alternative GM allotypes localized in immunoglobulin constant heavy G chain IGHG (Fcγ) (GM) genes on chromosome 14q32.3 define two unique variants of respectively IgG3, IgG1 and IgG2 subclasses, with different structures and functions. The IGHG allele (allotypes), expressed in homozygous or heterozygous forms, are assessed by new serological methods. Fixed combinations of γ3, γ1

Measurement Techniques for Respiratory Tract Deposition of Airborne Nanoparticles: A Critical Review.

Abstract Determination of the respiratory tract deposition of airborne particles is critical for risk assessment of air pollution, inhaled drug delivery, and understanding of respiratory disease. With the advent of nanotechnology, there has been an increasing interest in the measurement of pulmonary deposition of nanoparticles because of their unique properties in inhalation toxicology and medicin

Complications to Cerebrospinal Fluid Drainage and Predictors of Spinal Cord Ischemia in Patients With Aortic Disease Undergoing Advanced Endovascular Therapy

Objective: To study the complications after cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) drainage and predictors of spinal cord ischemia (SCI) after advanced endovascular therapy with CSF drainage for complex aortic disease. Methods: Between 2009 and 2012, 88 attempts of CSF drainage insertions/84 operations/83 patients, of the 658 operations for aortoiliac diseases, were performed. Results: Indications for therapy

Studies on the interaction between vitamin K-dependent protein S and complement regulator C4b-binding protein: localization of binding sites and identification of a possible function of the complex.

Complement is a cascade-like system that is part of the innate immune defence. It is an explosive system, potentially harmful also for the host cells, and needs to be strictly regulated. An important down-regulator of complement is C4b-binding protein (C4BP). C4BP contains two different types of subunits, seven identical a-chains and one unique P-chain. The alpha-chains bind to C4b, C4BP's target

Regulation of mitogen-induced lymphocyte DNA synthesis by human interferon of different origins

Human fibroblast and leukocyte interferons were found to suppress lymphocyte mitogenesis induced by optimal doses of phytohemagglutinin and concanavalin A. In certain situations (low doses of mitogen and/or low doses of interferon), however, interferon significantly enhanced mitogenesis. In experiments using varying concentrations of interferon, dose-response curves with different slopes were obta

The coordination of uranyl in water: A combined quantum chemical and molecular simulation study

The coordination environment of uranyl in water has been studied using a combined quantum mechanical and molecular dynamics approach. Multiconfigurational wave function calculations have been performed to generate pair potentials between uranyl and water. The quantum chemically determined energies have been used to fit parameters in a polarizable force field with an added charge transfer term. Mol

Fuktdimensionering ger fuktsäkrare byggnader (informationsskrift i serien: Fuktsäkerhet i byggnader)

Bygg rätt från början är ett centralt motto om man vill bygga ett sunt hus. Fuktdimensionering är en hjälp för att lyckas med detta. Fukt orsakar ofta dålig innemiljö och kostnaden för att åtgärda fuktskador uppgår till miljardbelopp årligen. Genom att använda den kunskap som finns skulle de vanligaste fuktproblemen kunna undvikas. Kunskapen finns dokumenterad bl a i serien Fuktsäkerhet i byggnade

Epicardial and endocardial dispersion of ventricular repolarization. A study of monophasic action potential mapping in healthy pigs.

Objectives. To investigate the total dispersion of ventricular repolarization of the epi- and endocardium. Design. Monophasic action potentials (MAP) were recorded from 211 +/- 54 (151-353) left and right ventricular epi- and endocardial sites during atrial pacing in 10 pigs using the CARTO system. The activation time (AT), MAP duration (MAPd) and end of repolarization time (EOR) were measured. Re

Assessments of PSA Forms and hK2 as Very Early Predictors of Prostate Cancer

Popular Abstract in Swedish Prostatacancer är den bland män vanligast förekommande cancerformen i Sverige. Under 2003 diagnostiserades 9882 nya fall. Sjukdomen drabbar framför allt äldre individer; många män är 70 år gamla eller äldre när de får diagnosen. Sjukdomsförloppet kan vara mycket varierande. Hos många är tumörtillväxten långsam, men sjukdomen kan också utvecklas snabbt. Många patienter lConcentrations of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and human kallikrein 2 (hK2) were investigated in blood samples that had been obtained from men who were diagnosed with prostate cancer (PCa) decades later. The studies were based on a cohort comprising 22,444 men who, in 1974?1986, were early middle aged and represented a non-PCa-screened population. The results clearly demonstrate a very strong c