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Electronic Structure of Transition Metal Complexes in Silicon

This thesis consists of experimental studies of the electronic of electronic structure of the transition metals Au and Pt, and the transition metal complexes, FeIn, PtLi, and AuLi in silicon. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, photoconductivity, uniaxial stress- and Zeeman spectroscopy are employed. The excitation spectrum of the FeIn pair in silicon is observed for the first time. Two sets

Kunskapskulturer och etik i arkeologisk utbildning och forskning

Although political governance guides education and research, there are options for researchers, educators and curators to act in the spirit of academic freedom. The deontological ethical guidelines stabilize the archaeological establishment no matter what kind of work. The utilitarian dimensions within archaeological research and higher education open up for critical thinking.Twisting and turning,

Burns in Zimbabwe. Epidemiology, Immunosuppression, Infection and Surgical Management

Popular Abstract in Swedish Brännskador orsakade av eld, hett vatten, ånga, frätande kemikalier och elektricitet förekommer i hela världen men det är utvecklingsländerna som är värst drabbade av dessa olyckor. Av de dödsfall från brännskador som rapporterades år 1998 kom 98 % från utvecklingsländer enligt världshälsoorganisationen (WHO). Andelen dödsfall från den afrikanska kontinenten utgjorde 24Background: The burden of burn injuries is in developing countries, the majority of deaths (98%) related to fire burns are in developing countries.These injuries are associated with poverty and are mainly related to accidents with fires in the home environment. Aims: The aims of the thesis were to record the risk factors, causes, magnitude and outcome of burn treatment as well as establish circums

Och nu börjar historien : Hjalmar Söderbergs novellkonst

Hjalmar Söderberg (1869–1941) published some seventy short stories in five collections, Historietter (1898), Främlingarna (1903), Det mörknar öfver vägen (1907), Den talangfulla draken (1913) and Resan till Rom (1929). The present study explores Söderberg’s short fiction from a genre-historical and genre-theoretical perspective. It investigates the characteristic traits of Söderberg’s short-story

Vilhelm Moberg tar ställning. En studie av hans journalistik och tidsaktuella diktning.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Journalistiken var genom alla år en vital del av Vilhelm Mobergs gärning, men den utgör en del av hans författarskap som inte tidigare ägnats en separat vetenskaplig studie. Avhandlingens syfte är att genom en studie av ett tidigare förbisett material bidra till att ge en fördjupad bild av ett centralt svenskt författarskap. Avhandlingen belyser Mobergs opinionsbildandeVilhelm Moberg (1898-1973) is one of the most well-known Swedish writers of the 20th century. In this dissertation attention is directed to his extensive journalism, a less well-known side of his authorship. The dissertation brings out and sheds light on a large number of his newspaper articles. An equally important part of his writing is his short controversial pamphlets. He also gave a large num

Property-Oriented Information Systems for Design Prototypes for the BAS•CAAD system

Popular Abstract in Swedish Egenskapsorienterade system (eng: property-oriented) är en ny slags informationssystem som är baserade på begrepp för egenskaper istället för begrepp för ting eller klasser av ting. Genom att fokusera på egenskaper, kan de egenskapsorinterade systemen göras mer flexibla och mer lämpade för de tidiga skedena av design än de traditionella klassorienterade systemen kan varProperty-oriented systems are a new kind of information systems that are based on concepts of properties instead of concepts of things or classes of things. By focusing on properties, the property-oriented systems become more flexible and more suited to the dynamic early stages of design than the traditional class-oriented systems can be. The theoretical framework for property-oriented systems de

The Molecular Architecture of the Chloroplast Thylakoid Membrane. Mapping of protein complexes in different structural domains and effect of light induced protein phosphorylation on domain composition.

Non-detergent procedure for isolation of sub-thylakoid vesicle populations derived from different structural domains of the chloroplast thylakoid membrane has been developed. Sub-thylakoid vesicles representing the grana, grana core, stroma lamellae and the grana margins have been isolated and their protein composition has been investigated. Furthermore a novel non-detergent procedure for investig

To See or Not to See a Sexually Abused Child in a Picture

Popular Abstract in Swedish Sexuella övergrepp väcker starka känslor hos oss. Ibland tycks känslorna bli så svåra att vi försöker utestänga den plågsamma verkligheten genom att "blunda" för faktum. För att studera hur människor handskas med förekomsten av ett sexuellt övergrepp på ett barn i en bild, framställdes en bild, som avsåg att visa ett sådant övergrepp. Bilden visades för ett stort antal This investigation comprises five studies of factors determining adults' interpretations of a picture (Threat), drawn to represent sexual abuse of a child. The sexes of the two persons in the picture were on purpose drawn ambiguously. In Study I, the Threat picture was interpreted by 515 undergraduates in three experiments, all resulting in the same four interpretation categories, and similar freq

Securitising sovereignty? States, refugees, and the regionalisation of international law

At first sight, international law seems to uphold both state sovereignty and individual sovereignty. The existence and autonomy of a state are secured by the obligation on other states to respect its territorial integrity and the prohibition on intervening in other states’ domestic affairs. At the individual level, internationally guaranteed human rights serve comparable functions: they secure a m