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Your search for "*" yielded 533530 hits
Life cycle management from a service perspective: A case of community-based services for households
Comparison of diagnostic performance and fixation control of two automated perimeters
Vad menar vi med tillgänglighet? Problematisering av problematiska begrepp.
Numerical investigation of the drying process of silica gel in supercritical carbon dioxide
Towards a transnational system of supersites for forest monitoring and research in Europe - an overview on present state and future recommendations
The CD40 Receptor - Target,Tool and Technology
Popular Abstract in Swedish Vårt immunförsvar arbetar konstant med att skydda kroppen från olika föremål, t. ex. bakterier, virus, gifter och cancertumörer, som kan orsaka skada eller sjukdom. För att kunna försvara kroppen mot sådana föremål så har immunförsvaret tillgång till flera, oerhört effektiva, vapen. Det viktigt att immunförsvaret känner igen, och endast angriper, skadliga föremål, så atCD40 is a cell surface receptor of pivotal importance that is expressed on several of the cells in the immune system. It is critical for many important events, such as T cell dependent B cell activation, isotype switching, somatic mutation and generation of B cell memory. The central role of CD40 in the immune system makes it an ideal target for antibody based immunotherapy. This led us to charact
Auditors’ Liability for Damages
Design for Easy Access to Buildings by Physically Disabled Persons
About one in ten persons is born with, or develops, a physical, sensory or mental impairment. When this stops a person from participating in normal life, it becomes a handicap. The aim of this Building Issue is to help create physical environments, particularly in public buildings, that support people with physical and sensory impairments, so that they do not become handicapped. This report identi
A framework for modelling the sealing process
Co-evolution in Constructing Regional Advantage: Exploring the Multiple Roles of Lund University in Strengthening the Regional Innovation System in Scania
Application of joint inversion and fuzzy c-means cluster analysis for road pre-investigations
Hur mycket ansvar har gängmedlemmen för brottet?
In situ studies of Pd and Rh model catalyst
Bemötandeprojektet Lunds universitets bibliotek 2013
A CMOS current amplifier for biological sensors
Accessibility Is Not Enough - What about Feelings in Universal Design?
There is nothing such as a standard person and a product will always exist in a context. It is of democratic importance to be able to take part in society on an equal level. Non-discriminating design tries to meet the diversity among users when new design solutions are created. Although functionality will remain an es-sential precondition for user satisfaction with products and market success, emo