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Effects of cooling on muscle function and duration of stance phase during gait

Introduction: Cold exposure alters muscular function. Muscle cooling influences the neuromuscular activation during maximal isometric voluntary contractions (MVC) and the amplitude of surface electromyography (sEMG) [1],[2]. It also slows down the mechanical process during contraction [3]. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of local cooling in cold water at 10 °C for 20 min i

Towards a Typology of the Roles of Logistics Service Providers as Supply chain Integrators

Increased logistics outsourcing and importance of supply chain integration (SCI) have attracted our interest in studying how logistics service providers (LSPs) are viewed as contributors to SCI and to their clients' performance. On the basis of LSPs? roles as they emerge from SCI-performance literature and from analysis of LSP-websites on how they communicate their role(s), we discuss how this dif

Subjunctive Facts and the Agent-Neutral/Relative Reason Distinction

Elsewhere I have argued that the notion of a normative agent-neutral reason is undermined by certain views on reasons; the existence of agent-neutral reasons can be questioned. Here I shall not repeat my doubts but rather address a way of expressing the distinction that I had not considered and which would, if correct, put an end to my worries about the soundness of this dichotomy. The idea, which

E-commerce effects on packaging logistics research

The new Department of Design Sciences was established as a result of the reorganisation of the Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University. The main ambition of this new department is to facilitate interdisciplinary scientific research and to support the development of new research areas, one of which is packaging logistics where the packaging perspective is used to evaluate and develop logistic

The Phantasticon: The PHANToM for blind people

This paper deals with CERTECs work to use haptics to provide a new way of using computers for visually impaired people and people with physical disabilities. We have chosen to call the concept The Phantasticon. CERTEC has developed a set of programs

Pluralistic Ignorance : A Case for Social Epistemology and Epistemic Logic

In this paper the phenomenon of pluralistic ignorance is discussed and it is argued why it is of relevance for epistemic logic and social psychology. Roughly put, pluralistic ignorance is the case when a group of interacting agents all experience a discrepancy between their private opinions and the perceived opinions of the others. After introducing the phenomenon, numerous features of pluralistic

Modelling the development of phyllotactic patterns at the shoot apical meristem of Arabidopsis thaliana

Popular Abstract in Swedish Fyllotaxi är läran om blad, löv, och andra växtorgans placering. Ordet fyllotaxi har sitt ursprung i de grekiska orden för 'blad' och 'organisation', och mönsterbildning i växter har studerats sedan antiken. Mönster i naturen har alltid intresserat människan och fantasieggande kopplingar till matematiken gör sig ständigt till känna. I många växter bildar växtorgan mönstThe study of phyllotactic patterns have a long history, but the bulk of our detailed understanding of developmental processes in plants comes from research conducted in the last thirty or forty years. New modern techniques have made it possible to study plants in ways that previously was not possible. Using confocal microscopy it is possible to generate three-dimensional stacks of images of a plan

Inflation Forecasting, Relative Price Variability and Skewness

We aim to forecast U.K. inflation out-of-sample. Our study uses disaggregated quarterly UK consumption data from 1964:1 to 2004:3. A major finding of our analysis is that inflation forecasts of long time horizons of 1.5-2 years are significantly improved if a measure of symmetry of the price distribution is incorporated into the forecast equation. In contrast, the inclusion of price variability le

Risk and Vulnerability Management of Electrical Distribution Grids

Risk and vulnerability management can serve a very important purpose as a decision support tool for investments and planning of electrical distribution systems. In 2006 amendments to the Swedish Electricity Act came into force, stating that every distribution system operator has to, on a yearly basis, perform a risk and vulnerability analysis regarding security of supply to customers. Furthermore,